Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Renewable Fuels And The Energy Issue - 1583 Words
Investigating whether a renewable fuel produces the same level of energy as an equivalent amount of nonrenewable fuel would be beneficial to help save Earth’s natural resources and is a very relevant and important science project. The purpose of this project is to figure out which type of fuels is most efficient. In my science project, I will be burning various types of renewable fuels and non- renewable fuels and comparing the duration that they burn and comparing the temperature that they burn. Finding the most effective fuel could solve a global issue and debate about which is better to use. Biofuels refers to materials that are recently dead and can be used as a gaseous fuel, a solid, or a liquid. Biofuels are also known as the nonrenewable fuels. On the other hand, agro fuels are derived from specific crops and are also known as the renewable fuels. In conclusion, I will be testing multiple types of fuels to compare my own results on a global energy issue. Introduction If I burn fuels to compare renewable and non-renewable fuels, which one will be more efficient? That is the question I will be answering in my science project. It is important to figure out our earths energy supplies and needs and how to get the most efficient and renewable fuel. Throughout history, humans have tried to find available energy sources. Fuels have been an important commodity to humans for many reasons. Humans throughout history have needed fuels to convert to energy forShow MoreRelatedThe Misconceptions Of Renewable Energy Vehicles1694 Words  | 7 PagesMisconceptions of Renewable Energy Vehicles Renewable energy is usually considered the future of technology and the next large advancement for society. The main reasoning for this, as a use for vehicles’ energy, is because many people believe that renewable energy is necessary to stop climate change. 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Fossil fuelsRead MoreCivic Engagement: Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy1631 Words  | 6 PagesEnergy production has always been a hot topic in the United States. More specifically, Oklahoma has been on the forefront of energy production. Oklahoma is viewed as a front runner in the energy industry, and the United States is always turning to Oklahoma when in need of creating new sources of energy; an example being compressed natural gas. The United States hopes to influence the nation to climb aboard the train that leads to reliable sources of energy by generating new public policies. ManyRead MoreFossil Fuels And Global Warming1552 Words  | 7 PagesSustainable Energy The world right now is facing a major disaster if our habits don’t change. Fossil fuels dominate our energy demand and at our current rate this will remain true for quite some time. The World Energy outlook claims that by 2030 84% of our energy demands will be fulfilled by fossil fuels (Shafiee et al, 181). It is believed that we possess the reserves to meet our demands until 2030 (Shafiee et al, 181) but the cost will increase as time goes on. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resourceRead MoreRenewable Energy : An Source Of Stable And Resilient Energy Provider1169 Words  | 5 Pagescriteria that must be met in order for energy to be called â€Å"renewable†, first the sources cannot be finite, second the sources must be carbon neutral, and lastly it must not pollute the environment. Most of the renewable energy either comes directly or indirectly from the sun and the other lone source is from the earth. The example of an indirect source from the sun can be wind, ti dal waves, and bioenergy. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Fundamental Breach According to the Cisg Free Essays
Article 25 A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract, unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result. (CISG 1980) Used when: One of the parties suffers damages due to a breach of contract. The breach becomes fundamental when it is due to the other parties fault. We will write a custom essay sample on Fundamental Breach According to the Cisg or any similar topic only for you Order Now This article could be interpreted as to whether or not the breaching party was ‘guilty’ of any form of neglect which caused the damages. If they could have prevented the damages, by handling reasonably, they are guilty of a fundamental breach of contract. Case: Tribunal: Court of Arbitration of the ICC Case#: 7531 of 1994 Seller’s Country: China (defendant) Buyer’s Country: Austria (claimant) Goods involved: Scaffold fittings Summary of the case: The plaintiff bought 80. 00 scaffold fittings from the Chinese seller. Upon delivery it turned out a substantial amount of the fittings were of bad quality. The buyer was only able to sell the goods partially and at a reduced price. Sorting out the good ones from the bad ones would have added an estimated third of the purchase-price. The Tribunal ruled in favour of the plaintiff as ‘an important part’ of the fittings did not conform to the sample which therefore resulted in a fundamental breach of cont ract. What was the effect of Article 25: It was proven that the plaintiff had suffered substantial damages due to the breach of contract. This enabled him to use art 25 and sue for damages. ? Article 35 (1) The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity, quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract. 2) Except where the parties have agreed otherwise, the goods do not conform with the contract unless they: (a) are fit for the purposes for which goods of the same description would ordinarily be used; (b) are fit for any particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract, except where the circumstances show that the buyer did not rely, or that it was unreasonable for him to rely, on the seller’s skill and judgement; (c) possess the qualities of goods which the seller has held out to the buyer as a sample or model; (d) are contained or pack aged in the manner usual for such goods or, where there is no such manner, in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods. 3) The seller is not liable under subparagraphs (a) to (d) of the preceding paragraph for any lack of conformity of the goods if at the time of the conclusion of the contract the buyer knew or could not have been unaware of such lack of conformity. (CISG 1980) Used when: This article is used when the goods delivered are not fit for the purpose intended for them or when they are not of the same quality as the sample provided by the seller. They also need to be packed in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods. If they are not fit for purpose due to adequate packing, this the sellers fault. Note though that fitness for purpose is a broad term. For instance if meat has been purchased by a butcher in France he might deem the goods unfit as he meant to use them for Kosher meat. This does not count as the seller could not have foreseen this, unless it was mentioned. When selling it to a butcher in Israel however, the seller could have/ should have known these requirements. In fitness for purpose we look at the average quality required for products, unless expressly mentioned otherwise. Case: Tribunal: Bundesgerichthof (Federal Supreme Court) Case#: VIII ZR 159/94 Seller’s Country: Switzerland (Plaintiff) Buyer’s Country: Germany (Defendant) Goods involved: New Zealand Mussels Summary of the case: In this case the buyer bought mussels from a Swiss seller; the buyer later found they contained a cadmium level higher than the German health authorities allowed. Therefore he was not allowed to sell and he refused to pay due to a lack of conformity. The courts decided that though the cadmium levels in the mussels was higher than allowed in Germany, they were still eatable and did meet the standard required by the Swiss health authorities. It was therefore decided that the goods were of the required quality and the buyer should have mentioned the maximum cadmium levels allowed. What was the effect of Article 35: In this case it meant that the products did meet the required standard for quality of goods and the buyer had to pay for the products. ? Article 36 (1) The seller is liable in accordance with the contract and this Convention for any lack of conformity which exists at the time when the risk passes to the buyer, even though the lack of conformity becomes apparent only after that time. 2) The seller is also liable for any lack of conformity which occurs after the time indicated in the preceding paragraph and which is due to a breach of any of his obligations, including a breach of any guarantee that for a period of time the goods will remain fit for their ordinary purpose or for some particular purpose or will retain specified qualities or characteristics. (CISG 1980) Used when: The goods sold initially seem to be in good order, however after some time a lack of quality shows. This is only viable when the reason for this is due the sellers fault (e. g. When cars are sold and the paint starts to faint a month after the buyer obtained them, this could be the sellers fault due to using the wrong paint). Case: Tribunal: Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Supreme Court] Case#: VIII ZR 67/04 Seller’s Country: Belgium (Plaintiff) Buyer’s Country: Germany (Defendant) Goods involved: Frozen Pork Summary of the case: The buyer bought the goods to sell them on into Bosnia- Herzegovina. There were to be three deliveries of pork. In between deliveries a new ordinance was enacted in Germany (due to concerns regarding contamination of the meat) which stated that Belgian pork was no longer marketable unless a health certificated was provided. The defendants refuse to pay after they had been prohibited to resale the meats, which were then taken by customs and ultimately disposed of. The plaintiff argued that the risk had passed to the buyer when the goods were transported and therefor was liable for the events that took place. The court held however, that if the concerns were regarding to the harmfulness of the foodstuff to human health, the goods cannot be sold and therefor lack the required fitness for purpose. What was the effect of Article 36: Art 36 could be used in this case because the meat would already have been contaminated upon leaving the seller. Despite the fact that it was not detected until much later, when the risk had already passed to the buyer, the seller was still responsible as it was an initial breach of contract. ? Reference List: CISG 1980, United Nations, Accessed 26th of march 2013, ; http://www. cisg. law. pace. edu; How to cite Fundamental Breach According to the Cisg, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
My dads 55th birthday free essay sample
On January 26, 2014, the wind was blowing and the sun was shining, but for my dad it was also considered the day of his fifty-fifth birthday. According to most people, turning fifty-five years old is such a memorable day, but for my dad it was a very tremendous and grateful day. The main reason why is because he got to live another year and he also got to spend time with his family and friends. Since his birthday was on a Sunday, the entire family decided that we were going to go to church and thank God for letting our dad live another year. Before he woke up, there were already a humungous amount of presents lying at the end of his bed, and he also got a few phone calls from his family members and friends before we went to church. Because it was my dad’s special day, I decided to pick out his clothes for him. We will write a custom essay sample on My dads 55th birthday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example he wore a handsome black suit, with a Carolina blue dress shirt, and a black tie. Although my dad likes to listen to RB music, my mom and I let him listen to some oldies music while we chauffeured him around all day. One of the main songs we listened to was â€Å"Take Time to Know Her†by Percy Sledge. Even though my dad’s favorite type of cake is chocolate cake, I decided to make him a delicious vanilla cake with chocolate icing and red writing that said â€Å"Happy 55th Birthday Dad. †Later on that day, when we took him to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, we told them that it was his birthday, and they told him to sit on a saddle while they introduced him. Being able to spend time with my dad is the best thing that a young girl could ever ask for. It will always be a memorable day, whenever somebody turns a special age.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Symbolism Essays - English-language Films, Films
