Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Executive Summary for Cookie Business
No. 06 Determining water potential of potato tuber cells: the weighing method If a plant cell is in equilibrium with an external solution of such a concentration that there is not net loss or gain of water, the water potential of the external solution will be equal to the water potential of the cell. Use of this fact can be made in estimating the water potential of a plant tissue. Samples of tissue are immersed in a range of external solutions of different strengths. The solution that induces neither an increase nor a decrease in the volume or mass of the tissue has the same water potential as that of the cells in the tissue.The cells to be investigated in this experiment are those of the potato tuber. Changes in mass will be used as an indication of whether the cells are taking up or losing water. Procedure 1. Label six specimen tubes: distilled water, 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 3, 0. 4, 0. 5 mol dm-3. Place approximately one third of a tube of distilled water in the first, and an equal volume of each of a series of sucrose solutions of different strengths and (molarities) in the remainder. Each tube should be firmly stoppered. 2. Using a cork borer and a razor blade, prepare six solid cylinders of potato.Each cylinder should be approximately 10mm in diameter and 12mm long. Slice up each cylinder into six discs of approximately equal thickness. Place each group of discs on a separate piece of filter paper. 3. Weigh each group of discs. (In each case weigh them on the piece of filter paper alone, and subtract the one from the other to get the mass of the discs). Record the mass of each group. 4. Put one group of discs into each of the labelled tubes and as you add each group, record its mass. Stopper the latter firmly and leave for not less than 24 hours. 5.After about 24 hours remove the discs from each tube. Remove any surplus fluid from them quickly and gently with filter paper, using the standardised procedure for all of them. Then re-weigh them. Record the new mass of each group of discs. 6. Graph you r results by plotting the percentage change in mass (change in mass multiplied by 100 divided by original mass) against the molarity of the sucrose solutions. The latter, being the independent variable, should be on the horizontal axis; the former on the vertical axis. 7. Calculate the water potential of the potato cells as follows.Find the point on your graph corresponding to a percentage mass change of zero. The molarity of sucrose corresponding to this zero mass change can now be read from the horizontal axis. From table 4. 1 find the water potential of a sucrose solution of that molarity. That is the water potential of your sample of potato cells. Express your result in a kPa. For consideration 1. Criticise this method of finding the water potential of plant cells. How might it be improved? 2. What was the reason for dividing each cylinder into six discs, and why was it necessary to standardise the procedure for drying the discs? . With what ki nd of plant tissue might it be possible to use a change in volume rather than mass for estimating the water potential? 4. How does the value of the water potential differ from the osmotic potential of the solution in the vacuole? 5. In constructing your graph did you join up the points with straight lines or just a smooth curve? Justify whichever technique you used. |Molarity (mol dm) |Osmotic potential kPa | |0. 5 |-130 | |0. 10 |-260 | |0. 15 |-410 | |0. 20 |-540 | |0. 5 |-680 | |0. 30 |-860 | |0. 35 |-970 | |0. 40 |-1120 | |0. 45 |-1280 | |0. 0 |-1450 | |0. 55 |-1620 | |0. 60 |-1800 | |0. 65 |-1980 | |0. 0 |-2180 | |0. 75 |-2370 | |0. 80 |-2580 | |0. 85 |-2790 | |0. 0 |-3000 | |0. 95 |-3250 | |1. 00 |-3500 | Table4. 1 Relationship between molarity and osmotic potential of sucrose solutions
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Good Night Motel Case
When making his decision, McGregor should consider seriously the negative consequences that his business will experience if he refuses Alward’s offer to fill the motel for the two weekend nights in October, at half the room rate. If McGregor refuses, during that weekend his motel will be at his usual capacity of less than quarter full. With the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! In addition, if he refuses, McGregor’s reputation in the community will suffer, and he will also lose all future business from Alward’s group and other church groups, at regular price.Consequently, Justin McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a special one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. The quantitative factors involved dictate that McGregor should accept Alward’s off er for accommodations for his church group, at half the room rate, for Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27.According to the facts of the case, pre-2008, from October 16 to May 14, the motel was rarely more than a quarter full at any time while post-2008, the motel’s occupancy rates fell 7 to 15 percent year round. In other words, if McGregor refuses Alward’s offer, during that weekend, the motel will be at its usual capacity of less than quarter full. However, with the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! Half-full is better than less than a quarter full, so logic dictates that McGregor must accept Alward’s offer.There will be more guests occupying all rooms at half the rate than if there were regular guests paying the regular price and filling fewer than a quarter of the motel’s rooms. However, this fact means that service costs and maintenance cost will be higher with Alward’s group than with reg ular customers. In other words, with the motel being at full capacity, McGregor’s maintenance and cleaning staff will be a lot busier than usual, servicing a motel at full capacity.Paying for the maintenance and cleaning of all rooms at the motel will further decrease the amount of money that McGregor will make from Alward’s group. In other words, in strict quantitative terms, Alward’s offer is a bad idea for McGregor. However, in the small resort community where the motel is located, quantitative factors are not everything. McGregor will suffer all sorts of negative consequences from church groups and other members of the community if he refuses Alward’s offer. Therefore, the prudent thing to do is to accept Alward’s offer with two conditions. The opportunity costIn fact, McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a speci al one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. Considering that McGregor and his wife run the motel, which is their source of livelihood, these two conditions are reasonable. In addition, McGregor should make sure to ask Alward to impress upon his church group that the fact they are paying half the regular motel price means that the church group will receive half the regular service!This means that the church group guests must be clean and tidy, and they must not depend on the motel’s maintenance people. In theory, none of this should be a problem, especially with a group of church people, who are supposed to be kind, understanding, cooperative, and so on. In any case, the fact that the church group will stay for only two days means that they most likely won’t make huge messes, so McGregor will not have to pay his cleaning crew to repair. In addition, the church group guests will probably spend most of their time during the day at the church a nd go to the motel mostly to sleep.All these facts are only fair to McGregor, whose livelihood depends on that motel, at a time of a weak national economy. Being â€Å"a good man†(p. 3), Alward must surely understand all these facts. As a result, if I were McGregor, I would respectfully explain all these facts to Alward, appeal to his sense of fairness, and ask for his cooperation. The qualitative factors that McGregor should consider have to do with Grand Bend, which is a small resort community. Refusing to accommodate a church group would bring negative publicity to the Good Night Motel.As a result, McGregor will lose all future business (at regular prices) from Alward’s church group and most likely from other church groups, too. In fact, besides being a good man, Alward is â€Å"well respected in the community†(p. 3). This fact means that McGregor should do all he can to develop a good working relationship with Alward, who will bring more church groups in t he future. If Alward asks for the half-price rate again in the future, McGregor will be in a much better position to refuse.The community people will not be as critical then (in the future, if Alward asks for the half-price deal again) as if they will be if McGregor refuses Alward’s first request. In other words, the resort community is too small for McGregor to decide solely based on the numbers. Reputation is very important in such communities, especially when church people are concerned. They tend to travel and spread the news about which businesses are customer-centered and which are money-centered, to put the matter simply.In general, when making a decision, managers need to consider the opportunity cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the sacrifice of the best alternative for a given action. An (accounting) expense is a cost incurred to generate a revenue†(p. 24). Since this is a small town, and the church group will stay for only two days, the opportu nity cost will bring more customers for the future. In addition, managers must consider the marginal cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the cost of producing one more unit†(p.28).In terms of cleaning the pool, it will not have an effect since most of the time people will spend in the church, and the only time they will spend in the Good Night Motel is night time only for sleeping purposes. As a result, the only additional cost to accommodate the guess is the cleaning service of the rooms. In addition, McGregor must consider his fixed cost, which is a cost that does not change with an increase or decrease in the amount of goods or services produced.In the final analysis, the fact that Alward is a good man who enjoys the community’s respect and the fact that he works with churches (a central institution in small communities) mean that McGregor can’t afford to refuse to work with Alward. Even if McGregor breaks even, he should still accommodate the chu rch group. If he doesn’t accommodate it, he will suffer all sorts of negative consequences: loss of future business from church groups at regular price, bad publicity in a small resort community, and so on. In other words, the big picture (quantitative factors) is more important in this case. Good Night Motel Case When making his decision, McGregor should consider seriously the negative consequences that his business will experience if he refuses Alward’s offer to fill the motel for the two weekend nights in October, at half the room rate. If McGregor refuses, during that weekend his motel will be at his usual capacity of less than quarter full. With the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! In addition, if he refuses, McGregor’s reputation in the community will suffer, and he will also lose all future business from Alward’s group and other church groups, at regular price.Consequently, Justin McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a special one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. The quantitative factors involved dictate that McGregor should accept Alward’s off er for accommodations for his church group, at half the room rate, for Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27.According to the facts of the case, pre-2008, from October 16 to May 14, the motel was rarely more than a quarter full at any time while post-2008, the motel’s occupancy rates fell 7 to 15 percent year round. In other words, if McGregor refuses Alward’s offer, during that weekend, the motel will be at its usual capacity of less than quarter full. However, with the church group there, paying half the rate, it will be as if the motel were half-full! Half-full is better than less than a quarter full, so logic dictates that McGregor must accept Alward’s offer.There will be more guests occupying all rooms at half the rate than if there were regular guests paying the regular price and filling fewer than a quarter of the motel’s rooms. However, this fact means that service costs and maintenance cost will be