Thursday, October 31, 2019
Implementation of EMR System Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Implementation of EMR System - Term Paper Example It can be a complete decision support system with quality management and reporting method.But this implementation process of the EMR incurs a huge investment for the firm which cannot be afforded by many small scale companies. Government plays a vital role in the investment process to help the hospitals to adapt the system. In the year 1996 the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act i.e. HIPAA was passed at U.S to setup rules for the access and storing of patients information and auditing to electronic medical records. These rules set a standard for electronic records which is much more stringent than older paper work records. But there are some concerns about the different issues that arise due to the implementation process. The organization faces several challenges in the implementation process which the company needs to evaluate beforehand for a successful implementation of the EMR system. Identifying the key business areas, selecting the appropriate vendor for the so ftware development and implementing in a tactful manner are most important in the adaptation process. Rapid development in IT industry aided in the reduction of cost for setting up the information system and emerging device compatibility gives great flexibility to access the system. The information stored manually through paper work can also be accessed in a simple manner but this cannot be managed for a huge number of records. Networked EMR gives the litheness to connect the different departments and the laboratory data and prompt assistance can be received from the system in an effective way. Various other features like the e-mail and internet communication allows the specialist to take advice from remote organization or physicians. Storage of drugs and availability of the supplementary health care instruments can be tracked by the system. Lastly the report generation of different situational analysis can also be conducted through the system (Fraser,, 2005, p. 84-85). This report is mainly concerned with the issues which arise in the adaptation of EMR system by the hospital administrator and the features of the different EMR systems available from different vendors. The report also will help in the decision process for selecting the right EMR system for the given hospital. EMR implementation process Why EMR implementation? Implementing an EMR system is not an easy task for the hospitals. Identifying the best EMR and deciding the one to buy are two main questions which arise before the implementation process. Identifying the clinical, administrative and the business needs are the very first step one should consider in the process. When searching for the best system one should understand what the process is all about and what can be the implementation process i.e. proper understanding of the systems available in the market are needed to be evaluated first so that there should not be loss of capital in the investment for the system. Proper knowledge of t he systems available and the business process and comparison between the two will help the implementation process much easier. Once the product selection is done the process identification and the analysis can be done and the clinic will surely benefit from that if the right product is selected. EMR system facilitates the processes than if done manually. The analysis, calculation and recording of data about the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Business - Assignment Example This includes some grants to support your invest in united Arab emirate as well as offering advice on export and import regulations. Additionally, we have qualified professionals who are well knowledgeable in United Arab Emirates telecommunication market (Theodore, 2003). These professionals will help your in venturing into our market. Moreover, we will work together in licensing and franchising your business in United Arab Emirates. We will also introduce you to United Arab Emirates licensing department for registration. We will also use our franchising experiences in United Arab Emirates to popularize our joint venture. To ensure our joint venture is success and productive, we are committed toward to offering adequate and qualified management team. In reference to this, we can offer management contracts in accordance to our agreement. The purpose inviting your for a joint venture is to have scope in global market. As a matter of fact, increased levels of global marketing competitio n have become a big challenge at all stages of engagement in international market (Svante and Goran, 2009). Changes in global market and most specifically in United Arab Emirates have led to the emergence of increased competition pressure at all investment levels. As a result of this, it is important for multinational companies to have market in as many international markets as possible (Hollensen, 2011). Due to this, accepting our joint venture will increase your chances of venturing in United Arab Emirates market with very limited restrictions. For our joint venture to be effective in the current competitive global market, we are planning to have single quality products that will outdo other products in the international market (Kotabe and Helsen, 2004). On the other hand, prices of our products will vary from one market location to another in United Arab Emirates. The cost will depend on the expenses incurred in developing the product, delivery cost and the nature of the market. We will use our business outlets to market our joint venture products in United Arab Emirates. To ensure our products are popular in the market, we will use our company’s popularity in United Arab Emirates to popularize our joint venture (Philip and Kotler, 2005). Currently, there are very many business opportunities and benefits in United Arab Emirates. To start with, the government is encouraging and sponsoring foreign direct investment (Modayil, 2010). There are some subsidies such as tax exemptions granted to companies which have the interest of expanding their business in United Arab Emirates. There are also cheaper wages in the country which serves as incentives for international companies to gain free access to the country market (Association, 2009). Coming up with a strong joint venture is also very relevance in coping with current global competition. The capital market in United Arab Emirates is also very active. The county’s capital market is open to internat ional investors. As a result of this, investing in United Arab Emirates will increase the quality of MTN shares in international market. In the recent past, the government has enhanced adequate foreign and trade market relationship. It has partnered with several international business bodies to enhance free flowing global market. Additionally, there are several trade fairs in the country w
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Concepts of Islamic Marriage
Concepts of Islamic Marriage 1.0 Introduction. The Muslims do not see the house as a static entity. As the environment for the generation of life, it is itself a living and dynamic entity. Hence waala talk of the need to continually build up the house. This task needs a man and woman in order to be accomplished. As a Waala saying goes, it needs a man and a woman to build a house, For whilst the man digs the soil the woman provides the water without which he cannot make the motar for the building. Here again, we see how, in a nuanced way, the waala refer both to the sexual division of labor in the putting up of a physical house and the cooperation of the sexes in the generation of children within the social house. In this way, I have the double reference to the house as a physical and social entity. Through these statements, Waala acknowledge the importance of marriage. However they do not see marriage as establishing a household. Waala believe that the House has already been setup by the forebears. It is a task of the descendants to keep the house in existence. Marriage is thus a necessary means of keeping the house a lived through history. Hence a young man is said to take a wife (depogaa) into his house whilst a young girl homes a houseband (kulisira). Girls are destined to marry outside their own patriling into another persons house and thus educated to help build their husbands houses even if they are never considered full members in it. Infact, the remaining members of their own patriclan are expected to be responsible and respectable ambassadors of their own families within their husbands own. Throughout the world and through out history there have been, and still are, a variety of matrimonial systems each of which is the fruit of inventiveness and adaptation to local cir cumstances. The Islamic marriage system is one of them, it has its peculiarities and specific characteristics, carved out by tradition. For the Muslims, marriage is the union of a man and a woman, having in mind the reciprocal services of domestic life and the procreation of children, this union is made possible through the mutual agreement between the kinship group of the man and the woman. Therefore, marriage is not just the affairs of the man and the woman, for the bond that unites them as husband and wife unites at the same time their two lineage groups. Man alone is incomplete and more so the woman, they are like two halves of a Calabash which have to be reunited to have a whole Calabash. The complete human being is the couple (man and woman) and it has been like that since the beginning. For the two, it is the accession to their true maturity especially if their union results in an offspring; Marriage is the fine threshold to cross on earth in the growth through childhood. Celibacy always conserves something if childish immaturity in the eyes of the society. The relation husband-wife is therefore constitutive of the human being and marriage which creates this relation is thus greatly varied. 1.2 Backgrounds to the study Islam recognizes values of sex and advocates marriage. Islam does not believe in celibacy. The prophet of Islam has said marriage is my sunnah (that is recommended action of the prophet) and whoever does not follow my sunnah is not true follower (Ibn Haiah Basum Nilah) All has commanded the Muslims to marry. (Quran 24:33) in Islam, marriage is considered as one of the essential element of adulthood in Islamic context. And marriage is also considered as an essentially a contract. In Islam, both Muslim men and women must satisfy certain conditions before one can go into marriage. The conditions include: There must be a clear proposal There must be a clear acceptance There must be at least the competent. After satisfying the about conditions, the marriage must be witness by the competent persons from both the mans family and the womens family. Respectively. It is necessary to exclude illicit sex and to safeguard legitimacy of progeny. It is recommended that marriage should be widely publicized. The heart of marriage is the marriage gift, little or more, by the bridegroom to the bride. Dowry or marriage gift by bridegroom to the bribe is a symbolic expression of the grooms cognizance of the economic responsibilities of marriage and of his readiness to assume all responsibilities subsequent to marriage Dowry is not any price paid either to wife or family of the wife. Dowry should be estimated according to the circumstances with emphasis on moderation. The prophet (S. A. W.) is reported to have said that the most blessed marriage is that which is least costly and most easy. Marriage is usually a group affair and the ceremony involves, besides the couple and their immediate relations distant kinsfolk, neighbors and friends. Nor is their involvement limited to the ceremony. It is necessary during the preliminary negotiations which culminate in the ceremony. That is why it is said that Ghanaian marriage is between families and not individuals. This view has added significance because in our extended system, the interest of the relatives in the marriage means that the two families have become affirnal real kin of the two sides. Nukunya (2003). According to G. E. kpiebaya