Lord Of The Flies Symbolism The novel Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is a very symbolic peace of literature. Most of the symbols are very easy to identify and explain. One exception is clothing. Clothing was over looked as a symbol until the introduction of this symbolism project. It was overlooked because in our society clothing is a natural part of our every day lives, so even when we are reading, we tend to dismiss it as symbolizing only fashion or lack of. In Lord of the Flies clothing symbolizes order, rules and democracy. As the boy's clothing turns to rags, their order turns to chaos, their rules are discarded and their system of democracy is overthrown and replaced with a fascist leader. When the boys first arrive on the island they realize that there are no adults to tell them what to do or how to behave. Basically they see no rule enforcers as no rules. Most of the boys remove some or all of their clothing to go swimming or because of the heat. This shows right from the beginning that when clothes are removed so are the rules. Ralph calls an assembly by blowing the conch and the boys come dressed "in school uniforms; grey, blue, fawn, jacketed or jerseyed. There [are] badges, mottoes even, stripes of colour in stockings and pullovers." (19). The last to arrive at the assembly was Jack and his choir. Each boy in the choir is wearing a square black cap with a silver badge in it. Their bodies, from throat to ankle, [are] hidden by black cloaks which [bare] a long silver cross on the left breast and each neck [is] finished with a hambone frill. ... [Jack,] the boy who [controls] them [is] dressed the same way through his cap badge [is] golden. (21). Since the boys are dressed in their school uniforms they are orderly. They showed this by listening and sitting quietly. At this assembly Ralph's system of democracy is established simply by voting him to be chief. Ralph sets up rules and duties. Jack and his choir are to be hunters and all the biguns* are to share the obligation of fire watch, (the boys on fire watch sit up with the rescue fire to make sure it stays lit and omitting smoke). The remainder of the boys are to help Ralph build shelters and to keep coconuts, filled with fresh water, near camp. As the boys clothing starts to wear away to rages, their rules start to fade. No one except Simon helps to build the shelters, water is not being brought in coconut shells, and Jack takes the boys from the fire watch to help with his hunt. Due to Jack's actions the fire goes out and a ship passes them by. This shows Jack has a disregard for rules and rescue. The boy's clothing not only wears away, but they also become extremely filthy. They [are] dirty, not with the spectacular dirt of boys who have fallen into mud or been brought down hard on a rainy day. Not one of them was an obvious subject for a shower, and yet ? hair, much too long, tangled here and there, knotted round a dead leaf or a twig; faces cleaned fairly well by the process of eating and sweating but marked in the less accessible angles with a kind of shadow; clothes, worn away, stiff like his own with sweat, put on, not for decorum or comfort but out of custom;(121). The boys don't see themselves as dirty, they grow accustomed to the way they look and smell; which shows their decent into savagery, because civilized people are clean or at least aware of how dirty they are. Jack is the first boy to become savage. His savageness grows to make him the most savage of the group. When he is at his most savage moments, he is described with very few clothing on. When he is hunting "except for a pair of tattered shorts held up by his knife-belt he [is] naked." (52). When his tribe is raiding Ralph's, he is "stark naked save for paint and a belt" (155), and when he is beating Wilfred for no apparent reason, he is "naked to the waist." (176). Jack is the one who replaces Ralph's democratic system with his own fascist one. In Jack's tribe, killing is condoned and the boys wear barely any clothes. One night during a ritual pig killing dance, Simon stumbles
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Motivation plan Essay
Motivation plan Essay Motivation plan Essay Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies. Team Member Name Summary of Individual Characteristics Motivational Strategy and Action Plan Relevant Theory Pearl Chacon Pearl loves her job and the satisfaction she gets when she accomplishes her goals. She would like to get paid more but knows that she still needs to learn to gain the skills needed to move up. She has a high emotional intelligence. This employee does not need much motivation at her job. She is satisfied with her job and knows exactly what she needs to do to accomplish her goals at work. The action plan the company needs to develop is that they need to put actions in place to keep pearl satisfied with your job and use her skill to the fullest. Give her more responsibility and give here the confidence she needs to continue to be satisfied. McClelland theory is the relevant theory. Pearl knows that she needs to strive to succeed which is one of the needs for McClelland theory. For Pearl to achieve her goals she must work on her skills. Vince Lopez Vince is satisfied with his job, makes the right decisions at work, and has a high emotional intelligence. He loves how engaged he is at work and is happy that he is working This employee does not need much motivation at his job. He feels that he has the right amount of engagement at work and is happy with his work. The action that should be taken should be the same
Friday, November 22, 2019
Create a Genealogy GEDCOM File
Create a Genealogy GEDCOM File Whether youre using a stand-alone genealogy software program or an online family tree service, there are several reasons that you might want to create, or export, your file in GEDCOM format. GEDCOM files are the standard format used for sharing family tree information between programs, so are often necessary for sharing your family tree file with friends or family members, or for moving your information to a new software or service. They can be especially useful, for example, for sharing family tree information with ancestral DNA services which allow you to upload a GEDCOM file in order to help matches determine their potential common ancestor(s). Create a GEDCOM These instructions will work for most family tree software programs. See your programs help file for more specific instructions. Launch your family tree program and open your genealogy file.In the top-left hand corner of your screen, click the File menu.Select either Export or Save As...Change the Save as Type or Destination drop-down box to GEDCOM or .GED.Select the location where youd like to save your file (make sure its one you can easily remember).Enter a filename such as powellfamilytree (the program will automatically add the .ged extension).Click Save or Export.Some type of confirmation box will appear stating that your export has succeeded.Click OK.If your genealogy software program does not have the ability to protect the privacy of living individuals, then use a GEDCOM privatizing/cleaning program to filter the details of living people from your original GEDCOM file.Your file is now ready to share with others. Export From Ancestry.com GEDCOM files can also be exported from online ancestry member trees that you own or have shared editor access to: Log in to your Ancestry.com account.Click on the Trees tab at the top of the page, and select the family tree you would like to export.Click on the name of your tree in the upper-left corner and then select View Tree Settings from the drop-down menu.On the Tree Info tab (the first tab), select Export Tree button under the Manage Your Tree section (bottom right).Your GEDCOM file will then be generated which may take a few minutes. Once the process is complete, click on the Download your GEDCOM file button to download the GEDCOM file to your computer. Export From MyHeritage GEDCOM files of your family tree can also be exported from your MyHeritage family site: Log into your MyHeritage family site.Hover your mouse cursor over the Family Tree tab to bring up a drop-down menu, and then select Manage Trees.From your the list of family trees that appears, click on Export to GEDCOM under the Actions section of the tree you would like to export. Choose whether or not to include photos in your GEDCOM and then click on the Begin the Export button.A GEDCOM file will be created and a link to it sent your email address. Export From Geni.com Genealogy GEDCOM files can also be exported from Geni.com, either of your entire family tree or for a specific profile or group of people: Log into Geni.com.Click on the Family tab and then click the Share Your Tree link.Select the GEDCOM export option.On the next page, select from the following options which export only the selected profile person plus the individuals in the group you have selected: Blood Relatives, Ancestors, Descendants, or Forest (which includes connected in-law trees and may take up to several days to complete).A GEDCOM file will be generated and sent to your email. Dont worry! When you create a genealogy GEDCOM file, the software or program creates a brand new file from the information contained in your family tree. Your original family tree file remains intact and unaltered.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
My College Experience as a Freshman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My College Experience as a Freshman - Essay Example I moved out of my parent’s house in the process, thus I did get a change to enjoy the independence that college life brings to freshman student. My first year of college helped mature as an adult. For the first time in my life I was taking care of my personal needs and had the freedom to choose what my life would be without the interference of others. It was a difficult time; it was bit exhausting working and studying at the same time. My academic performance was not the best, but I learned a lot in the process. I know what it takes to succeed in a university and I realize that if I am able to dedicate more time to my education I will perform a lot better the second time around. My immediate goal is to enroll once again in an accredited university in order to continue my educational journey towards obtaining a college degree that will prepare me for my professional
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
IMPROVE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP IN THE CURRENT FASHION INDUSTRY (CRM) - Essay Example Information technology has accelerated the evolutionary phase of customer relationship. Many CRM software and information systems are available today which can be used for capturing and storing potential customer data which help organizations in developing and maintaining customer relationship. This report is an attempt to provide comprehensive information on technologies used by the present day organizations for maintaining a healthy relationship with their potential customers. Supply chain has also supported organizations in improving their relationship building activities with their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a comprehensive approach adopted by organizations in order to create, maintain, and expand their customer base. It has become an essential part of every organization and seeks participation from all of the departments of that organization. It should be noted the process of customer base development of an organization is not dependent on any specific department. Instead it is a strategy which must be followed by all of the departments while developing their departmental plans. It is not solely related to the IT department of the organization neither it is an activity performed by the sales and marketing team (Anderson & Kerr, 2002). Present day business situation has forced organizations to revamp their traditional approaches so as to meet their target revenue and sales volume. High level of competition has become an issue not only for international level organizations but also for the organizations operating in the national and domestic markets. Organizations are required to use smarter techniques for identifying and retaining their customers. This has also made it necessary for the present day organizations to analyze their offerings and identify their targeted customers. The latter is considered as the key to success as it increases the of the productivity and revenue generation of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Family Assessment Essay Example for Free