higher with Alward’s group than with reg ular customers. In other words, with the motel being at full capacity, McGregor’s maintenance and cleaning staff will be a lot busier than usual, servicing a motel at full capacity.Paying for the maintenance and cleaning of all rooms at the motel will further decrease the amount of money that McGregor will make from Alward’s group. In other words, in strict quantitative terms, Alward’s offer is a bad idea for McGregor. However, in the small resort community where the motel is located, quantitative factors are not everything. McGregor will suffer all sorts of negative consequences from church groups and other members of the community if he refuses Alward’s offer. Therefore, the prudent thing to do is to accept Alward’s offer with two conditions. The opportunity costIn fact, McGregor should accept Alward’s offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so that McGregor can lower his costs; two, this is a speci al one-time deal that will never happen again for Alward or anyone else. Considering that McGregor and his wife run the motel, which is their source of livelihood, these two conditions are reasonable. In addition, McGregor should make sure to ask Alward to impress upon his church group that the fact they are paying half the regular motel price means that the church group will receive half the regular service!This means that the church group guests must be clean and tidy, and they must not depend on the motel’s maintenance people. In theory, none of this should be a problem, especially with a group of church people, who are supposed to be kind, understanding, cooperative, and so on. In any case, the fact that the church group will stay for only two days means that they most likely won’t make huge messes, so McGregor will not have to pay his cleaning crew to repair. In addition, the church group guests will probably spend most of their time during the day at the church a nd go to the motel mostly to sleep.All these facts are only fair to McGregor, whose livelihood depends on that motel, at a time of a weak national economy. Being â€Å"a good man†(p. 3), Alward must surely understand all these facts. As a result, if I were McGregor, I would respectfully explain all these facts to Alward, appeal to his sense of fairness, and ask for his cooperation. The qualitative factors that McGregor should consider have to do with Grand Bend, which is a small resort community. Refusing to accommodate a church group would bring negative publicity to the Good Night Motel.As a result, McGregor will lose all future business (at regular prices) from Alward’s church group and most likely from other church groups, too. In fact, besides being a good man, Alward is â€Å"well respected in the community†(p. 3). This fact means that McGregor should do all he can to develop a good working relationship with Alward, who will bring more church groups in t he future. If Alward asks for the half-price rate again in the future, McGregor will be in a much better position to refuse.The community people will not be as critical then (in the future, if Alward asks for the half-price deal again) as if they will be if McGregor refuses Alward’s first request. In other words, the resort community is too small for McGregor to decide solely based on the numbers. Reputation is very important in such communities, especially when church people are concerned. They tend to travel and spread the news about which businesses are customer-centered and which are money-centered, to put the matter simply.In general, when making a decision, managers need to consider the opportunity cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the sacrifice of the best alternative for a given action. An (accounting) expense is a cost incurred to generate a revenue†(p. 24). Since this is a small town, and the church group will stay for only two days, the opportu nity cost will bring more customers for the future. In addition, managers must consider the marginal cost, which according to our textbook â€Å"is the cost of producing one more unit†(p.28).In terms of cleaning the pool, it will not have an effect since most of the time people will spend in the church, and the only time they will spend in the Good Night Motel is night time only for sleeping purposes. As a result, the only additional cost to accommodate the guess is the cleaning service of the rooms. In addition, McGregor must consider his fixed cost, which is a cost that does not change with an increase or decrease in the amount of goods or services produced.In the final analysis, the fact that Alward is a good man who enjoys the community’s respect and the fact that he works with churches (a central institution in small communities) mean that McGregor can’t afford to refuse to work with Alward. Even if McGregor breaks even, he should still accommodate the chu rch group. If he doesn’t accommodate it, he will suffer all sorts of negative consequences: loss of future business from church groups at regular price, bad publicity in a small resort community, and so on. In other words, the big picture (quantitative factors) is more important in this case. Addendum (Computations) 30 rooms 25% occupancy 8 rooms at $80$640 The rest 22 room at $40 per room22 rooms at $ 40$880 Total Revenue$1520 Additional cleaning Expense ( student Help)2 days 10 hour at $10/hour $200.00 Cleaning and laundry supply $12,070.00 Maintenance supply and expense $11,890.00 Utility including Internet $74,850.00 Total Variable cost per year $98,810.00 Per day $270.71 For two days $541.42 $541.42 Total additional variable cost $741.42 The revenue from the church guests is $880, and additional variable costs associated with accommodations is an extra $741.42.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis of the Link between Violence in Media and Positive Behavior in Children
Analysis of the Link between Violence in Media and Positive Behavior in Children Argument Analysis: A Closer Look at Violent Media The article â€Å"Violent Media is Good for Kids†by Gerad Jones argues that violent media can have positive effects on children. Violent media, much like the title already states, can be good for children. Jones gears his paper to an audience of parents, educators, or other adults that generally think violent media is harmful and has negative effects on children. Throughout the paper, Jones discusses success stories of children he has personally worked with. Violent media is often thought of as deleterious to children. Gerad Jones however, an acclaimed comic book author, begs to differ. Jones’s use of emotional persuasion, diction and establishment of credibility allows him to successfully convince those that believe violent media is harmful to children that violent media does in fact have positive effects on children. Jones is successful in using diction to create an emotional appeal, which ultimately benefits his argument that violent media is good for kids. Jones begins his article with a narrative on his more formative years as a young boy. Jones explains how his parents believed violent mediums were harmful to children, much like the members of his audience. The narrative continues on explaining that the lack of violent mediums in Jones’s life made him hide his â€Å"deepest fears and desires under a nice-boy persona†(par. 1) because his parents â€Å"built a wall between [him] and the crudest elements of American pop culture†(par. 1). The beginning of Jones’s narrative employs a strong use of pathos to connect emotionally with his audience. A sense of sadness is conjured when reading that Jones covered up his true feelings under â€Å"a nice-boy persona.†It is generally agreed that young children should not cover up their feelings, but it is instead healt hier to show how you feel. Therefore reading that Jones hid his true feelings implies that as a 13-year-old boy, Jones was not in a healthy and happy state of mind, thus creating a feeling of sadness. The use of the word â€Å"wall†between Jones and violent media is also unsettling because of the images and connotations the word â€Å"wall†evokes. A wall implies isolation and imprisonment. The audience will view the word â€Å"wall†as Jones being confined against his own good, thus again creating a sense of sadness and pity for adolescent Gerad Jones. This emotional appeal successively forces the audience to re-think if isolating a child from violent media beneficial. In order for the audience to be receptive of Jones’s argument, Jones establishes his credibility by referencing appropriate sources and narrating his personal success stories. Jones cites a doctor of psychology, Melanie Moore, to support his claim that violent media is beneficial to children. Moore explains that feelings like â€Å"fear, greed, power-hunger, rage†(par. 7) are normal human aspects and they can be â€Å"experienced vicariously through stories of others†(par. 7) through violent media. Moore continues to argue â€Å"children need violent entertainment in order to explore the inescapable feelings that theyve been taught to deny†which ultimately results in a â€Å"more resilient self-hood†(par. 7). Referencing a doctor of psychology creates credibility for Jones’s argument because it is generally agreed that a doctor of psychology has vast knowledge and understanding of human emotions and things that can affect human emotions. Moore’s statements parallel Jones’s argument, thus making the argument that violent media is good for children more believable and credible. However, Moore is also Gerad’s research partner. This could cause Moore to have some inherent bias, which would lower the reliability of her statements. A lack of credibility in the argument would create a less receptive audience, thus making the argument unsuccessful. Although Moore is Gerad’s research partner, her statements are still valid, despite the possibility of inherent bias. Jones also increases his credibility by narrating a success story of violent media benefiting a child. It is important to note that Jones uses his personal success stories, which again, has some inherent bias. Jones would not use stories that go against his argument of violent media is good for children. Being able to pick and choose his own success stories decreases the validity of his statements. Nonetheless, they are still success st ories, and ultimately do increase Jones’s credibility. Jones goes on to explain how he helped a young girl positively channel her less conventional emotions and thoughts of violence. Jones â€Å"started helping her tell stories†that were â€Å"sometimes bloody, sometimes tender, always blending the images of pop culture with her most private fantasies.†Through working with Jones, the girl came out of it â€Å"more self-controlled and socially competent†(par. 12). This success story backs the argument that violent mediums can benefit children. The audience will cling on to the fact that the girl was able to better control her emotions through violent mediums because it is an example of how violent media can have positive effects. By Jones including a success story of how violent media has benefited a child he further establishes his argument’s credibility because he has evidence to support his claim. This article was written shortly after the Columbine shooting, where two high school students fired guns during school, causing a deadly massacre. Many adults believed it was violent media that drove these children to violence, so Gerad Jones’s article is controversial in the sense that many adults believed violent media could potentially cause another lethal massacre. However, Gerad Jones was successful in arguing that violent media is good for kids by connecting emotionally with the audience and establishing his credibility. Jones avoided discussing violent mediums that were more grotesque than comic books, like GTA, Halo, etc. It was wise of Jones to do this because his argument would not have been as well received had he began arguing that those forms of violent media were beneficial. Gerad Jones simply wanted to change the way people viewed violent media and for them to begin thinking about its beneficial possibilities. Getting that message across would have been more cha llenging using extreme violent media, which is why Jones stayed mainly with less gruesome violent media. By doing this, Jones is successful in the fact that audience members most likely re-evaluated their position of violent media for children and were able to understand its positive benefits.