the word Bride price instead of the usual word dowry for a reason. The word dowry is often used to refer to the practice among many Africans peoples of giving some goods in exchange for a wife, but strictly speaking, dowry is the money, or the property a woman brings to her husband at marriage. In Africa, in general, it is the boy, not the girl who brings money, property and services to the girls family. In my candle opinion, the Bride price or Bride health is the consideration (thus the benefit to the bridegroom. The consideration paid by the bride should be within the limit of the bride and should be recommended by Islam advocates and confined within the teachings of Islam. The importance of the dowry (bride price, bride health) can not be overemphaised. The bride price is never seen traditionally as payment for the girl, but as an indemnity to the family (kpiebaya), payment of the dowry (bride price, bride health) is a symbolic of the marriage procedure and finally legalize the marriage contract. Once the bride price has been paid by the bride, it confers sexual rights on both parties. Since lslam discourage celibacy. Payments of the dowry also legitimize the unborn children and also the dowry serves as a stabiser to the marriage for once the girls people have receiued it they are not readily prepared to retune it should a breakdown occur. It is therefore in their interest to maintain the marriage (G. E. kpiebaaya). Walimah is a food reception which follows the consummation of the marriage, to make it public. It is offered by the parents of the married couple, by their friends, or by the newly married couple themselves. Friends, relatives, and neighbors are usually invited. This food reception should be within the means of the couple and recommended by lslam. The companion Anas reported that the prophet (S. A. W. ) Saw a trace of yellow on Abd Ar Bahaman /bn Awf, and asked: what is this? He answered: l got married. The prophet (S.A.W.) said: may Allah make it a blessing for you. Make a Walimah, even with only sheep.(Al-Bukhari,Muslim,Al-Tirmizi,Abu Dawood and Malik) . In human life, every human being good through three (3) importance stages in life and each of these stages is marked with celebration and other financial commitment. The stages include: Out- adoring ceremony. Adulthood and marriage ceremony. Death and funeral ceremony. The celebration of these activities should not bring any hardship to those performing them. Recently, the Islamic marriage institution has turn in to a financial institution where Muslims barrow with collateral security and save with a very hard sting conditions. Those Muslims who has not gotten the said collateral security cannot borrow from the Islamic marriage institution. In conclusion marriage is a religious right for Muslim brothers and sisters and this has been recommended by the messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and His Companions. Emphasis is placed on the affordability of the Dowry (Bride pride). 1.3 Statement of the problem Allah created men and women so that they can provide company to one another, have one another, procreate children and live in peace and tranquility to the commandments of Allah and the directions of His messenger. Nature has so arranged that man and woman are attracted toward each other. This natural attraction binds them together and leads them to live a common life and form a family. This natural tendency or the instinct of sex, like any other instinct, should be guided to the right direction so that it may be utilized in the service of humanity. In the wake of keen desire to established conjugal relations between them selves, man and woman enter into a contract known as marriage or matrimonial contract. This contract has great importance in human life, for it unites the existence of two persons in many ways. It lays the foundation of the life of a human infant and deeply influences his body, life, thought and future actions. That is why a marriage contract is regarded a sacred by various nations and enough attention has been paid in different legal systems to the question connected with it. Islam has also attached great importance to the question of marriage in its social system. In the holy Quran and the sayings of the holy prophet and the imams we find that marriage has been greatly encouraged. The holy prophet has been reported to have said No institution of island is liked by Allah more than that of marriage. Despite the numerous importance marriage in Islamic context. Individual Muslims have tend it into money ventures making it very difficult for afford this huge sum of money to go into marriage. The introduction of new concepts into the Islamic marriage has created difficulties for those who can afford and stand the test of time. The concept include:, showing of identical clothes, hiring of canopies, expensive dowry, hiring of record dance (stero) and among others is an indication that new concepts have been added to the in stilton of marriage besides its traditional concepts due to individual perusal interest. This practices and concepts currently introduced into the Islamic marriage have undermined the integrity of Islam as a religion. I there for urged every meaning, concerned and patriotic Muslim to stand elementally against these practices.. Mr. Daud Baaba Adidas delivered a paper on Islamic marriage, radio progress current affairs. 1.4 Research question (s) Main research question What are the impacts of the commercialization of marriage on Islamic marriage? Sub-question: How is Islamic marriage contracted? What are the essential requirements of Islamic marriage? Are there changes to the essential requirements of Islamic marriage? What are the impacts of these changes on Islamic marriage? 1.5 Research objective (s) Main research objective To assess the impact of commercialization of marriage on Islamic marriage Sub-objectives To identify the procedure of Islamic marriage To identify the requirements of Islamic marriage To determine the changes in procedure and requirements of Islamic marriage overtime. To assess the impact of these changes and Islamic marriage. 1.6 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH This research is intended to examine the factors or Circumstances that led the commercialization of the Islamic marriage which currently made very difficult for Young Mushin boys and girls to go into marriage as prescribed by the Holy Book (Quran). The findings the research will be made available to the Islamic Communities and other interested bodies and institutions. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature review This chapter will consist of two (2) Termantic areas. Thus theoretical Framework which comprise previous literature undertook by prominent scholars, journals textbooks both published and non-published on: The procedure on Islamic marriage The requirements of Islamic marriage The changes in procedure and requirement of Islamic marriage The impact of the recent changes in procedure and requirement on Islamic marriage. The second phase of this chapter is the conceptual framework of the procedures and requirements of Islamic marriage. Chapter Three Methodology 3.0 Introduction This chapter deals with the description of the study design; study Area, Population sampling method, sampling Size. Data Collection Approach, interview. and questionnaire 3.1 Study design The research design will follow the following pattern, the topic or title, introduction, Background, problem analysis or statement of the problem, the research question, the research objective , Literature Review, Methodology, Findings and discussion of sub-objectives, conclusion, Recommendations and References. Ha win C (1989), Research Design strategies and choices in the design of social research. Pathways Analysis (Dietz) 3.2 Study Area: WA municipality especially WA township where the practice of the commercialization of marriage on the Islamic Institution is the most affected area. Wa Municipal is one of the nine (9) Districts in the Upper West Region. 3.3 Secondary Data The researcher intended to collect data from the following sources; papers delivered by prominent Islamic scholars, Islamic scholars who have researched into Islamic marriage, Articles publications and son on. 3.4 Population The population of the research will be the Muslim community in Wa Township and it environs. 3.5 Sampling Method; Two main sampling method or technique would be adopted thus; stratified random sampling and purposive sampling procedure Stratified random sampling: In stratified sampling, the sampler divides the population into homogeneous unites. That is to say, if the sampler has any reason to believe that the population has many dissimilar elements or individuals, 3.6 Sample Size The sample size is the number of respondents the researcher will be dealing within the population. Two hundred (200) respondents is targeted 3.7 Data Collection Approach; The researcher intended to use one main methods which include; and questionnaire. The research findings will be both qualitative and quantitative 3.8Questionnaires Formal questions will be framed and written down for the respondents to provide the answers. As a method for data collection, questionnaire is and efficient way to collect statistically quantifiable information. The researcher intended to use an open- ended question. Open-ended questions give flexibility in answering questions. Respondents can express themselves as fully as they wish. The researcher intended to administer one hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires. Network Analysis ( Long 1989, Cees Lewis 1990, Villareal 1990) PROPOSED BUDGET Component Quantity Unit price Totals A-4 Sheet Five (5) 45.00 22.50 Type setting and photocopy of questionnaire One hundred and fifty GHÂÂ ¢7 for type setting (a) 10p per photo copy (a) 100 questionnaires 1050 Field Assistance Four (4) 50.00 200.00 Digital Camera for research purpose One 1 350.00 350.00 Final typesetting of thesis work One 1 200.00 200.00 Photo copy of thesis work Five (5) 20.00 100.00 Type setting of Interviews questions Fifty (50) GHÂÂ ¢7 for the setting 70 Allowance for secretary One 1 50.00 50.00 Photocopy of interview questions Fifty 70Gp for 50 3.50 Traveling Transport for researcher Five (5) gallons of petrol 5.30 26.50 Miscellaneous 174.00 TOTALS 2,246.50 Note: This Budget is subject to amendment and review depending on the prices of component at the time of the thesis writing PROPOSED TIME AND COMPLETION OF THESIS Activity Time frame Gathering of Data December 2010 January 2010 Analysis of data February March 2010 Write up of final thesis 1stApril 2010 30thApril 2010 Submission of thesis to the faculty 1stMay 2010 31stMay 2010
Friday, October 25, 2019
Analogues of a Fabliau Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Fabliau Essay
Analogues of a Fabliau Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in many different genres and from a variety of sources. He took ideas from other authors and made them his own through adding and changing details, which in turn could cause the meaning of the story to change. The adaptations could alter the tone of the story; it could be made more sarcastic, humorous or serious. He also wrote in many different genres. One genre that Chaucer worked with is the fabliau. A fabliau is a short story that is usually written in verse about low or middle class people. It is more obscene than other stories, primarily through sexual situations. It is presented to be comical against marriage. The sexual obscenity became more vulgar as it was written down, because only then was there more of a separation between courtly and vulgar actions. (Muscatine 568-570) Benson describes the fabliau as, â€Å"a brief comic tale in verse, usually scurrilous and often scatological or obscene. The style is simple, vigorous, and straight-forward...†(7) One critic, Charles Muscatine, believes that the old French fabliau lacked much plot structure. (Vaszily, 523-542) However, one element like this is insufficient to classify in a genre. There are other short stories that are kept short and concise that are not fabliaux. Also, another trait of fabliaux is that the humor is â€Å"attached to the structure itse lf†rather than in â€Å"the way in which the story is told.†(Vaszily) One common plot for a fabliau is a love triangle. The triangle is often formed with an old husband, a young wife and another young man. As Vaszily points out, though, Chaucer has other tales that are not fabliaux, which have this plot. Muscatine refers to the content of fa... ...rk, 1971. Bodel, Jean. â€Å"Gombert and the Two Clerks.†1190-1194: Pp. 89-99 Anonymous. â€Å"The Miller and the Two Clerks.†Thirteenth Century. Blanch, Robert J and Wasserman, Julian N. â€Å"The Advocate: Law, fabliaux, and the journey to modernism.†Literature/Film Quarterly. Salsbury, 2001: 303-315. Dunn, E Catherine. â€Å"The spirit of the fourteenth century.†Modern Age. Wilmington, Summer 2001: 268-271. Muscatine, Charles. â€Å"Medieval Literature, Style and Culture: Essays by Charles Muscatine.†Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Urbana, Oct 2001: 568-570. The Geoffrey Chaucer Home Page. URL: Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard College. Last Modified: Jan 20, 2002. Vaszily, Scott. â€Å"Fabliau plotting against romance in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale.†Style. Dekalb, Fall 1997: 523-542.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mega Minds