Family Assessment Essay Gordon’s functional health patterns is a method developed by Marjory Gordon, a nursing theorist and professor. The functional health patterns are to be used during the nursing process to obtain a more comprehensive assessment. There are 11 functional health patterns to in place to create a comprehensive assessment. The functional health patterns are values and health perception and management, sleep/rest, nutrition, activity/exercise, elimination, cognitive-perceptual, role relationship, self perception, coping-stress tolerance, sexuality and religion. In this paper, I will discuss all of these functional health patterns as they pertain to my husbands perception of our family. Functional Health Patterns I interviewed my husband using Gordon’s functional health pattern guided questions. Miguel is a 41 year old father of four children, Trysten who is 6, Tyernen is 5, Lola is 3 and Eva who is 14 months old. Miguel has been married to Susan for 13 years. He has been running a household for the past 5 years at, taking on the newest role for men as a stay at home parent. The Health Perception–Health Management pattern involves health practices used to reach current level of health or wellness and the individuals actual health status. Questions should focus on the individuals perceived health status and meaning of health. During the assessment of this pattern, a nurse may unearth other patterns that may need to be explored. (Edelman) Rarely sick, Miguel goes to the doctor when necessary and is on Zoloft for anxiety. The kids have been to the doctor this year for their well check ups. Trysten is battling allergies, and just got over a sinus infection. Eva had an ear infection and is now teething. Tyernen had his tonsils out last year. Lola is relatively healthy and Susan just discovered she has been starting to get migraines and is trying different home remedies for these. Nutritional-metabolic patterns focus on the nutrient intake relative to metabolic need. This includes evidence of nutritional balance (physical examination) and reports and description of food and fluid consumption (history). (Edelman) Many meals are eaten out, fast food and restaurants are frequented. When foods are cooked at home, stews, steak, chicken cutlets, pastas, bread, and salads are usually made. Snacks include fruits and banana shakes he makes for the kids. He is overweight and states he knows so. The kids are healthier, and the parents make better choices for them then they do for themselves. Susan is, too, overweight. A very important factor when assessing the sleep-rest pattern is the perception of getting an adequate amount of relaxation and sleep. If the individual reports energy levels waning or fatigue this may provide some indication of the individuals satisfaction. People have their own ideas about the roles that rest and sleep play in preparing the individual for desired or required daily activities. This pattern becomes extremely important when sleep and rest are reported as insufficient because it effects other aspects in the assessment. (Edelman) Miguel states that he has trouble sleeping and is often tired the next day. He states â€Å"the doctor ordered a sleep study for my sleep apnea I’m sure I have, but I never go. †Children sleep well through the night, approximately 10 hours. Susan just switch from working night shift to day shift, and is flipping her schedule around. Elimination patterns include bladder, skin and bowel function. Nurses ask the patient about regularity, quality, and quantity of stool and urine through reports from the individual any changes or perceived problems and about methods used to get regularity or control. Perspiration quantity and quality determine excretory skin function. (Edelman) In regards to his bathroom habits, he states he goes regularly. Miguels skin is clear, some dryness on elbows and knees noted. Hair and nails look healthy and clean. Children have normal patterns and skin is clear no dryness. Susan has drier skin, states bathroom needs are normal. The activity-exercise focuses on activity level, regular exercise program, and leisure time activities. Physical and subjective assessments include movement capability, activity tolerance, use of assistive devices, self-care ability, satisfaction with activity and exercise patterns, and any perceived problems. (Edelman) With the 4 children, he does get out and play with the kids, but there is no regular exercise routine. The children play everyday outside, wether in the park or in the yard. Susan doesn’t have a regular exercise program either. Cognitive patterns are the ability of the individual to understand and follow directions, make decisions, solve problems, retain information and use language appropriately. Auditory, olfactory, visual, gustatory, tactile, and kinesthetic sensations and perceptions impact the perceptual and sensory patterns. (Edelman) Cognitively, Miguel reads the news online and utilizes the internet to write to his family in Argentina. English is his second language, and he does need assistance expressing himself every once in a while. He does wear glasses, but they are more for driving needs. Children are developmentally on target for their respective ages. Susan is working full time, taking on line courses and running a home with the help of her husband. The sense of each individuals personal identity, emotional patterns, goals, and feelings about the self is the self perception pattern. Self-image and sense of worth come from the individuals perception of personal appearance, limitations, and competencies, including the individuals self-perception and others perceptions. (Edelman) Miguel wants to go back to school, but his family is first. At this time, he is at home, allowing his wife to continue her education to better their situation. He feels trapped at times, wants to go back to work. He wants to go to the gym, but his children are more important at this time. He reads to better his knowledge base and fixes the cars, thriving on a bargain when it is found. Again, children seem to be on with their developemental milestones. Susan is having trouble with her physical appearance. Though she projects a confident persona, she is uncomfortable with how she looks at this time. Roles-relationships pattern describes the identity the individual assumes with in a social group and how they interact with others with in that social group and how they are connected. The individuals perception is a large component of the assessment, as is the individuals subjective level of satisfaction with the roles and relationships they are in. (Edelman) Miguel states â€Å"I am a daddy, husband, and a friend. †He describes himself in his roles, â€Å"daddy†being the most important to him. The childrens role are still being determined due to the fact they are so young. Trysten is big brother to all and best friend to daddy. Tyernen is a big brother and in competition with Trysten all the time, though it seems to make them want to be better. Tyernen favors his mother, but jokes around often with daddy. Lola seems to have taken on the role of trouble maker, and Eva is following her footsteps. Susan has taken on the role of mother, breadwinner, student, and nurse (not in any specific order). She tends to lead the family, get everyone moving. The sexuality-reproductive pattern is defined by the individuals sexual functioning, sexual self-concept, methods of intimacy, and reproductive areas. The importance of sexuality to the individuals life and health is related to the relationship and self-perception patterns. Body image, gender identity and role are linked to sexual identity. Sexual functioning involves, but is not limited to, sexual relations with a partner. (Edelman) Miguel and Susan have not been physically intimate in a long while. Either one of them remember the last time. This is mostly due to Susan’s self-perception/body image and the busy lives that are being lead. Miguel has expressed more than once that the physical aspect of their shared sexuality is unsatisfying. The ability to manage stress in life is a learned behavior. Stress is an inevitable part of life; without it there is no motivation to grow. Most stress comes from minor irritations that build over time, not great tragedies. Edelman) There are many stressors affecting this family. Four young childrens’ demands, being in Arizona when we would prefer to be in New York, working full time, going back to school, staying home with the kids, many many stressors are impacting the lives of the two parents. For the most part, the stress is handled well, though we both seem to be r eaching for food too often and may need to re evaluate our coping mechanisms so it doesn’t impact the childrens learned coping mechanisms. The values-beliefs pattern is defined as the individuals goals, spiritual values and beliefs. Each of the 11 health patterns addresses the value systems of individuals, family, and society. Individual values or beliefs develop over time and guides the individuals life through societal influences and personal experiences with family. (Edelman) There is no firm religious influence in the home. The family is valued, belief in building a strong base for the children to grow. After compiling the data from the assessment of the family discussed in the paragraphs above, some nursing diagnosis that would be appropriate would be: Altered Nutrition more than body requirements related to using food as a coping mechanism. Sexual dysfunction related to change in body or self-image. Ineffective coping related to inadequate coping method. In conclusion, the functional health patterns gave me a better idea of what is happening in my family and how it is effecting my husband and our relationship. There is always an aspect of the health patterns that can be improved upon within a family, it is the nurses job when assessing to be thorough and helpful.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
america sucess or failure Essay -- essays papers
america sucess or failure America-success or failure is a broad topic. This question can be looked at differently from the multi-cultural races that make up America. The most likely theory is America is a success, but with continual change and improvement, she can become more. To prove this theory we will discuss essential events, from past to present that will champion this theory. The period we will cover is from the 1950’s to present day. The political mood, social changes, and domestic situations brought forth many changes in American history. To define America’s success, civil rights comes to the forefront. America has had a long history of racial and unequal rights division amongst its diverse ethnic groups. During the 1950’s, severe treatment of African Americans was very noticeable. Slavery may not exist today, but brutal treatment of blacks continued. Discrimination was a way of life for white America. The South may have lost the war but the battle continued. And Black Americans during these times were less then men in the eyes of many White Americans. Education changed many of the views of White Americans, and the will of certain Black Americans who, regardless of the consequences, were tired of being citizens but not equal. ‘In September 1946 President Harry Truman met with a group of African American leaders to discuss the steps that needed to be taken to achieve their goals. They asked for support of a Federal Anti-Lynching law, abolish a poll tax as a voting requirement, and establish a permanent board to prevent discriminatory practices in hiring. Congress refused to address any of these concerns.’(America Pathways to the Present) It is hard to believe such issues existed in America with such a large multi-racial representation as we have. However, momentum carried Civil Rights forward and brave people like Rosa Parks and Martin L. King brought attention to the wrongs that were being committed. These heroic acts met with violence from America. Technology was key in changing public opinion when this violence came into the living rooms of neutral Americans. Black unity grew and white support continues to grow. The dramatic turning point according to this theory was Martin L. King’s march on the capital and his famous speech â€Å"I have a Dream†. This event was the largest public protest against discrimination and t... ..., lesbian, and bisexual people to serve openly in the U.S. military, a 19-point jump from 1997. (NGLTF Policy Institute Report From Wrongs to Rights, PG 12.) The fact that the gay and lesbian community has made progressive accomplishment is proof that America is succeeding. Twenty years ago the mere mention of this could ruin a person’s life or career. With time and education the Gay and Lesbian community is gaining equal rights, but improvement is always needed. Many measures have been taken to block Gay and Lesbian rights for example a religious activist group failed in its efforts to place initiatives attacking the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community on the November ballot in four Michigan communities this week. Initiatives failed to make the ballot in Royal Oak, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Traverse City, while the results of a similar attempt in a fifth city, Grand Ledge, was not known.’ (NGLTF Policy Institute Report From Wrongs to Rights, P g. 14) America is not perfect, but there is nothing to compare it with in the world. I hope that for the sake of our next generation who will inherit this country we will have and even greater success to speak about.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Hypothesis through research Essay