The Gait Cycle In Relation To Plantar Corns Essay
The Gait Cycle In Relation To Plantar Corns - Essay Example Karl, B. 2013 (online article) asserts that corns and other plantar calluses cause limitations in walking, inability to carry out daily normal routines as well as an increased risk of falling to those affected. Corns are mainly resolved through a surgical removal that cuts them off. The feet being an organ of movement has to always be on the move with a normal person making 3 000-5 000 steps per day and an active person making 10 000 steps according to Biomechanics of walking 2012. Barney, S. 1995 in an online article asserts that gait simply refers to the style or manner of walking as opposed the actual process of walking. The gait cycle, is the time interval involved for one foot to make a step, it starts when the foot leaves the floor and ends when the same foot returns to the floor. The gait cycle encompasses two stages, the stance and swing stages Barney, S. 1995. The stance stage happens when the foot is on the floor and entails about sixty percent of the walking process. The swing stage happens when one foot is mid-air and the other foot is on the floor. The corn on metatarso-phalangeal joint affects the normal gait pattern resulting to an antalgic or abnormal gait. This leads to adjustments which Whittle, M. 1996 refers to as compensations or consequences. This is because the foot with the corn tends to avert spending the required time interval on the floor.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Oscar Wilde - the Man and his World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Oscar Wilde - the Man and his World - Essay Example Being an editor, he believed that he could move fashionable social circles thereby attracting support from influential women in the society (Dierkes-Thrun, 2012). Oscar Wilde called upon to contribute to the reconstruction of lady’s world magazine which was to basically not just deal with what women wear, but with how they think and feel. The likely contributors of the magazine sought out to write with enthusiasm, with tact and avoid being extravagant and the use of vulgar language. The term lady to some level was viewed ambiguously; Wilde regarded it as having a small taint of vulgarity and extremely misleading because of the eminence of â€Å"woman question†which was a feminist movement. Wilde persisted that the magazine which seemed to be more feminine be re-named to â€Å"woman’s world†(Salamensky 2012, p.132). These changes implied that the term â€Å"lady†which was to be changed to â€Å"woman†was associated with commonness. In 1895 , Wilde in his own words would be interpreted as utterly clear evidence in his scandalous libel and criminal suits that gradually sent him to jail and eventually ended his career. This unfortunate incident did not erase his legacy. His criticism and notes have shaped the society than any other author or poet. Most noticeably, it testifies to the epigrammatic memorability of his statements and declaration and acknowledges the fact that his life meant a personality and a collection of texts and ideas. He fearlessly explored art in relation to everyday life offering unique grounds for examining or testing sexual and social culture during the Victorian era. In 1887’s October issue of the â€Å"lady’s world†the prospectus pointed out the changed names of editors of the November issue. The editors who were listed included Marie Corelli, Olive Schreiner, Mathilde Blind as well as Wilde’s wife Constance and his mother Lady Wilde. In addition, Oscar persuaded som e of the well-known writers to contribute to the witting one of them being Arthur Symons. Arthur’s first essay was on one of the major symbols in the symbolist movement â€Å"Villiers de I ‘isle Adam†which came out after Wilde left the magazine. Wilde was a determined editor of theâ€Å"woman’s world†but his enthusiasm progressively reduced over the following periods. He gradually became less functional arriving late leaving early, and generally handling at his letters carelessly and giving excuses and makeup promises to his failures (Dierkes-Thrun, 2012). Oscar Wilde’s assistant editor Arthur fish viewed the â€Å"woman’s world†magazine as to be the finest with exclusive appeal and attraction to women that was ever been published. The â€Å"woman’s world†editors manage to secure brilliant contributors producing a high level of literary content ever attained by a publishing company of its kind. Articles did not only concentrated on fashion but also devoted to distinguish or bring out women, women’s suffrage and historical events (Wilde & Murray 2000, p. 98). Arthur fish always expressed his sympathy on the views of the â€Å"woman’s world†writers revealing a liberality of thoughts regarding the political aspirations and ambitions of women that were without a doubt sincere. Â
Saturday, July 27, 2019
INTERNATIONAL & CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
INTERNATIONAL & CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING - Essay Example Cross cultural marketing says that marketers should understand that there is very little scope for ethnocentrism in international business. The marketers should also understand that no culture is better than the other. Today ‘cross-culturalization’ is inevitable just like globalization. Therefore the key to the success of the companies in case of international marketing lies in the degree to which the companies can differentiate and understand the cultures of the host nations. The present study has been done in order to analyze the cross cultural and international strategy of Al- Jumeirah. Al- Jumeirah is a UAE based luxury hotel chain. Here the targeted host country has been chosen as China. China has been chosen as it happens to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world since the entry to WTO. Over the course of the study the issues such as factors influencing the entry of Al- Jumeirah in to China; business environment of China; segments to be targeted; demographics ;cultural issues of China has been discussed from an international and cross cultural perspective has been discussed (Kotabe and Helsen, 2008, p. 301). Before entering to China Jumeirah was present was present in economies that are mostly matured and statured in nature including U.K., Germany etc. Such economies usually provide very few opportunities for growth. Add to that the economic downturn provided additional threat to the hotel chain. Therefore in order to combat the fluctuating economic conditions the hotel chain decided to enter an emerging economy like China. In order to attract the foreign companies to invest in the country so that the country can achieve industrialization and economic growth the China entered WTO in the year 2001 after several years of negotiation. As a result the government was bound to follow the WTO trade regulations which meant that
Friday, July 26, 2019
FINANCIAL CRISIS, HOME MORTGAGES, CREDIT MARKETS, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, MORAL HAZARD, ADVERSE SELECTIONS, - Assignment Example Majority of the subprime borrowers were caught unawares, and they were unable to pay off their monthly payments (Bliss, 2010). Furthermore, a rise in foreclosures initiated by financial institutions was able to increase the number of houses within the market. This led to a decline in the housing prices, leading to an increase in thee defaults of mortgages. This default had an adverse effect on financial and depository institutions such as banking organizations. Because subprime borrowers were unable to pay off their loans, banking institutions were forced to write off their debts. Furthermore, because of the defaults of sub-prime borrowers, depository financial institutions were forced to issue a margin call (Read, 2009). This led to an increase in the sale of mortgage backed securities, because of panic. Financial institutions increased their rates of margin calls, resulting to a series of defaults, eventually leading to catastrophic losses by banking organizations. It is estimated that financial institutions in the United States were able to loss approximately 1 trillion dollars, because of the effects of this financial crisis. A company such as AIG insurance was nearly collapsing, and it required a bail out from the US government, in order to sustain its businesses (Read, 2009). AIG insurance was able to receive approximately 85 billion dollars from the federal government, in exchange of 80% of its equity (Bliss, 2010). Jones (2010) explains that one of the factors that led to the near collapse of AIG was an aspect referred to as financial innovation. This is specifically at its London offices. This division encouraged for the use of a financial tool referred to as collateralized debt obligation (CDOs). This was an example of a financial innovation, and it was very popular amongst large financial institutions. This included banking organizations that issue out mortgages, investment banks, and other financial
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Exxon Mobile's Strategy Analysis Research Paper
Exxon Mobile's Strategy Analysis - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the chemicals segment handles manufacturing and sales of petrochemicals. The success and outstanding performance of Exxon Mobil Corporation emerge from several strategies implemented by its management executives. Just to name a few, the Corporation has a strategic management system that provides an elaborate framework for maintaining high standards and performance. This particular analysis paper looks deep into the strategies that Exxon Mobil implements to support its success. Exxon Mobil Corporation is guided by a corporate strategy that guides operation and enhances efficiency in its system. The organization strategy is reliant on the ability to innovate and develop in the new emerging markets by providing new products that suit the changing consumer needs. Ideally, it concentrates on their strong market positioning strategy to exhaust their market segments and fill the niches that can be identified by their competitors. The success arising out of this strategy is dependent on the broad portfolio. Exxon Mobile Corporation has a stronger business portfolio that emphasizes on the long-term profitability of the organization regardless of the volatile nature of the product prices in the industry. Additionally, the corporation relies on diversity strategy in production and sale of its products. Its global diversity principle act as a foundation for the long-term career oriented model to employment. Ideally, skills and expertise of the employees is quite critical to any organization. Competent employees usually work harder to boost the productivity of the organization. Exxon’s approach to employment is not only a relevant model but also a productive model to the general performance of the organization. The method fulfills the desired dreams of the organization through attracting, developing and retaining premier workforce diversity. It arguably fosters a productive work environment and culture where every
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Financl analysis of dareen company Research Paper