CHAPTER ONE 1. 1INTRODUCTION One of the effects of over-population in a country is unemployment. Unemployment is the undoing of graduates because it literally destroys the individual morally and raptures the ties and relationships they form. Unemployment is the fact of a number of people, especially graduates not having a job to make their lives suit the economy. Economy is the relationship or the link between the production, trade and supply of money and other commodities in a particular country. A graduate is the person who has got a university degree and has completed his or her school studies.In Nigeria, the main objective of every individual who attends a higher institution is get a job after all the struggles in the institution. But the reverse is the case. Not more than 20% of the graduates every year from different institutions of higher learning in the country gets comfortable immediately after school. Philosophers say that an idle mind is the devils workshop. Owing to the l evel of unemployment among graduates, crime rates gets on the increase. Frustration causes most of the crimes committed as a result of unemployment.Every individual would like to have their ends meet. So, that is why all the crimes are being committed. 1. 2TYPES OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment can be of many types. These are 1 FRICTIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT This is a kind of unemployment that occurs because it takes workers some time to move from one job another. It may be the case that some workers find new job before they live their olds ones. In this case, a worker must look around for a job that is a good fit for him/her and this process takes some time. During this time, the individual is considered to be unemployed.But frictional unemployment is seen and thought and considered to last only for a while or short period of time. It has been seen by economists not to be especially problematic from an economic stand point. It can be the particularly time because the modern-day technology is helping both workers and companies make job search process more efficient. 2CYCLICLICAL UNEMPLOYMENT. It’s probably not surprising that unemployment is higher during recession and depressions and lower during periods of higher economic growth. But that is not the case for Nigerian economy in any way.Because of this, economist have coined the term, cyclical unemployment to describe the unemployment associated with business cycles. When demand for goods and service in an economy falls, some companies respond by cutting down production laying off workers rather than by reducing wages and prices. When this happens, there are more workers in an economy than there are available jobs, and as a result there is unemployment. 3SEASONAL UNEMPLOYMENT. This kind of unemployment results and can be said to occur due to the nature of job of an individual.For instance, road construction workers. Their works and operation comes temporarily to a halt during the rainy season. This is physical co nditions of the environment. Owing to the situation, they are said to be unemployed during the season. Again the fishermen see also to be unemployed during the rainy season because of the high rise of the waters. So they are also termed to be unemployed seasonally. This type of unemployment is seasonal because the nature of the job of an individual suits a particular season to carry out effective operation.Apart from the above defined types of unemployment there are also voluntary and involuntary unemployment. * VOLUNTORY UNEMPLOYMENT. This is a kind of unemployment whereby an individual or a person has personally decided not to acquire any job. * INVOLUNTORY UNEMPLOYMENT This is the reverse of the case of voluntary unemployment. Involuntary unemployment is a situation whereby an individual is willing and able to perform a particular task as a job but no one is anywhere to be found. This is the most kind of unemployment that is experienced in the today’s Nigerian economy. CHA PTER TWO 2. CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT There is a saying, â€Å"there is no smoke without fire†. This implies also to the rate of unemployment among graduates of this country today. There are many causes of unemployment. Many are the affiliation of Nigerian university graduate, but the most harrowing is that of unemployment. Roaming the streets, looking for jobs that are hardly in existence. When he is invited for an interview, he is subjected to inhuman treatments, discriminations and humiliations. And at the end of the day, he is left in the cold as the job is given to the applicant with the right connection.From time, the subject of unemployment has always been an issue of great concern to economists, policy makers and economic managers alike; giving the devastating effect of this phenomenon on individuals, the society and the economy at large. Omobola (2007), traced the nations graduate unemployment problem to the root causes and came up with the following; (a) Graduate defin ition of a job (b) Expectations and (c) Competitiveness 2. 2BOOKISH KNOWLEDGE AND LACK OF SKILLS AND PRACTICE There is a big gap between academia and industry.And this is one of the major causes of unemployment among Nigerian graduates. Our educational institutions seem to be producing only academicians who end up not solving the problems of the day. Out – molded courses are still being taught in some of our educational institutions with absolute equipment and technologies. This is not the case in some advanced countries are enhanced. In Nigeria, we can find a mechanical engineering student who would tell you all the functions of an engine but when you ask the same student to identify a part he has mentioned, it becomes a problem.Some lecturers have fought for many years and have refused to make way for younger lecturers and is still â€Å"living on his past glory†. Our educational institutions have refused to expand facilities, employ modern equipments and also introd uce relevant courses to meet the job market. 2. 3NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Most of the people that handle most professional jobs and services in Nigeria are foreigners. Negligence is laid on Nigerian graduates. And huge ransoms are paid to these foreigners in order to reward them and also keep them back. CHAPTER THREE . 1EFFECTS OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment lays very great effects on the society and the individual precisely. It is a killer disease among graduates. Unemployment is as deadly as inferiority complex. * PROSTITUTION AND CHILD TRAFICKING When a graduate is unemployed for more than five years, especially the women, without having any source of income, she starts developing the interest in prostitution as a cure to her problem. * LOSS OF HUMAN ESOURCES The problem of unemployment causes loss of human resources. Labourers waste their maximum time in search of employment. INCREASE IN POVERTY Unemployment deprives a man of all sources of income. As a result he g rows poor. Therefore, unemployment generates poverty. * SOCIAL PROBLEMS Unemployment breeds many social problems comprising of dishonesty, gambling, bribery, theft, fraud, prostitution and others. As a result of unemployment, social society is jeopardized. * POLITICAL INTABILITY Unemployment gives birth to political instability in a country. Unemployed persons can easily be enticed by any anti-social elements. They lose all faith in democratic values and peaceful means.They consider that the government is worthless which fails to provide work for them. * EXPLOITATION OF LABOUR In the state of unemployment, labourers are exploited to the maximum possible extent. Those labourers who get work have to work under adverse condition of low wages. All this tells upon the efficiency of labourers greatly influence the pattern of unemployment opportunities in the country. Being poor, a person does not make any gainful use of existing resources. * DEFECTIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM The education system in our country too has failed to respond to the existing inter-generation gap.It simply imparts general and literary education devoid of any practical extent. CHAPTER FOUR 4. 1 SOLUTIONS TO UNEMPLOYMENT: A WAY OUT The government should put up and adhere to the law of job leaving age. This will give rise to the step-down of those who have been in office, thereby creating room for young school leavers to take up the jobs. This will help in the reduction of unemployment in the country. VOCATIONAL INSTITUTION ESTABLISHMENT The government should lay emphasis on the establishment of vocational institutions in Nigeria.This will give and impart skill full knowledge on students or individuals. When an individual has attended a vocational institution, he can fend for himself. An individual learns a particular trade n a vocational institution. He may learn tailoring skill, craft, vulcanizing and other important trade the will give him income for survival there by creating employment. Governme nt should recognize the professional personnel in Nigeria who waste their career most times in bars and put them in the spaces occupied by foreign contractors.The funniest part of this all is that government pay double ransomed to these foreign contractors as salary and a way of retaining them. Establishment like ITF – Industrial Training Fund should also be enacted in the country. This is also related to vocational education institutions. Skills learning and acquisition centers should also be built across the nation, in different places. With the erection of these centers, individuals would be motivated to attend in order to get what to do.For instance, the Lagos refinery alone would offer Job opportunities for up to 5000 workers and an estimate 2000 workers to run the industrial complex. If all these are effectively carried out, everybody would be able to make food available on his table. CHAPTER FIVE 5. 1SUMMARY It is not a hidden issue, even to the eyes of toddler, on the rate of unemployment in Nigeria, especially among the university graduates. These are those who have burnt their mid – night candles to make sure that they become some person in life, but due to the menace of unemployment in the country, the reverse has become their case.But no matter how everything stands, the menace of unemployment can still be traced back to concern the government of the country. If the government should make a move concerning this issue, at least it is said that heaven helps those who helps themselves, even the individuals will be motivated. It is when a hand is stretched to drowning person that attempts to rescuer can be made. The country, at the state of unemployment rate is seriously drowning. Sp more emphasis should be laid. Also we should try to imbibe our culture and drop the culture of the white man – British man.Emulations are on the high rate which I personally would term illiteracy. For instance, a white man may be seen putting a kind of fancy woolen material on the television set. This is because of the weather conditions over there. But a Nigerian would emulate and want to be like the white man, and one sees somebody putting a woolen thick material under the harsh hot weather condition of the tropical Africa. ILLITRACY!!! Generally, both the individuals and the top officials should all put hands on deck to eradicate the irritating menace of unemployment in Nigeria.REFERENCES 1. News speak magazines p. g 26, 1992. 2. Mrs Omobola’s speech on the causes and effects of unemployment 2007 3. Prof Jonan Bruwer, unit for institutional planning and research, june 2006 4. Google search engine _ Wikipedia encyclopedia _www. huffintonpost. co. uk/tag/gragduate unemployment 5. Yahoo search engine 6. A-one in English textbook; an essay on unemployment 7. Marist brother’s Juniorate; citadel of learning 2011 8. Newspoint newspaper p. g 12, 2008 9. Daily newspaper p. g 35, 2009 10. Vanguard magazine p. g 6, 2002.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Internet security Essay