Introduction This investigation aims to find the value of Young’s Modulus for a specific material, in this case nylon fishing line. Young’s Modulus (E) is a measure of a material’s stiffness, determined by the formula: The standard unit of measure for Young’s Modulus is the pascal (Pa). 1 pascal is the same measure as 1 Nm-2 (Nm being Newton Metre). A material always retains the same Young’s Modulus value regardless of how much it is stretched or strained, and this should be revealed in this investigation by gathering a definite value of the modulus for nylon. Hypothesis Through research that I conducted before starting the investigation, I have determined that the correct Young’s Modulus value of Nylon lies in the range 1-7GPa (the large range being due to different make-ups of Nylon with it being a compound). I should therefore be looking at achieving a final result within or very close to this range. Since stress is proportionate to strain in the Young’s Modulus formula, and the modulus value remains the same, I would expect the value of stress and strain to proportionally increase with each other. Experiment Plan In order to carry out this investigation into the value of Young’s Modulus of nylon, I will conduct an experiment to gather the values of stress and strain when increasing force is added to the material, and will take readings as weight increases until the breaking point of the nylon is reached. In order to calculate stress and strain, I will need to record each of the following variables throughout the experiment: Force applied to the material [F] (Newtons/N) Area of a cross-section of the material [A] (Metres-squared/m2). Original length of the material [Lo] (Metres/m) Amount of extension when the force is applied [L] (Metres/m) These variables will then allow the values of stress and strain to be calculated using the following formulas: This leads to a final Young’s Modulus calculation formula of: The set-up I will be using to carry out this experiment consists of the nylon fishing line suspended from a stand using a clamp, and another clamp to ensure there is no movement in the stand itself. I will create a suitable loop at the bottom of the hanging material so that weights can be added but will need to ensure this loop does not weaken any area of the material and cause a drop in the breaking point value, as this would compromise the reliability of my experiment and result in premature breakage of the length of nylon. At each stage of the experiment I will take readings of length using a standard 1m ruler, and will measure the area of a cross section by gathering the diameter value using a micrometer, halving this value to gather radius and then use the formula. Before any weights are added, I will need to take a control measurement of the length and area of the nylon before any stress or strain is applied. Once this is done I will proceed to apply weight in intervals of 100g (0. 981 N) and record the values of each variable stated at bottom of the previous page after each 100g weight is added, with the exception of original length which is a constant value and only needs to be recorded at the beginning of the experiment. I will continue to add weights until the material reaches its elastic limit and snaps, at which point I will record the force applied to break the object. In order to achieve an adequate number of results from each experiment to make a fair analysis and conclusion to the investigation, I will need to take a minimum of eight readings (i. e the nylon should withstand at least 800g/7. 849N). If this fails in the actual experiment then I will need to re-evaluate my plan and decide on a new method of conducting the experiment to meet this criteria. To increase reliability, accuracy and to eliminate possible anomalous results, I will aim to repeat the entire experiment three times to gather average readings.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Death of a Loved One Essay
Devastating occurrences have the ability to completely alter the ways in which you live your life. When these certain situations occur, you have two choices: You can let them destroy you, or you can let them strengthen you. My outlook on life was completely changed when my kind hearted grandmother passed away when I was just a child. I was struck with the realization that life can be taken away in an instant and I need to cherish every moment I have left I this world. In early November of 2006, I was sitting in my choir class listening to my teacher describe the scene a horrific car accident she witnessed the day before. As she was explaining the details of the accident, I was feeling little pangs of sorrow for the victims who were unable to walk away injury free. As we carried on with our class, I couldn’t help but think about how miserable their family and friends must be feeling at that exact moment, they didn’t even see it coming. I soon shook the thoughts from my head and made my way to my next class. While walking down the hallway, I feel my newly purchased flip phone vibrate in my purse and the text I receive from my mother was rather unsettling: Honey, I have some bad news.  I reply back asking her what she was talking about, and although I was a little nervous, I didn’t try to dwell on it too much. I only assumed that she wasn’t going to buy me a new pair of Buckle jeans that I was eyeing at the time, so I swallowed my disappointment, and carried on with my morning. Thoughts of not owning those beautiful pair jean were going through my head as my phone vibrates with another text that made me stop dead in my tracks: Grandma was in an accident today. She’s in the hospital with severe injuries and they think she has brain damage. A wave of emotions washed over me and my mind couldn’t stop racing. I always heard about this sort of thing happening to people I didn’t know, people I didn’t care about. Never in a million years did I imagine that my own grandmother would be put in this situation. For once in my life, I was completely speechless. Over the next couple weeks, my grandma’s progress was a roller coaster. Some days she was barely able to open her eyes and move her fingers, and other days she was motionless. One day the swelling in her brain would worsen and the next day it would decrease. There weren’t any clear answers explaining if she was going to be okay or not. We were all holding on dearly to a sense of hope that was keeping us together. Towards the last couple days of her life, my grandma’s progress seemed to have gotten better. The swelling in her brain had decreased a great amount and I was told that it was very possible that she would be able to recover. A wave of a relief washed over me and the grasp I had on hope tightened. I truly believed that she would recover and we would have our caring, loving grandma with us again. The thoughts of her recovery were clogging my mind and I completely forgot that even though there was indeed the possibility of her recovery, the possibility of her death was still apparent. On November 28th, I was woken up by my mother and father informing me that my grandma had passed away that morning. Initially, I didn’t feel any sort of emotion. I was stuck in a daze that I couldn’t get out of. Part of me even believed that this was all a dream, and that I was going to wake up with her smiling face still in this world. Throughout the day, the numb feeling went away, and was replaced with sadness and sorrow. I replayed every memory I had with her in my head while hot, salty tears ran down my cheeks. In that moment, I would have given anything to have her alive and well, baking Christmas cookies with me like we did every year. She didn’t deserve to die and we didn’t deserve to feel this pain. Deep down I knew she was in a better place, a place where she wouldn’t have to feel the pain she felt in this world before she passed. This thought alone helped me and many others get over the fact that we lost our dear grandma. They always say that you need to live your life the fullest; you never know when your time is up. My grandma was the perfect example of a barely 60 year old woman who’s last years of her life were cut short. She made sure that she lived every day to its full potential, and she cherished every moment. Ever since the morning that she died, I made a promise to myself to never let a day go by where I don’t appreciate and love the life I live. Although life is difficult, it is still so very beautiful.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hamlet And T.S. Eliot Essays - Characters In Hamlet, Eliot Family
Hamlet And T.S. Eliot Essays - Characters In Hamlet, Eliot Family Hamlet And T.S. Eliot Over time many opinions have been formed about William Shakespeares work Hamlet. Yet through the quagmire of confusion surrounding the tragedy none have spoken than T.S. Eliot. Eliot sees hamlet as somewhat of an artistic failure due to its confusion between the main plot and the main character. In his analysis Eliot recalls the work of other authors who have talked the subject of Hamlet. He states that many authors connect with Hamlet and dont come to realize their own creative potential. These men come to think of the drama as a classic and therefore see it as an extension of there own artistic ability. Eliot also realizes that in the case of Hamlet interpretation is futile and that only criticism is relevant. Interpretation comes with a certain understanding of the nature of the work and a basis on the history surrounding the tragedy. Through searching and digging many scholars have found the historical relevance behind Hamlet, but Eliots belief is that the public as a whole was to be left ignorant of this information and in turn was not meant to fully understand the full scope of the play. Eliots idea is valid and it has many good points, but I tend to disagree with him. It is true that much of the story line in Hamlet is confusing and that the emphasis shifts numerous times from the actual plot to the actions of the main character, but I find that to be what draws me towards the story. The play is time less to me, but not for this time. For those people who lived in the Elizabethan era it may have been a little more straightforward, but to us it seems to have lost its hold and our understanding.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Idioms About Distance
Idioms About Distance Idioms About Distance Idioms About Distance By Mark Nichol The English language, rich with idiom, is replete with colorful words and phrases about measurement of distance. Here is a look at some of those expressions, roughly in order of the magnitude of the length being referred to. Colloquial phrases about distances include hairbreadth, referring, as the word indicates, to the thickness of a hair with the connotation of coming within an infinitesimal distance of doing something. The closing of this compound word, first known to have been used in the early 1600s, is unusual, as is the insertion of the plural s in the middle of the plural form: hairsbreadth. Similarly, one can refer to doing something â€Å"by a whisker.†One can also say that that a room or other place is so small, one could not swing a cat in the confined space. Two idioms that do not refer to literal distance but include figurative references to distance follow: To express that someone is not trustworthy, one can write or say, â€Å"I don’t trust [someone] any farther than I can throw him†(or her). To indicate that one does not want to get close to an object or a subject, one can refer to not wanting to touch something or someone with a ten-foot pole- or, rarely, a barge pole (referring to a long pole used to propel a barge, a long, flat boat used for hauling freight or debris, by pushing the pole’s end against the shallow bottom of the waterway). A small but more extensive distance might be described as a hop, skip, and a jump or spitting distance (not to be confused with the much more intimate striking distance, denoting sufficient proximity to hit someone or something), though these expressions refer to more than the literal distance, likely even more than â€Å"a stone’s throw†- literally, the distance one can throw a rock of indeterminate size. Meanwhile, something right in one’s backyard is no great distance. Many people are familiar with the expression â€Å"Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes,†attributed to various American officers during the Battle of Bunker Hill during the Revolutionary War. This admonition to withhold musket fire until the targeted enemy is close enough for a sure shot that justifies the use of precious ammunition had been used repeatedly in various forms for several decades before that conflict, however, and originated with a Swedish king in the early 1600s. It never achieved popular usage, though, even as a figurative expression. An expression from the American South refers to how many looks away a destination is; this term denotes how many landmarks one must look for before arriving. (â€Å"Turn right at the church, then, when you come to a big stump right next to the road, take the next left turn, and it’s right past the creek crossing†represents three or four looks, depending on whether the left turn after the stump counts as a look.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Types and Forms of Humor15 Types of DocumentsWhat the Heck are "Peeps"?