Financl analysis of dareen company - Research Paper Example Comparison using ratios over two financial years of Dareen Merchandizing and with industry would provide considerable insight regarding Dareen Merchandizing business performance. 1- PROFIT MARGIN FORMULA = NET INCOME   SALES  (McLaney, 2009) A- RATIO: Ratio DM 2011 Industry 2011 DM 2010 Industry 2010 PROFIT MARGIN =219,030/815000 26.87% 26.00% =136,990/645,000 21.24% 22.00% B- COMMENT ON COMPANY PERFORMANCE AND INDUSTRY TREND 2011- PM-Favorable over industry 2010- PM- Favorable over industry Profit margin in the year 2011 has increased as compared to year 2010. Main reason driving this increase appears to increase in prices as well as sales of the product. Income statement shows sales increased from AED 645,000 in year 2010 to AED 815,000 in year 2011. Increase in price is also clued from comparatively minimal increase in cost goods sold than increase in sales. Increase in sales can be attributed to heavy advertising expenditure incurred from AED 2200 in year 2010 to AED 25000 in 2011. ... C- RECOMMENDATION Increase in sales without similar increase in cost refers that firm has strong control over cost components. However, this increase in sales has a push from high advertising expenditure and hence, firm has room for improvement in this respect. Control over advertising expenses has additional capacity to improve this profitability ratio. Moreover, control over utilities expenses that have increased almost near to double, can also improve net income which will ultimately improve DM’s profitability and will take it ahead of industry profitability margin. Control over these would give some room to decrease price (for instance, seasonal discounts etc) which will further increase sales and would promote profitability positively. 2- INVENTORY TURNOVER FORMULA = SALES   INVENTORY  (McLaney, 2009) A- RATIO: Ratio DM 2011 Industry 2011 DM 2010 Industry 2010 INVENTORY TURNOVER 815,000/170,700 10.00X 645,000/32,470 9.00X 4.77X 19.86X B- COMMENT ON COMPANY PER FORMANCE AND INDUSTRY TREND 2011- IO- Unfavorable over industry 2010- IO- Favorable over industry Inventory turnover ratio of DM doesn’t reflect some healthy picture. In the year 2010 DM had a very minimal inventory in reference to the amount of sales. In the following year of 2011, the amount of retained inventory increased to large extent. It reflects that in both years company had inefficient inventory management. In the former year it must be constantly involved in the buying inventory every few day i.e. every 18 day (360/19.86) which resulted extra exercise, cost and time which could have been invested in other productive exercise. In the year 2011, firm purchased sizeable inventory each time in
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Different ways to compete in the soft drink business Case Study
Different ways to compete in the soft drink business - Case Study Example Through the sales of internet routers, the company managed to raise high revenue of approximately ten billion dollars. However, this was brought to an end in the year 2008 when the demand of products from the company such as internet hardware dropped. At this point, the best action to be taken by any manager who wants to save the company from collapsing is to make adjustment on the business plan and strategies so as to fix the problem. John Chambers was very wise and keen on the issue; after realizing that the market of internet router could not raise the great profits that were required to match the standards of the company, he embarked on another business plan. The plan was to shift in to very new markets and industries. One of the strategies was to expand in a rapid way from the software business and the core internet hardware to the consumer electronic industry. His first step to implement the plan was to associate with companies that were already producing products related to th e internet. The CEO sought to get hold of the companies that dealt with internet bandwidth products so as to increase the consumer demand since this would result in to a high demand for the Cisco`s products. Through John Chambers, Cisco made an announcement in the year 2009 that it would make a payment of $590 for purchasing pure digital for making video camcorders that are more colorful and are pocket sized. This further increased the financial status of Cisco due to the fact that over two million people could access and share the video through the web (Jones & George, 263-264). If I were the manager of Cisco system, I could have done the same things he did or come up with a plan with strategy for implementation that would end up in high performance. It is always believed that better plans always reflects on a bright future for the business and that lack of a business plan results in to hesitations , mistaken business decisions and false steps. Having this in mind, I would make a p lan for a good number of reasons. It`s importance is to give the company proper direction for the right purpose since the plan contains the objectives that the organization has to achieve and the strategies to be used. I believe this would have a great impact on the company so that as soon as the demand of the Internet s products provided by the Cisco Company goes down, then the strategies of the plan would help save the company from collapsing. This could be done by linking the company to other industries that produce items that are the same as the ones produced by Cisco to come up with a better opinion to help increase the consumer demand (Covey, 162). The challenge of proper planning and formulating a proper strategy to implement it was well overcomed by the CEO of Samsung electronics, Lee Kun. In the year 2000, the company which was mainly based in Korea emerged to be in the second position in terms of profit among the companies in global technology coming just after the Microso ft. There were strategies and steps that were followed by the organization which enabled them to attain their targeted goal. Under the guidance of Lee Kun, Samsung electronics developed and built competencies as the first step in the manufacturing of low-priced products. The second step was to put all the efforts in the manufacture of R&D. At the end, the organization used those
The Characteristics of Effective Groups Essay Example for Free
The Characteristics of Effective Groups Essay According to Johnson Johnson (2009), groups are defined as two or more people joined together for a common purpose to achieve a goal and influence each other. There are many different types of groups and groups exist for many reasons. Groups are interdependent â€Å"in the sense that an event which affects one member is likely to affect all†(Johnson Johnson, 2009, Chap. 1, pg. 6). Most groups are structured by a set of roles and norms. These roles define what part members of the group will play along with acceptable behavior of each role. Norms are a set of rules that are established through common beliefs and shared values that control the behavior of the group by defining what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior based on the situation (Johnson Johnson, 2009). This paper will provide an overview of an effective group through my personal experiences, explain roles members have played, and explain how group participation is expressed through verbal and nonverbal communication and leadership. Lastly, this paper will discuss how each of these things have contributed to the group’s effectiveness. Effective Groups Effective groups work together to achieve individual goals and team goals, and foster two-way communication between the leader and team members. The team only succeeds when everyone succeeds and resolve conflict in a constructive manner (Johnson Johnson, 2009). Working together in this setting promotes teamwork and a happy work environment. It also encourages people to be individuals and fosters innovation. Johnson Johnson (2009) have stated in order for an effective group to succeed â€Å"the group must achieve its’ goals, maintain good working relationships among members, and adapt to changing conditions in the surrounding organization†to include internal and external influences (Chap. 1, pg. 24). Roles The roles each member plays in the call center are defined by the job description that states functions a member is to carry out based on their role. The groups are structured in a hierarchy of a call center director who would serve as the group chair, a team of supervisors who would be considered committee chairs to help facilitate the effectiveness of the group, that have 20 direct reports or members. Once the group is organized the leader must establish clear and achievable goals. The goals must be able to satisfy individual needs in order to gain commitment from each member, but the group must also see that these goals cannot be achieved without other members of the group. If the goals are set and they are not attainable then members will feel discouraged and unmotivated to achieve the goals. These goals provide a guideline for the group to work by. Communication Once the goals are established they must be communicated to the group. Communication is a vital part of the group being able to achieve these goals as members must be able to exchange information to reduce misunderstandings and clarify work that needs to be done. Effective communication occurs when the â€Å"sender’s message is interpreted the way the sender intended it†resulting in work being accomplished more accurately and efficiently (Johnson Johnson, 2009, Chap. 4, pg. 133). Two-way communication involves both the sender and receiver engaging in open dialogue and being able to share ideas and feelings, rather than the sender communicating the message to the receiver and limiting the receiver sharing responses. Although two-way communication is more time-consuming this is the method that is used with the effective group at my job to encourage group participation, limit frustration, encourage innovation, and increased productivity. Communication is also delivered through different channels verbally and nonverbally that the receiver will have to interpret. Some of the channels that are used are presentations that can be verbally and nonverbal, face-to- face communication, email, group meetings, questionnaires, surveys, reports, conferences, and more. The receiver will pay attention to pictures, words (spoken and unspoken), body language, facial expressions, seating arrangements to show authority, size of the room, invitees, lighting, props used to facilitate the message, and more. Communication should be clear, informative, and delivered using methods assessable to everyone. Employees should have an opportunity to ask questions and managers should also follow-up with employees to ensure they are on the right track. Leadership and Participation In order to establish an effective group, leadership and participation must be distributed amongst all group members to ensure commitment on everyone’s part and to take advantage of all the resources within the group (Johnson Johnson 2009). Two leadership approaches that I’ve continued to use is the â€Å"Try this and What do you think? †These have been both very effective working in a call center, especially one that is new. Within our call center employees are always learning new ways of doing things and improving upon processes, but we simply can’t do it without feedback. Feedback is an important resource that we rely on as managers to tell us what our employees like and dislike and it aids our employees in their development to reinforce positive and negative behavior. As a manager I wear many hats, one of them being a coach. Coaching helps employees identify strengths and weaknesses, and offers guidance without telling the employee what to do. This has been effective because it facilitates conversation between the employee and leader and allows two-way conversation versus it being one-sided. When one effectively coaches and offers suggestions, employees know you care and have an interest in what they are doing and often times will exceed performance expectations because of successful coaching. Once the employees meets/exceeds the manager can continue to give them task that will stretch them and challenge them to aid in their continued growth and development. When coaching employees it will be important to set SMART Goals and ensure that tasks are assigned appropriately according to the employees skillset otherwise, this may