Our instructor gave us an assignment and I had to look for some information from the online library. I dashed to the public library nearby and at the entrance I was greeted by a sign with the words â€Å"Internet security enforced†So the internet services offered by the library had at last been secured! In the current world the term internet is very common. As Curtin admits in his essay on Introduction to network security â€Å"This is a word that I have heard way too often in the last few years. Movies, books, newspapers, magazines, television programs, and practically every other sort of media imaginable have dealt with the internet recently. Internet is a term used to refer to a ‘network of other networks’ (Curtin, par 21-22). Internet has a history in itself. It was created mainly to improve the interactions among different researchers sponsored by the government. The internet grew rapidly in the years of 1980s in educational institutions, business organizations, government agencies and international institutions. By the years of 1990s, internet usage had phenomenally grown and the networking had increased at a very fast rate compared to any network that had ever been used before like telephone use for networking. When a look is made into the present, millions and millions of internet users are connected with majority being those in business (NIST, par 7). The internet technology works magic in this advanced society. However, one is at risk of attacks sneaking through the front door if the internet site is insecure and the computer system is not ready to handle such cases of insecurity. It is thus important to have internet security. What then is internet security? Internet Security Concept To get a better insight of the positive and the negative side of internet security as part of technology, it is important to understand the concept ‘Internet security’. Security seems to be an ambiguous term. Everyone argues differently of what this is and furthermore the acceptable risk levels. Internet security entails the protection of the network against threats. Security is an issue for not only everyone but also everything. Even the internet needs to be secured from threats such as viruses (Curtin, par 104-105). Viruses are the source of computer system insecurity. Virus is software that clings to host software. It uses the host’s ability to replicate itself. When the host program is executed, the host also executes its duty. It also attaches itself to other programs. Viruses erase programs, steal personal information or declare their presence blocking important information. They pose great dangers to computer system. Therefore computer systems need to be secured (MacForensicsLab, par 17-28). Benefits of Internet Security The benefits that accrue from a secure internet are far reaching and wide. Furthermore, it takes less to prevent than to cure. The main purpose of internet security is to give protection against viruses. Viruses are the greatest evil doers when it comes to the information technology (NIST, par7-10). Just like any other virus that cause diseases, computer viruses are on the increase all of which have their origin from the widely used internet. They can be so dangerous to a computer system and can lead to its destruction. Such infections can lead to loss of important data. Internet security programs such as antivirus ensure that all data obtained from the internet is scanned to remove all the unwanted programs and viruses. Antivirus is a strong antibiotic that strongly fights the computer viruses. This ensures that the incoming information is clean and safe for use in a computer system (Kapsersky, par 6-9). Internet security keeps one’s information confidential. The world of technology has greatly expanded. Internet technology can however be applied wrongly. For instance, if a system is not secure, other person can get access to the system via the internet. Some unwanted programs can be launched into the computer’s memory. However, the security put as a guard warns users of such dangerous processes and prevents harmful changes that may be done on the file system. Internet security also protects the computer from spyware; confidential information such as bank account numbers, passwords and details from credit cards is secured from being viewed by intruders (Kapsersky, par 13). Internet security protects a computer system from hackers. Technology have gone too far such that it is possible to scan another computer’s ports through the network. Such hackers are malicious and are done to attack the network. What the internet security does is to block any further communication with that computer that attempting to attack (Kapsersky, par 16). Furthermore, some internet security programs allow users to only access secure intranet or internet. The firewall determines the limits of the rules. More so a computer can be prevented from visibility by other computers online. Once a certain mode such as stealth mode has been switched on, the computer becomes invisible from other networks. All other network activities ceases apart from the specified. Therefore any plans to invade the systems are altered. Internet security can therefore guard the whole system from attacks by viruses such as the Trojan horse and prevents a computers data access by any unauthorized personnel (Kapsersky, par 18-19). Most of the internet security focus on the physical infrastructures; the network itself. However, there are others that provide total solution as far as internet security is concerned. That is, the network, applications as well as platforms. Examples of these include, Microsoft NT (R) as well as UNIX (R). A protection that is over all is the best for a total security of the computer from the internet ‘evils’. Internet Security provides protection services to enable various organizations in the implementation of a secure access to data as well as assets through the World Wide Web (Business Wire, par 2-3). Damages Caused By Internet If a computer system is not protected, threats may end up ruining the overall system. Computer software and other accessories are exposed to harms from the internet and hence their functioning. There is therefore need to ensure that the system is safeguarded before accessing the internet. Security is ensured by various programs such as antivirus. They detect presence of a virus into a system and repair the situation through a command. Unsecured sites are open to any intruder (NIST, par 9-12). However ‘evil’ internet security has also emerged. ‘Evil’ technology has also continued to evolve currently. There are some stronger viruses that have been made by criminals that the antivirus is unable to detect such as the Trojan Horse. Trojan Horse make defense almost impossible. It exploits the weakness in the user to find some entry into the secured system. The malware pretends to be of importance to the user. The user will be attracted and execute the malware in disguise (MacForensicsLab par 17-28). The virus in it is hidden in the payload and when in the system performs the desired function by its author. The malware can steal information as well as property from a ‘secure’ system. Personal information is stolen to assist in theft from a person’s bank account, credit card and other important areas. The same knowledge that was used to make the internet secure has made it more insecure. Stronger virus programs have also come up through technology to counter the antivirus. Through pretence to give the system security, the viruses find their way (MacForensicsLab par 17-28). Some antivirus has as a result become weak and cannot detect the strong viruses such as the Trojan horse and Autorun viruses. Just like in the Trojan data access, data will also be ruined even in the presence of antivirus (NIST, par 9-12). Conclusion Technology is advanced day in and day out to make better man’s world. Some many discoveries on technology have been made such as the internet. It has been widely adopted in all spheres of human live. Despite the interne technology benefits, it has been misused. Through technology dangerous programs have been made and they are a great threat to internet users such as viruses. More technology has come up with programs to secure the internet. In spite of this security stronger viruses find their way into the system such as the Trojan horse. Something needs to be done to fight the stronger viruses. Work Cited Business Wire. Internet Security Advantages, Inc Offers Secure Centralized Access & Control Consulting Services for Web-Based Business Applications. BNET, 1 July 1998 Web. 5 June, 2010, . Curtin, Matt. Introduction to Network Security. Kent Information Services. nd March 1997. Web. 5 June 2010 . Kapspersky. Kaspersky Internet Security. Kapserspersky. com. nd Web. 5 June, 2010, . MacForensicsLab. Malware on mac os x-virues, Trojans, and worms. MacForensicsLab. 2010. Web. 5 June 2010 . NIST. An introduction to computer security. Web. 5 June, 2010, http://www. rxn. com/services/faq/internet/ISPTG-1. html
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Balance Diet essays
Balance Diet essays A balanced diet is one that provides an adequate intake of energy and nutrients for maintenance of the body and therefore good health. A diet can easily be adequate for normal bodily functioning, yet may not be a balanced diet. An ideal human diet contains fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre all in correct proportions. These proportions vary for each individual because everyone has different metabolic rates and levels of activity. Malnutrition results from an unbalanced diet, this can be due to an excess of some dietary components and lack of other components, not just a complete lack of food. Too much of one component can be as much harm to the body as too little. Deficiency diseases occur when there is a lack of a specific nutrient, although some diet related disorders are a result of eating in excess. An adequate diet provides sufficient energy for the performance of the body to function. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins provide energy. Proteins are a provider of energy in an emergency, but are primarily used as building blocks for growth and repair of many body tissues. We also need much smaller amounts of other nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Despite the small quantities needed these are essential to provide a healthy diet. Within the cells of our body, the nutrients ingested are converted to other compounds, which are then used for metabolism and other cellular reactions. Starch, a major carbohydrate is converted to glucose which can be then synthesised into fat for storage, proteins are synthesised from amino acids, and phospholipids are made from glycerol and fatty acids. Carbohydrates are a rapid source of energy; they are the body's fuel. The bulk of a balanced diet should be made from carbohydrates. If eaten in an excess of the dietary requirements carbohydrates are easily stored as fats in the cells. An average adult requires about 12,000kJ of energy a day, most of this is s...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Guide How to Write an Analytical Essay Making Things Clear