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marx Communist Ideals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marx Communist Ideals - Essay Example In chapter I, Bourgeois and Proletarians, one is advised to go through the pages of human history. According to communist philosophy, it is the history of class struggles. One finds the pairs of opposites at all levels and in all segments of the society. Whether slave or the master, serf and lord, plebeian and patrician, they are constantly engaged in mind-war situations. The hidden grudge exists against each other at all times. The oppressed class is weak in financial resources to fight back. It is unable to challenge the capitalists at will. We know from history that when such fights on a large scale occurred, they resulted in a revolutionary reconstruction of the society, and the upper classes faced the total ruin, many lost their lives or forced to give up their wealthy possessions. The subordinate gradations of the society challenged the upper classes. (Mark’s Communist Party Manifesto-1848) In any given period, including the present era of technological and internet revo lutions, a clear cut division exists in the society Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. The bourgeoisie is clever to adapt to changed circumstances and convert them to its advantage. Its adventurism of profitability and limitless aggrandizement for wealth goes on unabated. Capitalism has done irreparable damage to established national values and national industries and the process continues even now. It denudes the human being, robs him of the values and sentiments, and chisels a production unit out of him. It bears enormous stress on his mental faculties in the game of fierce competition, where marketing of the products is the ultimate goal, no matter how one does it! A sadistic joy erupts in the business circles by throwing the other man (the competitor) out of the ring. Artificial wants are being created, which in fact are damaging to the health of an individual. Workers are driven to the wall, trade unionism becomes their option to seek their rights, management becomes their sw orn enemy and they believe that the unions need to be at permanent war with the management on one pretext or the other. National level union leaders are on record to say, that they are not concerned with the productivity and it is the sole business of the management how to get it from the workers. Management also devises new strategies to challenge the working style of the unions. In the process, both have unleashed powers, which they are unable to control, without inflicting self-damage. A worker no more finds charm in his work; he is just a screw of the machine that he operates. His future depends on the volatility and mood of the market and he is totally at its mercy. The recent recession is a glaring example. When the market tumbled, the demand for the goods crashed, several millions workers were rendered jobless. Let the American Constitution swear by capitalism and the concept of free society. The story and discussions contained in the two books, The Grapes of Wrath by John St einbeck and Waiting for Lefty (a drama) by Clifford Odets, unfold the ground realities in the country. The writings of Odets are one of commitment to Communist ideology, his Leftist leanings are no hidden agenda, he is quite blatant about his convictions, and he has depicted the conditions obtaining in the American Society of 1930s. He has provided an able dramatic presentation of the social injustices which is the root cause for an
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Implementation of EMR System Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Implementation of EMR System - Term Paper Example It can be a complete decision support system with quality management and reporting method.But this implementation process of the EMR incurs a huge investment for the firm which cannot be afforded by many small scale companies. Government plays a vital role in the investment process to help the hospitals to adapt the system. In the year 1996 the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act i.e. HIPAA was passed at U.S to setup rules for the access and storing of patients information and auditing to electronic medical records. These rules set a standard for electronic records which is much more stringent than older paper work records. But there are some concerns about the different issues that arise due to the implementation process. The organization faces several challenges in the implementation process which the company needs to evaluate beforehand for a successful implementation of the EMR system. Identifying the key business areas, selecting the appropriate vendor for the so ftware development and implementing in a tactful manner are most important in the adaptation process. Rapid development in IT industry aided in the reduction of cost for setting up the information system and emerging device compatibility gives great flexibility to access the system. The information stored manually through paper work can also be accessed in a simple manner but this cannot be managed for a huge number of records. Networked EMR gives the litheness to connect the different departments and the laboratory data and prompt assistance can be received from the system in an effective way. Various other features like the e-mail and internet communication allows the specialist to take advice from remote organization or physicians. Storage of drugs and availability of the supplementary health care instruments can be tracked by the system. Lastly the report generation of different situational analysis can also be conducted through the system (Fraser, et.al., 2005, p. 84-85). This report is mainly concerned with the issues which arise in the adaptation of EMR system by the hospital administrator and the features of the different EMR systems available from different vendors. The report also will help in the decision process for selecting the right EMR system for the given hospital. EMR implementation process Why EMR implementation? Implementing an EMR system is not an easy task for the hospitals. Identifying the best EMR and deciding the one to buy are two main questions which arise before the implementation process. Identifying the clinical, administrative and the business needs are the very first step one should consider in the process. When searching for the best system one should understand what the process is all about and what can be the implementation process i.e. proper understanding of the systems available in the market are needed to be evaluated first so that there should not be loss of capital in the investment for the system. Proper knowledge of t he systems available and the business process and comparison between the two will help the implementation process much easier. Once the product selection is done the process identification and the analysis can be done and the clinic will surely benefit from that if the right product is selected. EMR system facilitates the processes than if done manually. The analysis, calculation and recording of data about the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Business - Assignment Example This includes some grants to support your invest in united Arab emirate as well as offering advice on export and import regulations. Additionally, we have qualified professionals who are well knowledgeable in United Arab Emirates telecommunication market (Theodore, 2003). These professionals will help your in venturing into our market. Moreover, we will work together in licensing and franchising your business in United Arab Emirates. We will also introduce you to United Arab Emirates licensing department for registration. We will also use our franchising experiences in United Arab Emirates to popularize our joint venture. To ensure our joint venture is success and productive, we are committed toward to offering adequate and qualified management team. In reference to this, we can offer management contracts in accordance to our agreement. The purpose inviting your for a joint venture is to have scope in global market. As a matter of fact, increased levels of global marketing competitio n have become a big challenge at all stages of engagement in international market (Svante and Goran, 2009). Changes in global market and most specifically in United Arab Emirates have led to the emergence of increased competition pressure at all investment levels. As a result of this, it is important for multinational companies to have market in as many international markets as possible (Hollensen, 2011). Due to this, accepting our joint venture will increase your chances of venturing in United Arab Emirates market with very limited restrictions. For our joint venture to be effective in the current competitive global market, we are planning to have single quality products that will outdo other products in the international market (Kotabe and Helsen, 2004). On the other hand, prices of our products will vary from one market location to another in United Arab Emirates. The cost will depend on the expenses incurred in developing the product, delivery cost and the nature of the market. We will use our business outlets to market our joint venture products in United Arab Emirates. To ensure our products are popular in the market, we will use our company’s popularity in United Arab Emirates to popularize our joint venture (Philip and Kotler, 2005). Currently, there are very many business opportunities and benefits in United Arab Emirates. To start with, the government is encouraging and sponsoring foreign direct investment (Modayil, 2010). There are some subsidies such as tax exemptions granted to companies which have the interest of expanding their business in United Arab Emirates. There are also cheaper wages in the country which serves as incentives for international companies to gain free access to the country market (Association, 2009). Coming up with a strong joint venture is also very relevance in coping with current global competition. The capital market in United Arab Emirates is also very active. The county’s capital market is open to internat ional investors. As a result of this, investing in United Arab Emirates will increase the quality of MTN shares in international market. In the recent past, the government has enhanced adequate foreign and trade market relationship. It has partnered with several international business bodies to enhance free flowing global market. Additionally, there are several trade fairs in the country w
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Concepts of Islamic Marriage
Concepts of Islamic Marriage 1.0 Introduction. The Muslims do not see the house as a static entity. As the environment for the generation of life, it is itself a living and dynamic entity. Hence waala talk of the need to continually build up the house. This task needs a man and woman in order to be accomplished. As a Waala saying goes, it needs a man and a woman to build a house, For whilst the man digs the soil the woman provides the water without which he cannot make the motar for the building. Here again, we see how, in a nuanced way, the waala refer both to the sexual division of labor in the putting up of a physical house and the cooperation of the sexes in the generation of children within the social house. In this way, I have the double reference to the house as a physical and social entity. Through these statements, Waala acknowledge the importance of marriage. However they do not see marriage as establishing a household. Waala believe that the House has already been setup by the forebears. It is a task of the descendants to keep the house in existence. Marriage is thus a necessary means of keeping the house a lived through history. Hence a young man is said to take a wife (depogaa) into his house whilst a young girl homes a houseband (kulisira). Girls are destined to marry outside their own patriling into another persons house and thus educated to help build their husbands houses even if they are never considered full members in it. Infact, the remaining members of their own patriclan are expected to be responsible and respectable ambassadors of their own families within their husbands own. Throughout the world and through out history there have been, and still are, a variety of matrimonial systems each of which is the fruit of inventiveness and adaptation to local cir cumstances. The Islamic marriage system is one of them, it has its peculiarities and specific characteristics, carved out by tradition. For the Muslims, marriage is the union of a man and a woman, having in mind the reciprocal services of domestic life and the procreation of children, this union is made possible through the mutual agreement between the kinship group of the man and the woman. Therefore, marriage is not just the affairs of the man and the woman, for the bond that unites them as husband and wife unites at the same time their two lineage groups. Man alone is incomplete and more so the woman, they are like two halves of a Calabash which have to be reunited to have a whole Calabash. The complete human being is the couple (man and woman) and it has been like that since the beginning. For the two, it is the accession to their true maturity especially if their union results in an offspring; Marriage is the fine threshold to cross on earth in the growth through childhood. Celibacy always conserves something if childish immaturity in the eyes of the society. The relation husband-wife is therefore constitutive of the human being and marriage which creates this relation is thus greatly varied. 