hinder development and frustrate the employee. Using the â€Å"What do you think? †approach is considered participative leadership. All decisions made within an organization should not be the sole responsibility of leaders. Depending on the type of decision being made should determine who is involved in the decision making process. By consulting the group the manager is more apt to get buy-in when implementing change and it shows the group that you value their opinion. Although this can be a time consuming approach according to Yukl (2006), when employees feel like they are part of the process they are more likely to accept decisions and performance and morale increases, along with commitment of employees. Leaders will have to be careful that employees have time to participate and aren’t overloaded with work, subordinates share the leader’s goals and tasks, ensure criteria for determining decision is fair so the ajority will be likely to accept the decision, and one’s personal views don’t impact the decision. I’ve used this approach of decision making when trying to find out what type of rewards employees would like so they would work harder to achieve the goal versus me going out and buying things that they will not benefit from resulting in them not being motivated to achieve the goal. This approach can be effective when used for the right reasons and not the leader wanting to avoid the decision making process. Match Decision-Making with the needs of the Situation From time to time leaders will have to make decision that can not be derived out of group consensus. According to Yukl (2006) Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard proposed the situational leadership theory that states the approach a leader takes will be based on the situation, subordinate maturity, and level of influence one needs to complete the task. Effective situational leadership â€Å"acts as one function between the leader style, maturity of follower, and situation and each must be appropriate for one another†(1000 Ventures, 2009). The style of the leader is not consistent with each person because one’s behavior, level of understanding, and commitment to the task may change depending on the situation therefore, the leader must be prepared to use a variety of leadership styles. The key to effective situational leadership is to effectively understand the situation, provide employees with the appropriate tools to learn and aid in development through coaching and feedback, along with keeping individuals motivated. It is never appropriate to assume that all individuals are on the same level because people have different life experiences and needs therefore, proper questioning and observation should be used to be effective at situational leadership. Leaders have to be careful that their leadership style is appropriate for the situation and if not this could be perceived negatively in which the leader will have to make an adjustment. I have used situational leadership as a manager and have found that it is important when the situation affects the group to get the groups buy-in by presenting the problem, getting suggestions, and then making a decision. Resolving Conflict in Constructive Ways No group is perfect and disagreements are bound to happen from misunderstandings, lack of communication or clear goals, personal opinions however, with effective groups disagreements are beneficial, but must be resolved in a constructive manner. According to Johnson Johnson (2009), disagreements promote â€Å"creative decision making and problem solving, promote involvement in the groups work, and commitment to implementing group decisions†(Chap. , pg. 27). Group challenges also ensure that the minority is heard rather than always going with the majority and everyone has a voice. If disagreements are not handled timely and addressed they can destroy the group. Members of effective groups resolve their conflict through compromise, negotiation, analyzing problems by using supporting data, and ensuring the process is fair and everyone is heard to come up with the best solution for the group and leave all members satisfied. If the group is unable to reach a decision then they may enter into a process called mediation whereby an appointed member may determine the best course of action and the group will trust the decision made by the appointed member and move on (Johnson Johnson, 2009). Conclusion All groups are set up based on a structure that includes roles and norms to provide a basic framework for members to function. In order for the group to be effective members must understand what roles they play in order to avoid role conflict and acknowledge the norms exist and they must follow them or accept consequences for not following them. Effective groups use their ability to influence and increase the knowledge and skill of each other and react to issues in a positive manner to resolve conflict to allow the group to run more smoothly. In order for these issues to be well managed the group has to understand the organization’s strategy and business objectives and continually look to the future needs of the organization, consumer, employee, environment, and economy due to continual changes to ensure the organization and group is able to keep up. By each member maintaining its’ commitment to the group, having clear goals and understanding of how they fit in, maintaining clear and open lines of communication, proper balance of leadership and participation to ensure balance of workloads and direction, along with proper channels to resolve conflict will continue to contribute to the group’s effectiveness and enable long lasting effective groups.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Similarities and differences Essay Example for Free
Similarities and differences Essay But Ginsberg keeps hope alive by believing that salvation is possible through unity. Ginsberg does this by calling Solomon his brother, his equal: There can only be salvation if we embrace the world as one. Like he says in line 72: ah, Carl, while you are not safe I am not safe, and now youre really in the total animal soup of time. Like Whitman, Ginsberg believed in embracing the Other to achieve a sense of oneness that is not about being the same but about recognizing the inherent rights and individuality of each person. And just like Whitman, Ginsberg was as vocal, if not more so, about homoeroticism in his poetry: who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy, who blew and were blown by those human seraphim, the sailors, caresses of Atlantic and Caribbean love, who balled in the morning in the evenings in rose gardens and the grass of public parks and cemeteries scattering their semen freely to whomever come who may†. (Howl, line 36/38) And unlike in Whitman’s poem, the reference to homoeroticism in Ginsberg’s poem is more powerful because he used direct language as compared to Whitman especially when it is considered taboo and something short of a disease at that time. Indeed, including homoeroticism in Ginsberg poem can be seen as a tool to draw people’s attention to the reality that they refuse to accept – in effect, Ginsberg is trying to make them see what they hope does not exist. More than just a homoerotic reference to Ginsberg’s personal life, reading these passages as social commentary will help more in understanding the poem’s message and the statement it seeks to make at that time and context. Both writers yearned for a world that goes beyond the material. The only salvation possible from the degrading, repetitive and alienating modern world is the acceptance of the individual and the embracing of our inherent sameness and difference. While Whitman portrayed a world that was full of promise by recognizing himself in each and everyone, Ginsberg depicted a world of counterculture to escape the stifling Molochs of modern society. He tried to find salvation in crossing the borders of language, time, society and experience. He crossed the limitations of the mind through the use of drugs and used repetition in his work to establish a quasi-religious tone or chant as an extension of the spiritual world. It is not surprising that there are many similarities between Leaves of Grass and Howl. Allen Ginsberg, after all, read Whitman and even took Whitman’s tone and style in writing his own poem. Ginsberg’s Howl is Whitmanesque in the sense that it took for its subject the individual and its quest for his rights and freedom, and also he employed Whitman’s natural speech rhythms and long lines. Whitman using free verse demonstrated his dedication to democracy, to a society not bound by rigid rules and uniformity but upheld individuality and freedom, and Ginsberg’s adopting the same showed his own perseverance to give voice to all those who want to break free from the constricting social norms his time presented. Their uninterrupted stream of consciousness writing style, without reflective interruptions that may diminish their spontaneity, rendered the truth as they saw it. To achieve this, Whitman and Ginsberg had to cross the borders of what was generally accepted as poetry. They challenged the barriers of what was considered poetry, and by doing so, made breakthrough poetry. Conclusion Considered landmarks in American literature, both Leaves of Grass and Howl are remarkably unconventional, especially taking into account the time of their respective publications. Maybe the overall theme of salvation through unity was not new, but the means through which both poets achieved this definitely were during their time. Both Whitman and Ginsberg looked for new ways towards an uninhibited expression of the mind, as the above mentioned salvation was only possible through challenging existing notions of order and social norms. Thus, by challenging the conventional rules of grammar and style in their poetry, the poets were, in effect, expressing their desire for a more liberal society, for hope for the people that through their works an emotion will be stirred within them calling out for the preservation of the human spirit and freedom of the individual. For two poems separated by a hundred year interval and which continues to make waves even today, truly, it is a magnificent feat. Finally, the poems’ survival is enough credit to show that these are literary masterpieces worthy to be read as text by themselves and not as mere extensions of their poets.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Development In Mobile And Internet Technology Media Essay