Guide How to Write an Analytical Essay Making Things Clear What is Analytical Essay? Analytical essay is a kind of academic work which requires analysis, critique, overview, or summary of a specific issue or aspect. In general, an analytical essay is offered as a task for students in case it is necessary to analyze a specific topic from a critical, rational point of view. In the majority of cases, a professor requires the writing of this kind of essay if it is necessary to check the ability of the student to make a complex analysis, to explain various parts of a complicated issue, and to compare the topic with knowledge from different spheres. Analytical investigation of the issue is aimed at its complete analysis and definition of its main interconnections with several other aspects. This kind of essay can be aimed at analysis of the different issues including various events, objects of art, different studies, cases, and situations. The student tries to realize all the main parts of the issue, define it in accordance with a specific system or field of studies, or even compare the subject with some other items. The task depends on the problem stated by a professor and the requirements for writing the essay. It is important to understand the difference between an analytical essay writing and summary or descriptive works. Summary or description is aimed at the representation of the particular object or issue including its main components and additional factors. On the contrary, the analytical essay is related to an examination or evaluation of the specific issue. What is more, the topic for the essay can be different including quite general or narrow issue to study. The structure of this essay can be different; it can include various aspects, a different number of paragraphs and arguments. In order to make a complex and accurate analysis, it is important to consider all related aspects of the issue and clearly represent it in the paper. Hence, the analytical essay is aimed at evaluation of a particular issue, event, situation, or case with a goal to analyze specific aspect or answer an academic question. How to Choose a Topic for the Essay? The topic of the essay in the majority of cases is provided by a professor, who requires specific work from students. The topic should be related to the sphere of the course and the issue that is interesting for a student to analyze. In addition, a professor can add some specific requirements to the work that should be followed by a student during the process of the essay writing. The other variant is choosing the topic by a student based only on his or her analytical interests. Despite a wide variety of topics, the theme should be connected with the course a student is studying. In order to choose an appropriate issue for studying, a student has to analyze the whole course and mark the aspect that is the most interesting for him or her to study. The topic should be up to date, corresponding to the requirements of a professor, and should be interesting for a student. There are different examples of topics that can be used for studying in the analytical essay: The Role of Parents in Children’s Upbringing. The Role of the Internet in the Lives of Modern Teenagers. It Is Hard to Imagine the Modern World Without Technologies. Interdependence of the Future of Science with IT Development. Should Government Invest More Money into the Preservation of Species Variety? Should Government Introduce Stricter Rules for Gun Control? The Position of the United States Regarding the Global Changes of Climate. Weighing Consequences of Brexit for the UK. Migration Crisis in the European Union and Its Reasons. The Issue of Capital Punishment in the System of the United States. As follows, the variety of topics provides students with an opportunity to choose a particular one that will be the most interesting and special for studying. The analytical essay can be written on the topic from different spheres including political science, technologies, society, economics, and finances. Pre-writing Tips from Our Academic Experts Determine the main idea of the paper. The majority of analytical topics do not include a specific position. As a result, it is necessary to mark several main ideas to study in the essay and state them in the thesis statement. It is necessary to create the plan of the essay, which will include a plan of main ideas and arguments. Such a method will help the student to follow one core opinion and develop it in the essay. There are several techniques that can simplify the creation of main ideas for an analytical essay: Brainstorming. It is a technique, which includes writing of random ideas on a shit of paper in order to create a strong basis for the essay. Brainstorming is an activator for students’ brains because it requires quick thinking and production of a big number of ideas. This method is useful because in the process of brainstorming various interesting analytical thoughts can appear. Freewriting. This method includes writing of the text that is based on students’ thoughts and opinions about an issue of analytics. It differs from the brainstorming because you need to write complete sentences with a defined structure. This technique is also useful for relaxing because using freewriting you can write out all your emotions and fears regarding the process of work. Analyze the audience. This aspect is essential because it shows the style in which the essay should be written. The audience may be interested in the partial analysis of the issue, comparison with some other specific aspect, or the definition of the issue in terms of a particular system. As a result, it is important to pay attention to the audience analysis or the analysis of the professor’s requirements to be successful in writing the essay. Find sources. Find sources for your essay before starting to write it. Accurately read all the articles, chapters of books, or other sources and define the most significant information. It will allow you to make the general idea of the studied issue, understand its aspects and see what information you have missed. Outline of the Essay Before writing the essay, a student can develop a plan of the text that will help to make the text well-structured. This plan will show a student the weak aspects that should be added with essential argumentation. The outline of the essay aims to simplify the writing process and may be required by a professor. The outline of the analytical essay can be as follows: Introduction: General information about the analyzed issue; The thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. Body part: First body paragraph: The first main idea of the essay; Supporting arguments; Conclusion. Second body paragraph: The second main idea of the essay; Supporting arguments; Conclusion. Third body paragraph: The third main idea of the essay; Supporting arguments; Conclusion. Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement; Summarize all ideas represented in the essay. The structure of an outline can differ depending on the number of body paragraphs and on the number of main ideas. Creating the outline is aimed at simplification of the essay writing because it makes a student limited in a structure and defined in a number of paragraphs. Hence, an outline is helpful for a student in writing the analytical essay because it helps to develop main statements and make the essay well-structured. Structure of the Essay and Its Main Components The analysis essay has a traditional structure as an academic essay. As follows, an analytical essay includes the introduction, several body paragraphs, and conclusion part. The number of body paragraphs depends on the issue of analysis and on the number of the main ideas the student wants to analyze in work. Title of the Essay Choosing a title for the essay can become a real challenge for a student because this aspect is extremely essential for the reader. An appropriate title can catch the audience’s attention and make a separate person interested in reading the essay or even making deeper research on the topic. There are several tips on how to choose a successful title for the analytical essay: Eye-catching collocation. The title should summarize the content of the essay and catch the attention of the reader. Students should include in the title both the main issue of studying and the controversy that analyzes regarding the issue. A student can use a question or a specific statement as a title in case it is allowed by requirements of the professor. Easy to read. The title should be simple to understand and read due to its role as a summary of the essay. Do not use complicated words, which can be hard to understand by an ordinary reader. Do not use a lot of words and make it simple to read and understand. Clear and accurate. It is necessary to make the title clear enough and accurate in order to simply represent the issue a reader is going to read. Remember that your title should not mislead a reader, and he or she should understand what the essay is about. Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a sentence or several sentences that represent the issue that will be analyzed in the paper. The thesis statement should shortly include all the represented ideas regarding the analysis. This part of the paper includes clearly represented thoughts or can even represent your opinion about the analyzed issue. Writing a thesis statement, you should be specific and accurate. Do not make it too long with a lot of unnecessary words. In addition, this sentence should be located at the end of an introductory paragraph and can be marked by a transitional word. Pay attention to the thesis statement because it helps readers to understand the general idea of the essay and decide whether it is interesting for him or her. Additionally, the thesis statement can introduce your command of the topic and your analytical skills. Post-writing Tips There are several analytical essay writing tips that will help a student to complete the essay and make it successful. In case a student adheres to the following tips, a professor will highly evaluate the essay. Editing the Essay Read the essay aloud several times. During reading your essay, you should focus on grammar, stylistics, spelling, content of the paper and make sure that the work follows the requirements. Take a break and relax after having written the essay. Then read it once more. As a result, you will experience the emotions and ideas an ordinary reader will get from your essay. Add all necessary aspects to improve the essay, divide too long sentences, or change the structure if needed. Editing the essay is aimed at improving the essay content and making it more understandable to a reader. Proofread the Essay Proofreading the essay is an essential stage of the task completing. At this stage you should check the grammar and if all words are appropriate for a context. You should use only official academic language avoiding idioms or phrasal verbs. As follows, read the essay attentively and correct all linguistic mistakes. What is more, pay attention to grammar and check if all tenses are used appropriately. In addition, it is important to eliminate the number of passive constructions and correct it in the essay during proofreading. Referencing the Essay References of the essay should be formatted according to the required format of the essay. There are different formats including MLA, APA, Chicago, or ASA. It is important to reference all used sources in accordance with the requirements of a specific essay format. In addition, the separate aspect is connected with in-text citations that mark the information in the text taken from other studies. In-text citations should be formatted as instructed by the professor and the format of the essay. It is important to use the citation in all cases in order to avoid plagiarism.