1.2 Backgrounds to the study Islam recognizes values of sex and advocates marriage. Islam does not believe in celibacy. The prophet of Islam has said marriage is my sunnah (that is recommended action of the prophet) and whoever does not follow my sunnah is not true follower (Ibn Haiah Basum Nilah) All has commanded the Muslims to marry. (Quran 24:33) in Islam, marriage is considered as one of the essential element of adulthood in Islamic context. And marriage is also considered as an essentially a contract. In Islam, both Muslim men and women must satisfy certain conditions before one can go into marriage. The conditions include: There must be a clear proposal There must be a clear acceptance There must be at least the competent. After satisfying the about conditions, the marriage must be witness by the competent persons from both the mans family and the womens family. Respectively. It is necessary to exclude illicit sex and to safeguard legitimacy of progeny. It is recommended that marriage should be widely publicized. The heart of marriage is the marriage gift, little or more, by the bridegroom to the bride. Dowry or marriage gift by bridegroom to the bribe is a symbolic expression of the grooms cognizance of the economic responsibilities of marriage and of his readiness to assume all responsibilities subsequent to marriage Dowry is not any price paid either to wife or family of the wife. Dowry should be estimated according to the circumstances with emphasis on moderation. The prophet (S. A. W.) is reported to have said that the most blessed marriage is that which is least costly and most easy. Marriage is usually a group affair and the ceremony involves, besides the couple and their immediate relations distant kinsfolk, neighbors and friends. Nor is their involvement limited to the ceremony. It is necessary during the preliminary negotiations which culminate in the ceremony. That is why it is said that Ghanaian marriage is between families and not individuals. This view has added significance because in our extended system, the interest of the relatives in the marriage means that the two families have become affirnal real kin of the two sides. Nukunya (2003). According to G. E. kpiebaya the word Bride price instead of the usual word dowry for a reason. The word dowry is often used to refer to the practice among many Africans peoples of giving some goods in exchange for a wife, but strictly speaking, dowry is the money, or the property a woman brings to her husband at marriage. In Africa, in general, it is the boy, not the girl who brings money, property and services to the girls family. In my candle opinion, the Bride price or Bride health is the consideration (thus the benefit to the bridegroom. The consideration paid by the bride should be within the limit of the bride and should be recommended by Islam advocates and confined within the teachings of Islam. The importance of the dowry (bride price, bride health) can not be overemphaised. The bride price is never seen traditionally as payment for the girl, but as an indemnity to the family (kpiebaya), payment of the dowry (bride price, bride health) is a symbolic of the marriage procedure and finally legalize the marriage contract. Once the bride price has been paid by the bride, it confers sexual rights on both parties. Since lslam discourage celibacy. Payments of the dowry also legitimize the unborn children and also the dowry serves as a stabiser to the marriage for once the girls people have receiued it they are not readily prepared to retune it should a breakdown occur. It is therefore in their interest to maintain the marriage (G. E. kpiebaaya). Walimah is a food reception which follows the consummation of the marriage, to make it public. It is offered by the parents of the married couple, by their friends, or by the newly married couple themselves. Friends, relatives, and neighbors are usually invited. This food reception should be within the means of the couple and recommended by lslam. The companion Anas reported that the prophet (S. A. W. ) Saw a trace of yellow on Abd Ar Bahaman /bn Awf, and asked: what is this? He answered: l got married. The prophet (S.A.W.) said: may Allah make it a blessing for you. Make a Walimah, even with only sheep.(Al-Bukhari,Muslim,Al-Tirmizi,Abu Dawood and Malik) . In human life, every human being good through three (3) importance stages in life and each of these stages is marked with celebration and other financial commitment. The stages include: Out- adoring ceremony. Adulthood and marriage ceremony. Death and funeral ceremony. The celebration of these activities should not bring any hardship to those performing them. Recently, the Islamic marriage institution has turn in to a financial institution where Muslims barrow with collateral security and save with a very hard sting conditions. Those Muslims who has not gotten the said collateral security cannot borrow from the Islamic marriage institution. In conclusion marriage is a religious right for Muslim brothers and sisters and this has been recommended by the messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and His Companions. Emphasis is placed on the affordability of the Dowry (Bride pride). 1.3 Statement of the problem Allah created men and women so that they can provide company to one another, have one another, procreate children and live in peace and tranquility to the commandments of Allah and the directions of His messenger. Nature has so arranged that man and woman are attracted toward each other. This natural attraction binds them together and leads them to live a common life and form a family. This natural tendency or the instinct of sex, like any other instinct, should be guided to the right direction so that it may be utilized in the service of humanity. In the wake of keen desire to established conjugal relations between them selves, man and woman enter into a contract known as marriage or matrimonial contract. This contract has great importance in human life, for it unites the existence of two persons in many ways. It lays the foundation of the life of a human infant and deeply influences his body, life, thought and future actions. That is why a marriage contract is regarded a sacred by various nations and enough attention has been paid in different legal systems to the question connected with it. Islam has also attached great importance to the question of marriage in its social system. In the holy Quran and the sayings of the holy prophet and the imams we find that marriage has been greatly encouraged. The holy prophet has been reported to have said No institution of island is liked by Allah more than that of marriage. Despite the numerous importance marriage in Islamic context. Individual Muslims have tend it into money ventures making it very difficult for afford this huge sum of money to go into marriage. The introduction of new concepts into the Islamic marriage has created difficulties for those who can afford and stand the test of time. The concept include:, showing of identical clothes, hiring of canopies, expensive dowry, hiring of record dance (stero) and among others is an indication that new concepts have been added to the in stilton of marriage besides its traditional concepts due to individual perusal interest. This practices and concepts currently introduced into the Islamic marriage have undermined the integrity of Islam as a religion. I there for urged every meaning, concerned and patriotic Muslim to stand elementally against these practices.. Mr. Daud Baaba Adidas delivered a paper on Islamic marriage, radio progress current affairs. 1.4 Research question (s) Main research question What are the impacts of the commercialization of marriage on Islamic marriage? Sub-question: How is Islamic marriage contracted? What are the essential requirements of Islamic marriage? Are there changes to the essential requirements of Islamic marriage? What are the impacts of these changes on Islamic marriage? 1.5 Research objective (s) Main research objective To assess the impact of commercialization of marriage on Islamic marriage Sub-objectives To identify the procedure of Islamic marriage To identify the requirements of Islamic marriage To determine the changes in procedure and requirements of Islamic marriage overtime. To assess the impact of these changes and Islamic marriage. 1.6 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH This research is intended to examine the factors or Circumstances that led the commercialization of the Islamic marriage which currently made very difficult for Young Mushin boys and girls to go into marriage as prescribed by the Holy Book (Quran). The findings the research will be made available to the Islamic Communities and other interested bodies and institutions. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature review This chapter will consist of two (2) Termantic areas. Thus theoretical Framework which comprise previous literature undertook by prominent scholars, journals textbooks both published and non-published on: The procedure on Islamic marriage The requirements of Islamic marriage The changes in procedure and requirement of Islamic marriage The impact of the recent changes in procedure and requirement on Islamic marriage. The second phase of this chapter is the conceptual framework of the procedures and requirements of Islamic marriage. Chapter Three Methodology 3.0 Introduction This chapter deals with the description of the study design; study Area, Population sampling method, sampling Size. Data Collection Approach, interview. and questionnaire 3.1 Study design The research design will follow the following pattern, the topic or title, introduction, Background, problem analysis or statement of the problem, the research question, the research objective , Literature Review, Methodology, Findings and discussion of sub-objectives, conclusion, Recommendations and References. Ha win C (1989), Research Design strategies and choices in the design of social research. Pathways Analysis (Dietz) 3.2 Study Area: WA municipality especially WA township where the practice of the commercialization of marriage on the Islamic Institution is the most affected area. Wa Municipal is one of the nine (9) Districts in the Upper West Region. 3.3 Secondary Data The researcher intended to collect data from the following sources; papers delivered by prominent Islamic scholars, Islamic scholars who have researched into Islamic marriage, Articles publications and son on. 3.4 Population The population of the research will be the Muslim community in Wa Township and it environs. 3.5 Sampling Method; Two main sampling method or technique would be adopted thus; stratified random sampling and purposive sampling procedure Stratified random sampling: In stratified sampling, the sampler divides the population into homogeneous unites. That is to say, if the sampler has any reason to believe that the population has many dissimilar elements or individuals, 3.6 Sample Size The sample size is the number of respondents the researcher will be dealing within the population. Two hundred (200) respondents is targeted 3.7 Data Collection Approach; The researcher intended to use one main methods which include; and questionnaire. The research findings will be both qualitative and quantitative 3.8Questionnaires Formal questions will be framed and written down for the respondents to provide the answers. As a method for data collection, questionnaire is and efficient way to collect statistically quantifiable information. The researcher intended to use an open- ended question. Open-ended questions give flexibility in answering questions. Respondents can express themselves as fully as they wish. The researcher intended to administer one hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires. Network Analysis ( Long 1989, Cees Lewis 1990, Villareal 1990) PROPOSED BUDGET Component Quantity Unit price Totals A-4 Sheet Five (5) 45.00 22.50 Type setting and photocopy of questionnaire One hundred and fifty GHÂÂ ¢7 for type setting (a) 10p per photo copy (a) 100 questionnaires 1050 Field Assistance Four (4) 50.00 200.00 Digital Camera for research purpose One 1 350.00 350.00 Final typesetting of thesis work One 1 200.00 200.00 Photo copy of thesis work Five (5) 20.00 100.00 Type setting of Interviews questions Fifty (50) GHÂÂ ¢7 for the setting 70 Allowance for secretary One 1 50.00 50.00 Photocopy of interview questions Fifty 70Gp for 50 3.50 Traveling Transport for researcher Five (5) gallons of petrol 5.30 26.50 Miscellaneous 174.00 TOTALS 2,246.50 Note: This Budget is subject to amendment and review depending on the prices of component at the time of the thesis writing PROPOSED TIME AND COMPLETION OF THESIS Activity Time frame Gathering of Data December 2010 January 2010 Analysis of data February March 2010 Write up of final thesis 1stApril 2010 30thApril 2010 Submission of thesis to the faculty 1stMay 2010 31stMay 2010