Development In Mobile And Internet Technology Media Essay Over the past decade internet and mobile technology has advanced considerably. In this assignment I will discuss advancements which created the world in which we live today. I will research advancements such as 4G, wireless networks, fiber optics, PayPal, mobile banking, easy access of information which the internet made available; also I will look into social media which transformed the way we interact with each other. The development of internet is so severe that it funded virtual currency which allows trading virtual currency to real currency, it also funded multiple internet companies who operate solely based on virtual advertising, transfer of funds through the World Wide Web and the development of software to assist themselves and the general public and using internet to the maximum capacity. Also I will take into consideration the way the business had to adapt in the new environment in order to survive its economic and technological change. I will identify the possible future trends for the businesses and the way they will use internet to their advantage. During the research for this assignment I have found that the business which failed to adapt and change has been liquidated, which led to the conclusion that internet and mobile technology is the way of the future. I will provide real life examples to vividly illustrate my discovery and to prove that the developments have shifted the course of history and future developments which lies ahead. Internet Internet ten years ago was not widely accessible throughout the country. Public did not rely on internet with their day to day tasks, there were no such thing as wireless or social media. The lead provider of internet services was Eircom which was a state owned company, it did so through the DSL cables which they had monopoly in. As the country developed leading companies from abroad saw the potential in Ireland and the monopoly which Eircom had. Swedish companies such as UPC have invested significantly over the past decade in technology which increased the quality and the speed of the internet. In the decade they have completely dominated the market with their fiber optic technology. With the technological advancements in Ireland, other companies have emerged. Ireland was in the fast lane. With the wide market gaps and a tremendous amount of customers other advancements became available such as internet banking, money transfer and unlimited amount of information available to each individual. With increased detachment with the real world, people now seek entertainment in the comfort of their own home. YouTube © Google Inc.  ® which solely provides internet software has developed an extraordinary website called YouTube ©, which the main purpose is to allow the user to freely share their thoughts which are recorded on the video. The success of YouTube © demonstrates that the internet has created a new market. YouTube © is regularly used across the world each day, music is a huge feature. It contains many music videos of all the song artists across the world. It is not only used for music but also used to for people who want to express their beliefs or feelings, news coverage and also sports highlights. It is one of the most used websites in the world. Internet Banking In previous years the way that people have banked was they had to go to the a specific branch in which they had their account in order to perform a simple tasks such as transferring of money, checking balances, lodging cheques. People usually have to wait in queues which were no time efficient. This has developed significantly within the last decade, now with internet banking you can now transfer money and check your balance anywhere with connection to the internet. This is a very useful way now for people whenever they are on the go and have no time to check into their local branch. Internet banking has proved to be very successful. Wireless Access Ten years ago to provide internet you needed wires to serve. It could be seen as very messy, clumsy and quite dangerous. With the development of wireless access this means internet can be provided without any wires as long there is a good connection. A wireless access point is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi allows cheaper distribution of local area networks. Overtime this has proved to be a much easier way of access to the internet and a much quicker way. PayPalâ„ ¢ PayPalâ„ ¢ is a global e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers throughout the internet. As of 2011, PayPalâ„ ¢ operates in one hundred and ninety markets and manages more that two hundred and thirty two million accounts, more than one hundred million of them active. PayPalâ„ ¢ allows customers to send, receive and hold funds in twenty six currencies worldwide. Social Media A decade ago there wasnt much websites on the internet which provided a social side. All there was day to day conversations and text messages. This has been one of the most rapid developments in the last ten years. Social sites such as Facebook ® and Twitter ® have completely dominated the World Wide Web and are one of the most frequent used websites across the world. These websites allow people to interact with another through communication on the web using different functions the website may contain. They also allow you to share your thought, express your beliefs or feelings, and post blogs about whatever you may feel. Mobile Technology A decade ago public did not have access to mobile technology. People had only landlines, if a person requires reaching another person; he must have done so in person which meant that when they planned meetings or social events they had to do it in advance. If there was a change in plans, the only way to communicate was landline which proved to be inefficient. Finnish company Nokia © had developed device which we call mobile. Through the years mobiles became more and more accessible, which dramatically changed the way we communicate and socialize. Now the current generation can communicate freely without barriers throughout the world which was not possible a decade ago, it revamped our social skills. Young adults prefer to communicate through text messages, hence making the landlines inferior products. The major developments in mobile technology include: mobile internet, mobile banking, mobile advancements and social media Mobile Internet Mobile internet provides a lot of access to many applications and websites. It is usually very quick and provides all the information the internet at home would. Another benefit of mobile internet would be that it can be used anywhere on the go, giving you a lot of freedom, so if you are stuck for information you can use your mobile device to use the internet. Communication is also vital in mobile internet as it allows you to connect to multiple services provided by the internet. This allows you to communicate and interact with each other outside using mobile internet. Mobile Banking Mobile banking is and easy way of transferring money and checking your balance. It will work if you have internet and is hassle free and can be accessed by one touch of a button. More features of mobile banking would be that it is very quick and can be used everywhere providing there is a strong internet connection. Technology within the last ten years has been so drastic that there is no need to go to your branch anymore as the internet provides all the answers. Along with providing your details, mobile banking provides useful numbers you can use to contact a person incase if any queries you may have. Mobile Advancements Apple, Inc. Within the last ten years Apple, Inc. has increased their popularity significantly providing multiple handheld devices that can be used anywhere and on the go. The release of the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad were so big, every time it went on sale it would sell out quickly across the world. Mobile phones have come so far this past decade, from phones where it was only possible to ring on to iPhones which provide the functions of a normal mobile phone and an iPod Touch put together. It would contain an entire music playlist along with other applications such as news, entertainment, sports and gaming. Touch screen Ten years ago mobile devices could only be used by buttons. With the success of Apple, Inc. many phone companies now start to make to touch screen phones, and some phones may have buttons and touch screen. Development of mobile phones has been so phenomenal that by the touch of your fingers you can use the phone and the applications it contains. Games Advancements in gaming has also been huge. More than a decade ago all you could do on your old Nokia © was play snake. As phones have developed throughout the years, it is now possible that multiple games can be downloaded on your phones. Gaming on phones is also a good way of passing time and most games you download onto your phone you dont need internet so you can play them anywhere you like for free. Social Media Social media on phones has dramatically elevated within the past decade. The only options on a mobile phone were either phone calls or text messaging. With the latest mobile phones out now you can download applications which allow you use social networking sites such as Facebook ®, Twitter ® and Instagram ®. This allows people to access their accounts as the internet on a computer would. This is so basic that there sometimes isnt need to use the computer as using your phonies quicker and saving time. Other phone applications such as Viberâ„ ¢ ad Whatsappâ„ ¢ allows you to talk to your contacts for free, share pictures and call each other for free. Along with the text messaging process mobile phones these days have plenty of social media attached to it as it provides a load of access to your family and friends. Conclusion In conclusion I have found the internet and mobile technology has advanced remarkably over this past decade. The most momentous advancements which I found to be are internet websites such as YouTube © and social media websites such as Facebook ® and Twitter ®. These companies have benefited significantly within the last ten years and are they are together the most used websites in the world. Mobile technology in the last ten years has also advanced dramatically. Mobile banking has been massive as it allows you check all your details anywhere, also with mobile advancements such as a brand like Apple, Inc have created phone which combine the characters of a normal phone and features such as a selection of music and downloading applications such as news, gaming and sport. Hence I can now say that mobile and internet technology has advanced considerably within the last ten years and will continue to improve in the next ten years.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Wealth and How Money Influences Peoples Lives Essay -- Wealth Money F
Wealth and How Money Influences People's Lives Some people generate an adequate living working for others, some do quite well, while many people don’t do well. It is estimated that less than 16% of Canadians have more than $100,000 in their retirement funds while 38% have less than $10,000. Using money to make money is more likely to generate success. Using assets to generate wealth is likely to generate financial success. This is the principle in whihc my group is is based upon. Kiyosaki explains money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Therefore it is essential that the accumulation of money does not blind me and my cohorts from our prime objective of empowering ourselves. Choose your thoughts. Think long-term and ask yourself: "Is this the best possible solution to my problem?" There is an old expression that "I am too busy working to make money." When you are too busy, you miss many opportunities. You often go into a restaurant and see a lot of things done wrong. Why can’t the manager see these things? Because he is too busy working IN the business ... ...before you pay any other bills. Then you will be motivated to find the money to pay all the other bills. Look after number one. Choose friends carefully. The power of association. Learn from all of them, whether they have money or not. When I seek out people who have money, I am not after their money but their ideas. Don’t listen to poor or frightened people. Wise investors buy an investment when it’s not popular. They know their profits are made when they buy, not when they sell. You become what you study. So, if you are tired of what you are doing and not making enough money, change the formula. This was a key factor in creating a sucessful business. Only by having co-workers which are dependable will ones business flourish. Be an "Indian Giver". Put your money into an investment and when it goes up, take your money back out and do the same again. If you buy some stocks and they go up in price, sell enough to get your original investment back and repeat the process. Assets buy luxuries. When the asset is generating surplus cash flow, then you use that surplus to buy the luxuries. Or in terms of this project, 50% goin towards a college education instead of luxuries.