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Detailed Report on Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an ailment that affects the brain, optic nerves and spinal cord causing disablement. MS is an autoimmune disorder where immune system targets oligodendrocytes causing the protective myelin sheath of neurons to disappear, which in turn causes communication problem between brain and the rest of the body. Myelin sheath eventually disappear leaving scar tissue or sclerosis hence giving the name multiple sclerosis of scar of multiple areas (Scolding & Wilkins, 2012). The funding regarding detailed study of MS is discussed below as history, etiology, types, symptoms and treatment. The history of understanding and recognizing MS dates back to the end years of the nineteenth century when the foremost doctors around the world came to comprehend that MS was a specific disorder. Dr. Walter Moxon identified MS in England in the year 1873, and in the United States, Dr. Edward Seguin also established the same in 1878 (Menon et al., 2013). It became common knowledge among physicians that the disease is seen more frequently in women than in men and cause many different neurological symptoms and is not directly inherited. Etiology of MS includes the causes of the disease. Although, the specific cause of the disease is still unknown researchers believe that several different factors can act together or separately in causing the disease. The activation and differentiation of CD4+ auto-reactive T cells into Th1 cells are important factors in the long-term evolution of the disease. Antibodies, CD8+ T cells, complement and innate immune cells, mediate damage of the target tissue. Regulatory CD4+ T cells, Th2 cells, NK cells and others may be partly accountable for the chronic progressive or relapsing-remitting nature of the disease (Iezzoni, 2010). Exposure to sunlight and production of vitamin D, viral infections such as Epstein-Barr (mononucleosis), Varicella zoster and increased amount of salt in triggering immune response may play an important role in causing MS (Iezzoni, 2010). Although MS is not inherited genetically, a number of genetic variations have been identified to increase the risk. These include differences in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system. Alleles of the MHC namely DR15 and DQ6 found to be associated with MS. Other loci such as C554 and HLA-DRB1 are also involved (Iezzoni, 2010). RRMS is the most common appearance of multiple sclerosis that occurs in 85 percent of people suffering from MS. When new symptoms materialize, people suffering from RRMS have relapses of flare-ups or exacerbations (Malik, Donnelly & Barnett, 2014). In SPMS, Symptoms tend to worsen as the disease progress, either including or excluding the episodes of relapses or remissions. Majority of the people diagnosed with RRMS tend to progress to SPMS (Malik, Donnelly & Barnett, 2014). This is an uncommon variant of MS, stirring in about 10% of the cases. Symptoms tend to degenerate slowly form beginning to end in this type of MS. Relapses or remissions are however, absent (Malik, Donnelly & Barnett, 2014). PRMS is an infrequent type of MS seen only in 5% of the cases is characterized by steady deterioration of diseased condition from the start along with acute relapses and without remissions (Malik, Donnelly & Barnett, 2014). Symptoms of MS vary in a wide range. Typical symptoms include bladder and bowel obstructions, impairment of cognitive function, emotional changes and depression; and fatigue in 90% of the cases. Dizziness and vertigo is a common associated symptom of MS along with Tremors and muscle spasms. Sexual dysfunction is a common problem among both men and women (Scolding & Wilkins, 2012).   There is no cure existing for multiple sclerosis but for the relapsing forms of MS, Several disease-modifying drugs are proposed. The generalized idea about MS and the types, causes, symptoms and common treatment options have been already discussed above. This part of the study includes consequences of MS along with rehabilitation options and alternative therapies proposed for treating MS. MS varies considerably from person to person hence; no one can predict the future implications perfectly. However, MS is not a fatal disease for the vast majority and disability is not to be anticipated in all cases. Several studies showed 95% of normal life expectancy in people with MS (Davidson et al., 2013). Rehabilitation is intended to assist the MS patient to improve or maintain their capacity to function in personal and professional life. Rehabilitation programs usually include Physical therapy, Occupational, Speech and swallowing and Vocational rehabilitation. Cognitive rehabilitation is also done for assisting people in managing specific problems in thinking and perception (Davidson et al., 2013). Cannabis exact is already in the phase III clinical trials for experimental and alternative therapies of MS. It is considered as experimental drug option for treating relapsing forms of MS. Apart from that Plasmapheresis which involves withdrawing whole blood from the patient and replacing with new plasma is also an option for alternative therapies and have proved to be effective (Davidson et al., 2013). MS is complex disease and present itself with a variety of symptoms and in many forms. People affected suffering from MS not only suffer from physical impairment but also suffer from depression and isolation. From the above discussions, it can be concluded that even though MS cannot be cured there are definitely many options for improving the quality of life of people suffering from it. Multiple sclerosis patients frequently undergo depression hence family of these patients needs to be supportive and patient. Multiple treatment options can be recommended to try for MS treatment. Multi-drug approach along with physical therapy is a good way of approaching Ms associated symptoms. Conservative treatment although proved to be effective but people need to opt for alternative therapies for research advancements for finding cure of this disease. Davidson, Fallon, Slomski, & Cataldo, Tish, Fleming, Genevieve, Laura L. T. Jean. (2013). Multiple Sclerosis. 2228-2235. Retrieved from Iezzoni, L. (2010). Multiple Sclerosis. : ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from Malik, O., Donnelly, A., & Barnett, M. (2014). Fast Facts: Multiple Sclerosis : Multiple Sclerosis (3). Oxford, GB: Health Press. Retrieved from Menon, S., Shirani, A., Zhao, Y., Oger, J., Traboulsee, A., Freedman, M., & Tremlett, H. (2013). Characterising aggressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 84(11), 1192. Scolding, Neil, & Wilkins, Alastair. (2012). Multiple sclerosis (Oxford neurology library Multiple sclerosis). Retrieved from
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Trusts and equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trusts and equity - Essay Example The first of these is the certainty of intention to create a trust. The second relates to the certainty of the subject matter. This requires a clear description of the property involved and the related beneficial interests. The last relates to certainty of objects or specification of the beneficiaries of the trust. Charitable trusts are not required to satisfy this last requirement.2 With regard to discretionary trusts, individuals who can benefit from a discretion, are initially beneficiaries as they are the possible objects of a power of appointment. However, it should be possible for the trustee to establish unambiguously, as to who is encompassed by such power of appointment. This requires certainty of criterion. In other words, the court should be able to determine with certainty whether any specific person is within the range of benefits.3 The fundamental consequence of having a trust is that it imposes a binding obligation on the trustees. In Lambe v Eames, the court held that a trust was not created, merely due to the presence of precatory words.4 In Adams v Kensington Vestry, a husband made a gift to his wife that was for her absolute use.5 The court held that a trust was not created by a testator who gave his entire property to his wife, with the understanding that she would do whatever was necessary regarding the disposal of the property. This was to be done between the children either during her lifetime or upon her demise by means of a will.6 Moreover, the court opined that the entire will had to be interpreted, although confidence could create a trust. As such, the trust relationship has to be expressed in sufficiently certain terms, so as to enable the trustee to carry out his duties. Moreover, trustees should be aware of their obligations under the trust. Strictly speaking, the settlor cannot impose a duty upon a trustee that is legally unenforceable due to its ambiguity.7 Trustees are provided with a measure of protection
Friday, October 18, 2019
Foreign country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Foreign country - Essay Example As a late comer in the industry, it is prudent for the company to seek ways to elevate its performance toward the standard benchmarks set forth by its forerunners. In simple terms, benchmarking can be defined as â€Å"learning from the pros†(American Productivity & Quality Center, 1993). Benchmarks are very essential for organizational operations in that they lay in the open the processes that hold the keys to a successful business take off and the subsequent operations. Through such standards, a business venture Lodgit Courier will identify and adopts a mix of practices of top performers that will in effect define the course that the business initiative takes. Put quite simply, benchmarking is the art of finding out straightforward organization and implementation strategies that leads to success. The concept engenders comparative efficiency to other industry key players with the intent to know the exact processes, procedures, and/or technological applications principles that can results in the production of superior outputs (Ammons, 1996; Camp, 1989). Since businesses are all about competition, benchmarking plays a very important role of measuring specific performance gaps that could be used to gain competitive advantage (Boxwell, 1994). Indeed, it is â€Å"not a cost to be avoided, but a tool that when utilized properly can result into quantum leaps in organizational performance" (Dodd and Turner, 2000). Given that this joint venture business, it would take an influential positive stand to convince colleagues that certain standards have to be met for the company to remain competitive in the industry. It is also essential to note that group of investors can consistently utilize a common investment strategy and emerge victorious. As leant in the analysis of market efficiency, market outcomes are not always efficient to all investors due to the cost of information which may lean towards those with the capacity to acquire such, if at
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7