Friday, October 25, 2019
Analogues of a Fabliau Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Fabliau Essay
Analogues of a Fabliau Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in many different genres and from a variety of sources. He took ideas from other authors and made them his own through adding and changing details, which in turn could cause the meaning of the story to change. The adaptations could alter the tone of the story; it could be made more sarcastic, humorous or serious. He also wrote in many different genres. One genre that Chaucer worked with is the fabliau. A fabliau is a short story that is usually written in verse about low or middle class people. It is more obscene than other stories, primarily through sexual situations. It is presented to be comical against marriage. The sexual obscenity became more vulgar as it was written down, because only then was there more of a separation between courtly and vulgar actions. (Muscatine 568-570) Benson describes the fabliau as, â€Å"a brief comic tale in verse, usually scurrilous and often scatological or obscene. The style is simple, vigorous, and straight-forward...†(7) One critic, Charles Muscatine, believes that the old French fabliau lacked much plot structure. (Vaszily, 523-542) However, one element like this is insufficient to classify in a genre. There are other short stories that are kept short and concise that are not fabliaux. Also, another trait of fabliaux is that the humor is â€Å"attached to the structure itse lf†rather than in â€Å"the way in which the story is told.†(Vaszily) One common plot for a fabliau is a love triangle. The triangle is often formed with an old husband, a young wife and another young man. As Vaszily points out, though, Chaucer has other tales that are not fabliaux, which have this plot. Muscatine refers to the content of fa... ...rk, 1971. Bodel, Jean. â€Å"Gombert and the Two Clerks.†1190-1194: Pp. 89-99 Anonymous. â€Å"The Miller and the Two Clerks.†Thirteenth Century. Blanch, Robert J and Wasserman, Julian N. â€Å"The Advocate: Law, fabliaux, and the journey to modernism.†Literature/Film Quarterly. Salsbury, 2001: 303-315. Dunn, E Catherine. â€Å"The spirit of the fourteenth century.†Modern Age. Wilmington, Summer 2001: 268-271. Muscatine, Charles. â€Å"Medieval Literature, Style and Culture: Essays by Charles Muscatine.†Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Urbana, Oct 2001: 568-570. The Geoffrey Chaucer Home Page. URL: http://icg.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard College. Last Modified: Jan 20, 2002. Vaszily, Scott. â€Å"Fabliau plotting against romance in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale.†Style. Dekalb, Fall 1997: 523-542.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mega Minds
CHAPTER ONE 1. 1INTRODUCTION One of the effects of over-population in a country is unemployment. Unemployment is the undoing of graduates because it literally destroys the individual morally and raptures the ties and relationships they form. Unemployment is the fact of a number of people, especially graduates not having a job to make their lives suit the economy. Economy is the relationship or the link between the production, trade and supply of money and other commodities in a particular country. A graduate is the person who has got a university degree and has completed his or her school studies.In Nigeria, the main objective of every individual who attends a higher institution is get a job after all the struggles in the institution. But the reverse is the case. Not more than 20% of the graduates every year from different institutions of higher learning in the country gets comfortable immediately after school. Philosophers say that an idle mind is the devils workshop. Owing to the l evel of unemployment among graduates, crime rates gets on the increase. Frustration causes most of the crimes committed as a result of unemployment.Every individual would like to have their ends meet. So, that is why all the crimes are being committed. 1. 2TYPES OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment can be of many types. These are 1 FRICTIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT This is a kind of unemployment that occurs because it takes workers some time to move from one job another. It may be the case that some workers find new job before they live their olds ones. In this case, a worker must look around for a job that is a good fit for him/her and this process takes some time. During this time, the individual is considered to be unemployed.But frictional unemployment is seen and thought and considered to last only for a while or short period of time. It has been seen by economists not to be especially problematic from an economic stand point. It can be the particularly time because the modern-day technology is helping both workers and companies make job search process more efficient. 2CYCLICLICAL UNEMPLOYMENT. It’s probably not surprising that unemployment is higher during recession and depressions and lower during periods of higher economic growth. But that is not the case for Nigerian economy in any way.Because of this, economist have coined the term, cyclical unemployment to describe the unemployment associated with business cycles. When demand for goods and service in an economy falls, some companies respond by cutting down production laying off workers rather than by reducing wages and prices. When this happens, there are more workers in an economy than there are available jobs, and as a result there is unemployment. 3SEASONAL UNEMPLOYMENT. This kind of unemployment results and can be said to occur due to the nature of job of an individual.For instance, road construction workers. Their works and operation comes temporarily to a halt during the rainy season. This is physical co nditions of the environment. Owing to the situation, they are said to be unemployed during the season. Again the fishermen see also to be unemployed during the rainy season because of the high rise of the waters. So they are also termed to be unemployed seasonally. This type of unemployment is seasonal because the nature of the job of an individual suits a particular season to carry out effective operation.Apart from the above defined types of unemployment there are also voluntary and involuntary unemployment. * VOLUNTORY UNEMPLOYMENT. This is a kind of unemployment whereby an individual or a person has personally decided not to acquire any job. * INVOLUNTORY UNEMPLOYMENT This is the reverse of the case of voluntary unemployment. Involuntary unemployment is a situation whereby an individual is willing and able to perform a particular task as a job but no one is anywhere to be found. This is the most kind of unemployment that is experienced in the today’s Nigerian economy. CHA PTER TWO 2. CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT There is a saying, â€Å"there is no smoke without fire†. This implies also to the rate of unemployment among graduates of this country today. There are many causes of unemployment. Many are the affiliation of Nigerian university graduate, but the most harrowing is that of unemployment. Roaming the streets, looking for jobs that are hardly in existence. When he is invited for an interview, he is subjected to inhuman treatments, discriminations and humiliations. And at the end of the day, he is left in the cold as the job is given to the applicant with the right connection.From time, the subject of unemployment has always been an issue of great concern to economists, policy makers and economic managers alike; giving the devastating effect of this phenomenon on individuals, the society and the economy at large. Omobola (2007), traced the nations graduate unemployment problem to the root causes and came up with the following; (a) Graduate defin ition of a job (b) Expectations and (c) Competitiveness 2. 2BOOKISH KNOWLEDGE AND LACK OF SKILLS AND PRACTICE There is a big gap between academia and industry.And this is one of the major causes of unemployment among Nigerian graduates. Our educational institutions seem to be producing only academicians who end up not solving the problems of the day. Out – molded courses are still being taught in some of our educational institutions with absolute equipment and technologies. This is not the case in some advanced countries are enhanced. In Nigeria, we can find a mechanical engineering student who would tell you all the functions of an engine but when you ask the same student to identify a part he has mentioned, it becomes a problem.Some lecturers have fought for many years and have refused to make way for younger lecturers and is still â€Å"living on his past glory†. Our educational institutions have refused to expand facilities, employ modern equipments and also introd uce relevant courses to meet the job market. 2. 3NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Most of the people that handle most professional jobs and services in Nigeria are foreigners. Negligence is laid on Nigerian graduates. And huge ransoms are paid to these foreigners in order to reward them and also keep them back. CHAPTER THREE . 1EFFECTS OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment lays very great effects on the society and the individual precisely. It is a killer disease among graduates. Unemployment is as deadly as inferiority complex. * PROSTITUTION AND CHILD TRAFICKING When a graduate is unemployed for more than five years, especially the women, without having any source of income, she starts developing the interest in prostitution as a cure to her problem. * LOSS OF HUMAN ESOURCES The problem of unemployment causes loss of human resources. Labourers waste their maximum time in search of employment. INCREASE IN POVERTY Unemployment deprives a man of all sources of income. As a result he g rows poor. Therefore, unemployment generates poverty. * SOCIAL PROBLEMS Unemployment breeds many social problems comprising of dishonesty, gambling, bribery, theft, fraud, prostitution and others. As a result of unemployment, social society is jeopardized. * POLITICAL INTABILITY Unemployment gives birth to political instability in a country. Unemployed persons can easily be enticed by any anti-social elements. They lose all faith in democratic values and peaceful means.They consider that the government is worthless which fails to provide work for them. * EXPLOITATION OF LABOUR In the state of unemployment, labourers are exploited to the maximum possible extent. Those labourers who get work have to work under adverse condition of low wages. All this tells upon the efficiency of labourers greatly influence the pattern of unemployment opportunities in the country. Being poor, a person does not make any gainful use of existing resources. * DEFECTIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM The education system in our country too has failed to respond to the existing inter-generation gap.It simply imparts general and literary education devoid of any practical extent. CHAPTER FOUR 4. 