Getting Those Sensuous Lips :: Plastic Surgery Beauty Essays
Getting Those Sensuous Lips Plastic surgery has become a leading business in America and is venturing in to all parts of the body. First there was the liposuction of the thighs and butt then the face-lifts, the beast implants and now the injections of the lips. The volume of the lips can be thick and prominent, as in certain races, or else thin and retracted as in other races. A full, fresh prominent mouth, which invites a kiss, is the latest object of cosmetic surgery. There have been many types of materials that have been injected and several techniques that have been used. Materials such as collagen, silicone, Gore-Tex, fat or dermis has been used for the injections. The surgeon should choose his technique carefully and according to the patient’s wants. The procedure is very simple. Lip procedures are usually carried out under local anesthesia with intravenous conscious sedation. The surgeon and patient decide which material to use for the injections. Some of the other materials that are used are Collagen: A molecule that makes up the body’s connective tissue; usually taken from cow skin. Three percent of patients have hypersensitivity problems, and some develop allergic reactions as long as three to four years later. Alloderm: A collagen created with tissue taken from human cadavers. The results last four to six months, then must be repeated. Can carry the risk of becoming infected and may feel slightly hard and unnatural. Gore-Tex: A hollow, tube-shaped implant made from synthetic material. Procedure requires a fine incision made along the edge of the lips; the tubing is inserted and the area stitched up. New tissue grows into and around the tube. Results are permanent, but may feel slightly less natural. Autologen: Skin ta ken from a patient is sent to a lab that makes collagen from it, so the chances of allergic reaction are eliminated. Results are permanent. The marking of the lips is done intraorally creating a set of W’s on the interior of the lips. The incision is made along the marking and extends deep to the submucosa and dissection is carried above the muscle to the vermilion (Samiian162). A suture stitch is transfixed to the center of the lip; pressing over rubber patches until the tissue at the center are slightly pinched. Some cases a catheter is used and a needle threaded with a steel wire is passed through the center of the lip and then perforated by the catheter.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Order Out of Chaos Essay -- History, Roman Empire, Charlemagne
Volatility in the West during the ninth and tenth centuries drove Europeans to strive for a more stable way of life. The institution of feudalism and St. Benedict’s monastic Rule arose in response to this problem and provided what the scattered kingdoms of the old Roman Empire were struggling to achieve. The death of Charlemagne, the succession of power to his son, Louis, and the signing of the Treaty of Verdun began the collapse of the strong and united Europe that had formerly been in place. Soon after the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire the West started to face a myriad of problems. â€Å"The renewed invasions of the Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims and the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire led to the emergence of a new type of relationship between free individuals†(Spielvogel 163). The decline in government authority and protection forced peasants, who made up the majority of the medieval population, to depend on land-owning lords and barons that acquired their properties as sovereign power decentralized. This relationship based on the context of the subjection of a subordinate to a superior became known as feudalism. Coinciding with the breakdown of government was a transformation of the Church through the way members of the religious community lived, worked, a nd worshiped. Monasticism, such as that developed by St. Benedict, formed as an answer to problems within the Church and a need for structure in religious life. St. Benedict’s Rule and feudalism are leading examples of how there was a resolute search for stability in medieval Europe. â€Å"With the breakdown of governments, powerful nobles took control of large areas of land. They needed men to fight for them, so the practice arose of giving grants of land to vass... ... time when much of the barbarian west was only nominally Christian, Benedict’s Rule kept alive the spirit of pursuing a life of gospel perfection†(Reid 50). â€Å"Benedict’s rule, which was a synthesis of several rules, could be applied to any number of monasteries and locations†(Vidmar 79). This universality of his rule helped to stabilize not only monasticism and the church, but also rub off on the common people and nobility that the monastics encountered. Feudalism and St. Benedict’s monastic rule both exemplify the search for stability in the medieval western world. Together they steadied the chaos caused by the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire and the destructive invasions of the ninth century by correcting the military, political and religious status quo. This put the West on the road to advancement, expansion, and dominance in the centuries to come.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Learning Team Reflection Essay
Statistics refers to the use of numerical information in everyday life to calculate facts and figures in limitless circumstances. In addition, statistics refers to the scientific collecting, classifying, summarizing, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data. This week the class’s objectives were to apply the steps in testing a research hypothesis, to compare the means of two or more groups, and to calculate the correlation between two variables. Learning Team D’s members have reflected on each of these issues and share their insights on these objectives. Testing a Research Hypothesis The purpose of testing a research hypothesis is to prove or disprove the research question. The first step in testing a research hypothesis is to state the problem in the form of a question. The second step is to state the research question as it relates to the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Then the parameters must be set to test the null hypothesis. The fourth step is to calculate the probability of the test statistics or rejection region. Finally, the findings from the tests must be stated. The hypothesis was familiar to one group member, so she felt comfortable with the topic. She did not struggle with any particular topic this week. This week’s topics directly relate to her field of study. As an accountant it is important to have a good understanding of mean, median, and mode, as well as statistical probability. These topics are all a part of learning to analyze information and make educated and well-thought business decisions. Compare the Means of Two or More Groups The experimental method of comparing the means of two or more groups is a pretty common occurrence in statistical research. The procedure for estimating and testing the hypothesis when using a single sample population will also apply in a case scenario with two or more groups or populations; however, modifications are required for accuracy. In other words, the 5-Step Hypothesis Testing procedure is used with multiple sample experiment, as well. Whenever the area of interest involves the differences, comparison, proportions or variability, then data can be collected on two or more groupsâ€â€this would be considered the target parameter (Lind, Marchal, & Wathen, 2011). In a quantitative analysis the interest is more likely to compare means or variances; whereas, a qualitative experiment with two outcomes is more likely to focus on success or failure. When comparing the means of two or more groups these populations can both or all be independent and the expectation is to determine the reason for a difference in the meansâ€â€this would deliver a result where the means are other than zero. The typical assumption is that there will be a normal distribution and that a random sample is collected for each of the populations. Another characteristic of comparing means of two or more groups is that when standard deviation is known or unknown and the population sample is large, then a z distribution (z-test) is used and in the case where it is unknown and the sample size is small, then a t distribution (t-test) is used. However, in the case where the experiment calls for a test of two or more dependent samples for one group or population, then a paired t-test is used to draw results (Lind, Marchal, & Wathen, 2011). Calculate the Correlation Between Two Variables When calculating the correlation between two variables, the objective is to see how one variable is influenced by another variable. The bivariate relationship displays the connection between two variables (x and y) and correlation shows how to measure their relationship. The correlation is calculated using the coefficient of correlation. This measurement calculates the power between the two variables (x and y). (Coefficient correlation) The coefficient correlation will have limits between -1 and +1, and doesn’t rely on the initial values of x or y. The coefficient correlation would suggest the higher the number, the higher the correlation, and the lower the number, the lower the correlation (but this is a linear correlation). A value of zero will indicate no correlation. In conclusion, the team learned that once a hypothesis has been formed the next step is to test it for acceptance or rejection. An experiment must then be created to determine if the predictions were correct or not. In many situations the interest lies in discovering relationships between the means of two or more groups. T-tests and analysis of variance are widely used statistical methods to compare group means. Moreover, the team learned how to calculate the correlation between two variables to determine the relationship or affect of one variable upon another. The correlation between two variables suggests that a change in one variable will cause a proportional change in the other variable. Reference Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2011). Basic statistics for business and economics (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Plato †Justice Essay
1. Introduction In this hear in is a discussion nigh based on philosopher and which group of mass Plato thinks should be ruling and why. The taste result start off with straighten outing key out concepts, for example what is a philosopher because it is much easier to s crumb the easy when hotshot understands the key wrong in it, terms that exit bet throughout the essay itself.Then Platos theory exit then be analysed in more detail and it is overly of great importance that bingle as intimately as negotiation around Platos backdrop because that is where he started to check out things and that is when he started having ideas as to how the country should be decreed or governed and who should be doing the governing. It is withal very eventful for a psyche to look at what was express by other race about Platos angel state. 2. miniature of key concepts.Bellow leave be the clarification of key concepts and by that it plainly means that the key words that will be used in this essay will be defined and soundless a little more bust for convenient reading. 2. 1 What is a philosopher? When whizz is tackling such an essay it is very meaning(a) that champion understands what a philosopher is and what makes superstar a philosopher. Well a philosopher is a intelligencefulness who al guidances trying to understand tone and why things be done the vogue they are cosmosness done and a desire check reform ways of doing things. Philosophers seek answers to the questions of life and seek solutions.Philosophers use their agreement and overly their personal go throughs. Philosophers are withal stack that love to share soundness and teach others what they already know so that they suffer also grow. When one talks about philosophers it is mostly about spate that are deep thinkers and they think about life and the things that happen around them on a daily basis. According to Benson (1992 63) during the antediluvian patriarch times G reek philosophers would sometimes make pass the whole twenty-four hour period thinking and for that day they would non talk to any(prenominal)one, it would be bonny them and their thoughts.A philosopher can be anyone and from any g quiter, anyone who has an interest in the study of intimacy. 2. 