Leadership - Essay Example ept of leadership from the perspective of leader-follower exchange theory is that followers follow because they get something from being followers and leaders provide some value that benefits followers. Followers respond in ways that benefit the leader. Current approach has a few dimensions that shape the concept of leader and leadership. Leaders provide vision and direction to their followers. They provide answers to the questions, â€Å"Where are we going? What are our objectives? What are we trying to achieve?†In some cases these objectives are modest and concrete, but in others the vision is quite grand. Some authors (Collins & Porras, 1994) have described the vision as a BHAG, a â€Å"big, hairy, audacious, goal. †It is a vision that says we are here to do more than meet our numbers or to pass the next inspection. We are here, in this group or organization, for a far grander purpose. So the vision not only provides a sense of direction, it can also provide â€Å"meaning, †or an answer to the question, â€Å"Why are we here?†A second benefit that a leader can provide is security and protection for followers. This is an important function in military contexts and also in corporate and political domains. In extreme cases leaders can place themselves in harms way to protect followers. Less extreme versions of this type of behavior can be seen when executives put their own careers in jeopardy to argue against laying off subordinates, or when political leaders take risks to protect the interests of their constituencies. In hostile environments, be they military or economic, leaders place their personal wellbeing at risk to shield their followers. Through the completion of group or organizational tasks, leaders allow their followers to achieve goals that would be difficult or impossible to achieve by one person alone or by a group without the leader. The need to be effective is one of the frequently overlooked human motives. There are many goals that can only be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Compare 2 articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Compare 2 articles - Article Example They discussed topics concerning ways of reviving comparative education, nature and importance of comparative education, techniques of teaching comparative education, and popular forms of research in comparative education. He argued that first hand visitation was necessary in order to incorporate in comparative education study. Later on, he professionalized the society. By becoming professional, they wanted to be seen as a group of serious, scholarly-minded people with an elevated level of research, teaching, and publication (Brickman, 1968). He also made his own definition of comparative education. Moreover, he incorporated international education and comparative education under the domain of the history of education. He also opposed to the application of statistical and scientific tools in comparative education. Furthermore, Brickman dedicated most of his academic life to editing journals and various publications. Apart from editing different academic works, he advocated for making use of logics in assessing the arguments, claims, and reasons of individuals, as opposed to people themselves. Paulo Freire was born in Brazil in 1921 at Recife. His father was a successful banker who suffered bankruptcy due to the 1929 Wall Street crash. The family’s financial problems forced them to move to the countryside where they lived the life of peasants. Freire spent the greater part of his life trying to liberate the oppressed. He did this by advocating for education that enhances critical thinking; opposing straight restrictions to freedom, and pointing toward liberation of students and teachers all over the world. In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, he draws attention to ideological or political duty of education. In this work, he brings out versatile themes such as dialogue, the banking concept of education, and oppressive education. Erwin Epstein and other individuals opposed Brickman’s proposal of changing CES to CIES. Brickman had incorporated
Ideological Relations between Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchev Essay
Ideological Relations between Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchev - Essay Example The second fight was against the nationalist Kuomintang (Marks 10). The Nationalist Kuomintang was led by Chiang Kai Shek. The overlapping wars persuaded Mao to ignore the advice and directions by Stalin. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Mao followed the lead of Stalin and agreed on the Joint Anti-Japanese Coalition with a leader of Nationalist Kuomintang, Chiang Kai Shek (Hershberg 149). The treaty of friendship was signed with Nationalist Kuomintang in 1945. After 3 months of Japan’s surrender, Stalin broke the treaty (Li 4). In 1950, Mao Signed Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship & Alliance (Li 409). The alliance resulted in $300Mio loan at a very minimal interest rate along with the military alliance for the period of 30 years. In 1954, after the death of Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev met Mao and formally handed over Port Arther base to China (Khoo 4). The Post Stalin policies by Khrushchev were in conflict with the mindset of Mao. The reason was that Khrushchev den ounced Stalin through his speeches. In 1956, Khrushchev developed the relationship with Yugoslavia. The leader of Yugoslavia Joseph Broz Tito was denounced by Stalin. Mao was the supporter of Stalin’s ideology. Khrushchev tried to dismantle Mao’s support of USSR. ...  The major reason for the Sino-Soviet split was the national difference. The political line of Mao was totally opposed to that of Khrushchev. Therefore, the conflict in political perspectives between the two parties leads to the creation of two rival formations internationally. The issue was not explicitly considered as the national difference. The issue was believed to be the different historical developments between Russia & China. Different level of productive forces was considered as the major difference between two rivals. In addition to this, the Russian revolution began from the cities and moved towards the countryside, whereas the Chinese revolutions began from the countryside and moved towards the cities (Westad 9). Moreover, the relations to imperialism between the countries were also having a different perspective. The Sini Soviet split was basically the ideological conflicts. Therefore, in 1960, the worsening of ideological relationships between Mao Zedong and Nikita K hrushchev lead to the Sini Soviet Split. 2. Critical Evaluation of the Sources Most of the data regarding the Sino Soviet Split was retrieved from a number of different sources. A brief critical evaluation of two of the sources is as follows Source 1: Sino Soviet Conflict: Cold War In the Communist World 1921-1959 The Sino Soviet Conflict was the book written by Lorenz Luthi, which was published in 2010. The book elaborated the Sino-Soviet Conflict with great details. Therefore, the book describes in detail history of Cold war and the reasons for Sino Soviet Conflict.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Convergence Culture Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Convergence Culture Argumentation - Essay Example is the merging of old business idea such as marketing in business ideas that deal with the new generation goods and services while cultural convergence is when the audience becomes the user. The emergence of the media convergence has given the audience capacity to store, edit, improve and recalculate media content. This is an outcome of the current trends in new generation media which has such features like download, edit play, watch, and upload share among others. This features give the audience unlimited capacity to modify media products and take them back to the same market as if they were originals. Global convergence occurs due to international circulation of media products such as music and film content. This has further been reinforced by the development of social media platforms such as chat, face book, Sykpe, Google+ among other which make the circulation of media products very easy. It has made communication easier by development of new media gadgets that can perform multiple tasks eliminating the need to have several bulky media items. The new models are precise, efficient and portable. This means that there is the flexibility of accessing the media item even on the move, or attending to other tasks. Cultural convergence has made the global market to be more competitive hence initiating creativity and diversity to compete fairly in the market. This culture has brought about new trends in socialization making it dynamic. It has reduced the social barriers and bridged geographical barriers making it possible for people in different regions to access each other just by the click of a button. It has created a platform where media products can be improved and shared with much ease. Accessing media con tent has also been simplified. However some negative effects have come along with cultural convergence. They include: Lowering the worth of ideas in media production. Often the initiator of the original ideas do not reap from their work since other people
Ideological Relations between Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchev Essay
Ideological Relations between Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchev - Essay Example The second fight was against the nationalist Kuomintang (Marks 10). The Nationalist Kuomintang was led by Chiang Kai Shek. The overlapping wars persuaded Mao to ignore the advice and directions by Stalin. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Mao followed the lead of Stalin and agreed on the Joint Anti-Japanese Coalition with a leader of Nationalist Kuomintang, Chiang Kai Shek (Hershberg 149). The treaty of friendship was signed with Nationalist Kuomintang in 1945. After 3 months of Japan’s surrender, Stalin broke the treaty (Li 4). In 1950, Mao Signed Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship & Alliance (Li 409). The alliance resulted in $300Mio loan at a very minimal interest rate along with the military alliance for the period of 30 years. In 1954, after the death of Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev met Mao and formally handed over Port Arther base to China (Khoo 4). The Post Stalin policies by Khrushchev were in conflict with the mindset of Mao. The reason was that Khrushchev den ounced Stalin through his speeches. In 1956, Khrushchev developed the relationship with Yugoslavia. The leader of Yugoslavia Joseph Broz Tito was denounced by Stalin. Mao was the supporter of Stalin’s ideology. Khrushchev tried to dismantle Mao’s support of USSR. ...  The major reason for the Sino-Soviet split was the national difference. The political line of Mao was totally opposed to that of Khrushchev. Therefore, the conflict in political perspectives between the two parties leads to the creation of two rival formations internationally. The issue was not explicitly considered as the national difference. The issue was believed to be the different historical developments between Russia & China. Different level of productive forces was considered as the major difference between two rivals. In addition to this, the Russian revolution began from the cities and moved towards the countryside, whereas the Chinese revolutions began from the countryside and moved towards the cities (Westad 9). Moreover, the relations to imperialism between the countries were also having a different perspective. The Sini Soviet split was basically the ideological conflicts. Therefore, in 1960, the worsening of ideological relationships between Mao Zedong and Nikita K hrushchev lead to the Sini Soviet Split. 2. Critical Evaluation of the Sources Most of the data regarding the Sino Soviet Split was retrieved from a number of different sources. A brief critical evaluation of two of the sources is as follows Source 1: Sino Soviet Conflict: Cold War In the Communist World 1921-1959 The Sino Soviet Conflict was the book written by Lorenz Luthi, which was published in 2010. The book elaborated the Sino-Soviet Conflict with great details. Therefore, the book describes in detail history of Cold war and the reasons for Sino Soviet Conflict.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Water Pollution Plan Essay Example for Free