1 SOLUTIONS TO UNEMPLOYMENT: A WAY OUT The government should put up and adhere to the law of job leaving age. This will give rise to the step-down of those who have been in office, thereby creating room for young school leavers to take up the jobs. This will help in the reduction of unemployment in the country. VOCATIONAL INSTITUTION ESTABLISHMENT The government should lay emphasis on the establishment of vocational institutions in Nigeria.This will give and impart skill full knowledge on students or individuals. When an individual has attended a vocational institution, he can fend for himself. An individual learns a particular trade n a vocational institution. He may learn tailoring skill, craft, vulcanizing and other important trade the will give him income for survival there by creating employment. Governme nt should recognize the professional personnel in Nigeria who waste their career most times in bars and put them in the spaces occupied by foreign contractors.The funniest part of this all is that government pay double ransomed to these foreign contractors as salary and a way of retaining them. Establishment like ITF – Industrial Training Fund should also be enacted in the country. This is also related to vocational education institutions. Skills learning and acquisition centers should also be built across the nation, in different places. With the erection of these centers, individuals would be motivated to attend in order to get what to do.For instance, the Lagos refinery alone would offer Job opportunities for up to 5000 workers and an estimate 2000 workers to run the industrial complex. If all these are effectively carried out, everybody would be able to make food available on his table. CHAPTER FIVE 5. 1SUMMARY It is not a hidden issue, even to the eyes of toddler, on the rate of unemployment in Nigeria, especially among the university graduates. These are those who have burnt their mid – night candles to make sure that they become some person in life, but due to the menace of unemployment in the country, the reverse has become their case.But no matter how everything stands, the menace of unemployment can still be traced back to concern the government of the country. If the government should make a move concerning this issue, at least it is said that heaven helps those who helps themselves, even the individuals will be motivated. It is when a hand is stretched to drowning person that attempts to rescuer can be made. The country, at the state of unemployment rate is seriously drowning. Sp more emphasis should be laid. Also we should try to imbibe our culture and drop the culture of the white man – British man.Emulations are on the high rate which I personally would term illiteracy. For instance, a white man may be seen putting a kind of fancy woolen material on the television set. This is because of the weather conditions over there. But a Nigerian would emulate and want to be like the white man, and one sees somebody putting a woolen thick material under the harsh hot weather condition of the tropical Africa. ILLITRACY!!! Generally, both the individuals and the top officials should all put hands on deck to eradicate the irritating menace of unemployment in Nigeria.REFERENCES 1. News speak magazines p. g 26, 1992. 2. Mrs Omobola’s speech on the causes and effects of unemployment 2007 3. Prof Jonan Bruwer, unit for institutional planning and research, june 2006 4. Google search engine _ Wikipedia encyclopedia _www. huffintonpost. co. uk/tag/gragduate unemployment 5. Yahoo search engine 6. A-one in English textbook; an essay on unemployment 7. Marist brother’s Juniorate; citadel of learning 2011 8. Newspoint newspaper p. g 12, 2008 9. Daily newspaper p. g 35, 2009 10. Vanguard magazine p. g 6, 2002.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Internet security Essay
Our instructor gave us an assignment and I had to look for some information from the online library. I dashed to the public library nearby and at the entrance I was greeted by a sign with the words â€Å"Internet security enforced†So the internet services offered by the library had at last been secured! In the current world the term internet is very common. As Curtin admits in his essay on Introduction to network security â€Å"This is a word that I have heard way too often in the last few years. Movies, books, newspapers, magazines, television programs, and practically every other sort of media imaginable have dealt with the internet recently. Internet is a term used to refer to a ‘network of other networks’ (Curtin, par 21-22). Internet has a history in itself. It was created mainly to improve the interactions among different researchers sponsored by the government. The internet grew rapidly in the years of 1980s in educational institutions, business organizations, government agencies and international institutions. By the years of 1990s, internet usage had phenomenally grown and the networking had increased at a very fast rate compared to any network that had ever been used before like telephone use for networking. When a look is made into the present, millions and millions of internet users are connected with majority being those in business (NIST, par 7). The internet technology works magic in this advanced society. However, one is at risk of attacks sneaking through the front door if the internet site is insecure and the computer system is not ready to handle such cases of insecurity. It is thus important to have internet security. What then is internet security? Internet Security Concept To get a better insight of the positive and the negative side of internet security as part of technology, it is important to understand the concept ‘Internet security’. Security seems to be an ambiguous term. Everyone argues differently of what this is and furthermore the acceptable risk levels. Internet security entails the protection of the network against threats. Security is an issue for not only everyone but also everything. Even the internet needs to be secured from threats such as viruses (Curtin, par 104-105). Viruses are the source of computer system insecurity. Virus is software that clings to host software. It uses the host’s ability to replicate itself. When the host program is executed, the host also executes its duty. It also attaches itself to other programs. Viruses erase programs, steal personal information or declare their presence blocking important information. They pose great dangers to computer system. Therefore computer systems need to be secured (MacForensicsLab, par 17-28). Benefits of Internet Security The benefits that accrue from a secure internet are far reaching and wide. Furthermore, it takes less to prevent than to cure. The main purpose of internet security is to give protection against viruses. Viruses are the greatest evil doers when it comes to the information technology (NIST, par7-10). Just like any other virus that cause diseases, computer viruses are on the increase all of which have their origin from the widely used internet. They can be so dangerous to a computer system and can lead to its destruction. Such infections can lead to loss of important data. Internet security programs such as antivirus ensure that all data obtained from the internet is scanned to remove all the unwanted programs and viruses. Antivirus is a strong antibiotic that strongly fights the computer viruses. This ensures that the incoming information is clean and safe for use in a computer system (Kapsersky, par 6-9). Internet security keeps one’s information confidential. The world of technology has greatly expanded. Internet technology can however be applied wrongly. For instance, if a system is not secure, other person can get access to the system via the internet. Some unwanted programs can be launched into the computer’s memory. However, the security put as a guard warns users of such dangerous processes and prevents harmful changes that may be done on the file system. Internet security also protects the computer from spyware; confidential information such as bank account numbers, passwords and details from credit cards is secured from being viewed by intruders (Kapsersky, par 13). Internet security protects a computer system from hackers. Technology have gone too far such that it is possible to scan another computer’s ports through the network. Such hackers are malicious and are done to attack the network. What the internet security does is to block any further communication with that computer that attempting to attack (Kapsersky, par 16). Furthermore, some internet security programs allow users to only access secure intranet or internet. The firewall determines the limits of the rules. More so a computer can be prevented from visibility by other computers online. Once a certain mode such as stealth mode has been switched on, the computer becomes invisible from other networks. All other network activities ceases apart from the specified. Therefore any plans to invade the systems are altered. Internet security can therefore guard the whole system from attacks by viruses such as the Trojan horse and prevents a computers data access by any unauthorized personnel (Kapsersky, par 18-19). Most of the internet security focus on the physical infrastructures; the network itself. However, there are others that provide total solution as far as internet security is concerned. That is, the network, applications as well as platforms. Examples of these include, Microsoft NT (R) as well as UNIX (R). A protection that is over all is the best for a total security of the computer from the internet ‘evils’. Internet Security provides protection services to enable various organizations in the implementation of a secure access to data as well as assets through the World Wide Web (Business Wire, par 2-3). Damages Caused By Internet If a computer system is not protected, threats may end up ruining the overall system. Computer software and other accessories are exposed to harms from the internet and hence their functioning. There is therefore need to ensure that the system is safeguarded before accessing the internet. Security is ensured by various programs such as antivirus. They detect presence of a virus into a system and repair the situation through a command. Unsecured sites are open to any intruder (NIST, par 9-12). However ‘evil’ internet security has also emerged. ‘Evil’ technology has also continued to evolve currently. There are some stronger viruses that have been made by criminals that the antivirus is unable to detect such as the Trojan Horse. Trojan Horse make defense almost impossible. It exploits the weakness in the user to find some entry into the secured system. The malware pretends to be of importance to the user. The user will be attracted and execute the malware in disguise (MacForensicsLab par 17-28). The virus in it is hidden in the payload and when in the system performs the desired function by its author. The malware can steal information as well as property from a ‘secure’ system. Personal information is stolen to assist in theft from a person’s bank account, credit card and other important areas. The same knowledge that was used to make the internet secure has made it more insecure. Stronger virus programs have also come up through technology to counter the antivirus. Through pretence to give the system security, the viruses find their way (MacForensicsLab par 17-28). Some antivirus has as a result become weak and cannot detect the strong viruses such as the Trojan horse and Autorun viruses. Just like in the Trojan data access, data will also be ruined even in the presence of antivirus (NIST, par 9-12). Conclusion Technology is advanced day in and day out to make better man’s world. Some many discoveries on technology have been made such as the internet. It has been widely adopted in all spheres of human live. Despite the interne technology benefits, it has been misused. Through technology dangerous programs have been made and they are a great threat to internet users such as viruses. More technology has come up with programs to secure the internet. In spite of this security stronger viruses find their way into the system such as the Trojan horse. Something needs to be done to fight the stronger viruses. Work Cited Business Wire. Internet Security Advantages, Inc Offers Secure Centralized Access & Control Consulting Services for Web-Based Business Applications. BNET, 1 July 1998 Web. 5 June, 2010, . Curtin, Matt. Introduction to Network Security. Kent Information Services. nd March 1997. Web. 5 June 2010 . Kapspersky. Kaspersky Internet Security. Kapserspersky. com. nd Web. 5 June, 2010, . MacForensicsLab. Malware on mac os x-virues, Trojans, and worms. MacForensicsLab. 2010. Web. 5 June 2010 . NIST. An introduction to computer security. Web. 5 June, 2010, http://www. rxn. com/services/faq/internet/ISPTG-1. html
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