2 theory of Justice According to Pappas (1995 32) expertness is defined by Polemarchus as the hazard of giving what belongs to the person and doing good to friends and not good by enemies. Theory of evaluator is each(prenominal) about treating bulk reasonably and by fairly it means as they deserve. Rawls (2001 83) points out that justice can be defined two different ways, one comment being that a person must earn it for example by merit or an mortal can lack it.So jibe to this definition it is clear that it simply means that one must be treated on the dot as they deserve. This merit theory of justice, reflecting functional ethics, uses merit to determine just how variou s(prenominal) members of society will be rewarded or punished based solely upon whether ones conduct is useful or harmful to society. The need theory of justice, which assumes that individual members of society should help those other members who are most in need so as to redress their disadvantages. So this is all about treating tribe as they deserve and rewarding them as they should be or for some punishing them. 3.3 Theory of Souls Platos Theories of Soul According to Lorenz & Hendrik thither were various developments that were occurring in the sixth and fifth centuries in the way Greeks thought and intercommunicate of the individual resulted in a very complex notion that strikes one as amazingly close to conceptions of the soul that we find in fourth century philosophic theories, notably Platos. There is therefrom some reason to think that the philosophic theories in question are dress hat interpreted as working with, and on, the relatively non-theoretical notion of the soul that by the end of the fifth century has come to be embedded in ordinary language.In what follows our main concern will be to characterize some of the theories in question. moreover we should also attend, wherever this seems appropriate and helpful, to ways in which familiarity with the ordinary notion of the soul might enable us better to understand why a theory or an argument proceeds the way it does. In addition, we should note ways in which philosophical theories might seem to clarify and further articulate the ordinary notion.We lay out with Plato, and with a question that is intimately tie up with the ordinary notion of the soul as it developed from the Homeric poems onwards, that is to say whether a persons soul does indeed survive the persons death. 3. Platos background In ground Plato more it is very alpha that one also knows Platos background. Plato was born in the year 427 BC and was born in an Aristocratic family. An Aristocratic family is one that is on the one hand impractical, reason being that they were based on a God-like willingness to tail end the good of the community before the rulers witness interest (Heywood, 200728).According to Plato politics in natural and not artificial. It is also important that one states that Platos greatest square off was Socrates as he learned a lot from him. 4. How Plato judgments democracy and who should rule match to Plato Heywood (2007 71) states that thinkers such as Plato as well as Aristotle had a different view to democracy and they saw it as a system that was there to rule battalion at the expense of wisdom and property. Plato valued people to be ruled by philosophers.According to Heywood (2007 76) political equality was trivial and he attacked it on grounds that the people see got neither the wisdom nor the experience to rule wisely on their behalf. So according to Plato the best people for the strain of representing the people it was the philosophers. Plato believed that the phi losophers were wise educated people that would apply logical thinking and also use experience too. According to Plato in his book the re open Plato stated that government should be placed in the workforce of the philosophers being the kings and guardians.And their rule will be that viewed as dictatorship. Plato called this Rule by the moral (Heywood, 200776). As it was said by Plato himself that the states troubles will never end and civilisation itself, savings bank the populace is ruled by philosophers being kings. Plato states that political power must be in the hands of kings (Plato, 2007 192). One can say that Plato came with really good points as to why knowledgeable person should be the ones put in charge to rule and govern the serviceman and for them to bring happiness and justice to the world it may look like the ideal Republic.But still with all that said it is still unrealistic. And to further show that that is unrealistic, as it was said by Aristotle man by nature is a political wight and it is inevitable for all. People will always have something to say as to how they would like to see things happening and people will always demand to percentage out their opinions about what they do not like and how it should be done. People want to be involved in decisions that will affect them at the end of the day.Platos argument is seen as unrealistic because it is like he is asking people to just turn a blind pump in the political process and also to leave their rights and opinions in the hands of the philosophers and is so doing they will be giving in to being dictated. All one sees is that Platos ideal state will be just unfit, the same thing that he said about a parliamentary state, and it is just unfit. Platos argument could be seen as valid as he states that philosophers have the capacity to grasp the permanent and absolute, as it is clear to see that common men or the public have no true knowledge of reality to govern themselves (Plato, 2007 204).Nevertheless, this argument is not persuasive or realistic in contemporary politics and the modern state, for a number of reasons. Platos idea of strong point is also linked to justice, which he considers to be structural, as political justice is a result of a structured city, where individual justice is a result of a structured soul, and where each member of the polis has a specific craft for which he has a natural aptitude (Reeve 2009, 69). Ruling is a skill (Wolff 2006, 68), which requires special training useable to few.At the same time, philosophers must possess qualities that enable them to rule for instance, they must be able to recognize the difference amidst friend and foe, good and bad. Above all, philosophers must love wisdom (Nichols 1984, 254), as the rule of the wise leads to the reigning of justice, as school of thought becomes sovereign. Justice is a virtue, as is knowledge, which requires understanding. appreciation refers to goodness, and thus, knowledge and goodness are one. The philosopher kings have virtue as they have knowledge, and thus, according to Plato, their rule is justified. Conclusion.
Environmental Scanning Essay
The purlieu is responsible for more order changes that the general public often realizes. The future of a friendship depends on the re performance that the company has to environmental changes. By not line uping to the changes, companies could ultimately end up failing. Recognizing that the environment is changing, parentagees imply to be able to adapt their products to keep up with unsanded opportunities and balance a strategic fit between the environment and the company (Wheelen and Hunger, 2010). Toyota A Responsibility to the Environment.Toyota led the revolution on economically friendly fomites when the Toyota Prius was introduced in the fall in States in January 2009 (The twenty percent toyota, 2011). The Prius is the first in a yen line of cars since 2009 to be marketing towards not producing sedate emissions harmful to the environment. Toyota completed the need for more naught efficient cars to reduce and adapted to meet the need. This contiguous move resulted in Toyota standing out as a leader within the automobile industry. In 2011, Toyota introduced the Fifth Toyota Environmental Action Plan. This action send off sets the precedence for standards for 2020 through 2030.The three themes throughout the action pattern is construction of a low-carbon society, construction of a recycling- found society, and the construction of a society that coexists with nature and environmental conservation (The 5th toyota, 2011). Toyota is committed to developing the near generation of vehicles that rely on clean button such as electricity rather than fuel. Toyota similarly result crack market acceptance of these spic-and-span vehicles by having these vehicles stand out with different characteristics that customers will want to have (The twenty percent toyota, 2011).Toyota is seeking to pee the hybrid vehicle market by introducing new models and expanding the hybrid vehicle market sphere of influence (The fifth toyota, 2011). Toyota is also f unctional with consumers directly by implementing initiatives by promoting eco-driving as well as providing traffic-flow improvement victimization up-to-the-minute IT & ITS technologies (The fifth toyota, 2011). By asserting Toyota as an industry leader in hybrid vehicle technology, Toyota has a competitive advantage.Making the action plan public information as well as focusing all future technology somewhat this plan, Toyota is displaying dedication to the environment as well as dedication to what customers want. By fashioning these goals public, Toyota has a duty to ensure the enduringness of their plan. Toyota will measure the effectiveness of the action plan by working with the field Regulation to ensure the goals they set forth argon being met (The fifth toyota, 2011). The tense up Regulation focuses on minimizing the impact of chemical substances on the environment as well as people and provide corporations with perceptivity on responsibly managing the use of chemical s ubstances (The fifth toyota, 2011).Toyota also plans on working with political relation agencies to ensure that environmental goals are being met (The fifth toyota, 2011). In 2008, Toyota began the process of registering products either directly or indirectly used in the manufacturing of their vehicles (The fifth toyota, 2011). In 2009, Toyota announce that only 15 supplies used in vehicle manufacturing were substances of high concern, and began to change these products for products that match REACH commandment (The fifth toyota, 2011).By working closely with REACH and other government agencies, Toyota is able to keep invariant measure of their success in their environmentally based action plan. Florida fountain and sort out Clean nix for a Clean Future Florida Power and glisten is committed to changing based on environmental involve. No longer is it possible for electric companies to ascertain with fossil fuels alone. Florida Power and cast down uses a flux of fuels at their power bes in order to sacrifice clean cipher (Our inscription to, 2014).Due to this ruffle up of fuels, Florida Power and Light is recognized as a clean might company with one of the net emission rates (the emission rate is before long 35% better than the industry average) and obtains most aptitude from clean-burning natural gas (Our commitment to, 2014). This year, Florida Power and Light began operation at three emissions-free solar zilch facilities in Florida (INSERT). By using clean energy, Florida Power and Light is number two in the demesne for energy efficiency and offers one of the lowest energy charges in the state to their customers (Our commitment to, 2014).Florida Power and Light is committed to being held accountable as a leader in energy efficiency. By working closely with the U. S. Department of Energy, Florida Power and Light discharge stay up to date on how to ascertain their current plan on power plant modernization process. Florida Power and Ene rgy also updates the Florida customary Service Commission on a unfaltering basis to ensure they are complying with the standards for clean energy (Our commitment to, 2014).The parent company of Florida Power and Light, Nextera Energy, makes their governance documents, policies and procedures public knowledge and files in compliance with government agencies to ensure that they are meeting the environmental needs necessary (Our commitment to, 2014). Since the U. S. Department of Energy essential oversee all power plants in the United States, Florida Power and Light will have to successfully maintain effective clean energy to not only operate within standards, but to touch on to be a leader in the field of power and energy.Performing an environmental scan is cardinal to companies due to constant change. The environment is in a constant state of change. If companies do not recognize this change, they will fail to adapt to the needs of the current economic conditions. By failing to change, companies run the endangerment of becoming obsolete in the new environment and are no longer able to operate. By performing environmental scans, companies can gage where changes need to be made and how to be leaders in their field on how to successfully execute making the necessary changes in order to remain relevant.References The fifth toyota environmental action plan (fy2011-fy2015). (2011). Retrieved from http//www. toyota-global. com/sustainability/environmental_responsibility/action_plan/fifth_plan4. html Our commitment to the environment. (2014). Retrieved from http//www. fpl. com/environment/commitment. shtml Wheelen, T. L. , & Hunger, J. D. (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy Achieving sustainability (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson/ assimilator Hall.
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