Water Pollution Plan Essay The Ocmulgee River runs from Lake Jackson and winds its way through thirty-three counties in Georgia before emptying into the Altamaha River. The river winds over 6, 180 square miles. Many towns can be found along the path of this river. Hawkinsville, Georgia is one of these towns. It is a city in the Pulaski County. A favorite past-time for many in Hawkinsville is the numerous fishing trips that are taken on this river every spring or summer. People from all over the south come to the Ocmulgee River to canoe down through its winding paths and beautiful forests. With the increased activity comes an increase in the amount of trash and pollution that is dumped into the river. Water Pollution in Ocmulgee River Nowadays, Ocmulgee River is already polluted. Trash is thrown into the river from boats, docks and people who are walking along the banks. People take the beauty of the river and its surrounding nature for granite. Oil and gasoline from increased boating activity leaks into the river and further contaminates the water. With new park, recreation and subdivision areas being built near the riverbanks, there is an increase in the concern over the pollution that is being dumped into the river. At one time, Hawkinsville had a textile facility located directly on the riverbank. This became a dumping site for trash and other debris that the factory no longer needed and chose not to cart off. Ways to Reduce the Water Pollution in Ocmulgee River There are several ways in order to reduce the water pollution in Ocmulgee River. According to an article published by the State Water Resources Control Board-California Environmental Protection Agency, there are some ways that can be followed in order to prevent water pollution while having outdoor community events, recreation outdoors and other recreational activities like boating (Rukeyser, 2006). First is to plan ahead and be prepared always. Bring the necessary things needed for the activity as well as emergency must-have like maps. When planning for an outdoor activity, meticulously take into account some practical means on how to reuse some items you are planning to buy. Make sure that the materials you will buy can be use after your first outdoor activity. Next is to camp on sturdy places. Also, try position up camps in more or less 200 feet away from the border of the lakes, rivers, streams and other bodies of water to prevent adding water pollution. As much as possible, have small campfires and put them off afterwards as well as spread out the cooled ash in the place. In addition, use proper sanitary facilities. If the likes are not available, bury body wastes in ‘cat holes or burrow six to eight inches deep at 200 feet away from the body of water. This is to ensure that the wastes will not contribute to water pollution especially when rain runoff occurs. Then, properly dispose all garbage. Also, clean up objects around you so that you will leave the place clean. Moreover, always dispose garbage in wastebaskets. In some parks, wastebaskets are provided so make sure to throw your litter. If not, take your recyclables and other garbage home and not just irresponsibly dispose it in the area. Furthermore, do not collect items such as natural, historical and cultural objects you saw in the place. Leave them as it is. Do not disturb the wildlife you see in the place especially during crucial periods such as winter, nesting or rearing young. As much as possible, do not bring your pets along with you so as to minimize the disturbance of the wildlife in the area. Likewise, respect and be understanding to other visitors. Stay away from activities that make loud noise. If possible, keep distance with other campers. Lastly, always follow the ‘Leave no Trace’ principles when having recreations outdoors. On the other hand, in order to lessen the pollution caused by the oil and gasoline from boating activities, use human powered recreational boats like canoes, rafts, kayaks, paddles and other non-motor powered equipments like skates and bicycles. In this case, it is not only water pollution that is reduced but air pollution as well. If there are factories that are situated near a body of water, they should provide facilities for the appropriate disposal of some hazardous wastes. These also should be labeled for proper identification. Other Approach in Reducing the Water Pollution in Ocmulgee River There are also volunteer programs whose main aim is to keep the waters of Georgia clean. For instance, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division Watershed Protection Branch has an annual program wherein the community volunteers and the 4-H office team up with them to host the annual Rivers Alive Ocmulgee clean up for the Hawkinsville-Pulaski County area. There is a pleasing outcome of the activity since everybody is involved, even the school children participates in cleaning the banks’ trash and other debris that has been dumped in or near the river. In return, the volunteers are treated to breakfast by the local 4-H office and are given a Rivers Alive shirt after the clean up to show their participation in the said annual function. Reference: Rukeyser, W. L. (2006, February 14). TIPS ON REDUCING STORM WATER POLLUTION Retrieved February 24, 2007, from http://www. swrcb. ca. gov/erasethewaste/reduce. html#community
Monday, October 14, 2019
Uber Business Model Analysis and CSR
Uber Business Model Analysis and CSR Part 1 Founded in 2009, Uber is a web-based transportation network company headquartered in San, Francisco, California. It offers a taxi-replacement technology platform that connects driver-partners with riders via a location-based app and operates in over 60 countries around the world. As the first ride-sharing business, it has become the term used when describing the service. South Africa is a challenging market to enter because of economic divide, national pride, and high crime. Ubers core competencies are its brand name and reputation from being a first-mover and a corporate culture created from effective talent management that drives entrepreneurship and innovation. This has allowed the young company to effectively organize drivers and vehicles it does not own. By being the first web-based transportation network, Uber has a competitive advantage over similar companies as a first-mover. As a first-mover, Uber has been able to understand its business model, customer problems, and the fast pace of technology. This has given them the ability to be both proactive and reactive to solving issues in a rapidly changing environment. Uber had a three-year head start in the market and took full advantage of it. Its first-mover advantage is firm-specific and used maintain its competitive edge to prevent fast followers from catching up. It has a bold history and used a beg for forgiveness rather than an ask for permission strategy to enter the market. The taxi industry is highly fragmented, deeply regulated and mostly stationary in terms of innovation. It realized consumer frustration with the status-quo taxi industry and solved the problem by building a disruptive business model to execute an aggressive strategy and apply innovation to provide immediate relief to the chaotic situation. Professors Henrich Greve of INSEAD and Marc-David Seidel of the University of British Columbia studied the role of how being a first-mover played in overall success. The two professors realized that first-movers typically had an advantage over rivals, even with an inferior product or service, because they learned from mistakes and became better over time (Greve Seidel, 2014). Only eight years old, Uber is a young company, but has already become a well-recognized brand. Its brand name has become a verb, synonymous with the online ride-sharing service. Ubers name recognition as a first-mover produces loyalty among current customers and attracts new customers to its service even before other firms have entered the market. As a first-mover, Uber benefits from economies of scale and a vast network of established stakeholders and resources (drivers, customers, employees, technology, capital, etc.), which allows it to increase efficiency and decrease cost s. Its first-mover advantage allowed the company to learn rapidly and obtain large amounts of data to create customer-driven marketing strategies, labor specialization and industry cooperation. Because of a longer learning curve, it can create customer value, drive down prices and implement more cost-efficient techniques into its business model. Uber is a cut-throat corporation with a large war chest. Founded in 2009, it is now worth around $70 billion and is the worlds most valuable startup company (The Economist, 2016). Its capital, gained from being a first-mover, allows the company to expand faster and take risks its competitors cant afford to. Uber established itself as tech firm and not a transport company, which allowed it to expand globally and bypass taxicab regulations. If it is not able to enter a specific market because of extensive regulations it implements capital-intensive battle strategy. Uber has been able to spend billions on aggressively fighting and disrupting ta xi industries around the world. It also has spent large amounts of money to boost innovation, diversify its business, and lock in strategic relationships with governments and other businesses. Its first-mover advantage has also been able to attract and retain the top talent shaped that has been able to shape its corporate culture. In business, culture is important because it attracts talented and skilled individuals, increases employee productivity and operational efficiency, and improves quality and reputation. Ubers culture is a core capability and firm-specific because it uses a highly paid, extremely motivated and specialized workforce who keep the companys mission at heart. The company created a customer-centric and data-driven culture that promotes creativity and encourages passion. Its culture is based around value creation and uncovering This culture was created from its differentiating brand identity, which allowed it to capture and preserve a dynamic group of top talent. Its first-mover advantage, cool image and unique brand identity has created a staff of intrapreneurial millennials by attracting and retaining a workforce of intelligent young talent from all over the world to create its dynamic and innovative-driven. Most of Ubers employees are between the ages of 25 and 35. It is also one of the fe w companies in Silicon Valley that hires large amounts of employees with PHDs. Its business model is driven by its culture and has earned it a reputation of providing an enhanced user experience, translating to higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue. Its corporate culture has led to great innovation and Ubers pioneering technology with its verified drivers and cars, its dual-rating system that improves customer satisfaction and user confidence, and has allowed Uber to deliver a premium level of reliable service at an affordable rate. Its intelligent and aggressive culture created the atmosphere to bypass high barriers of entry into the taxi industry. To promote itself, the ride-sharing technology company creates strategic partnerships and uses great advertising and marketing campaigns to promote itself, which has resulted in the companys high visibility and customer awareness. and an unlimited fleet of partners and vehicles has made it a global player in the market. Uber used its strong transferable international brand to enter and disrupt the South African taxi industry. The company implemented its brand and leveraged its current business model into the country by adding programs to address the issues it would face. Ubers brand had the chance of suffering from location disadvantages in South Africa because of high crime and unemployment rates, but Uber was able to address these key issues early on, before they had the chance to hurt its intimable brand name and reputation. It improved safety features concerning its service. In South Africa, all drivers had to be verified and an annual follow-up was required to protect users. In South Africa, public transportation was slow and inconvenient. It low cost attracts mostly poorer citizens. There are safety concerns with the taxi services in the country because of high crime and taxi turf war. This issue is increased because taxi drivers only accept cash payments. Ubers main coemption will be against Zebra Cabs, a South African metered cab service South Africa is a technological country where most citizens are technology-savvy. Uber used its disruptive technologies to enter the country by adapting and offering technology that catered to local needs. Uber uses great technology to bring riders and driver partners together. Africa has a huge potential market for Uber and South Africa is the most economically developed country on the African continent Part 2 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), With the rise of technology, the world and the business environment has become more globalized and transparent. Multinational Corporations (MNC) compete in a global arena. In the realm of rapidly moving business environments and an increased rate of globalization, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become more significant and apparent. The society of the world has put substantial pressure on these global firms to make them responsible for activities and actions. CSR can be simply summarized as doing the right thing. It is concerned with how the activities of firms have an impact of the fundamental, economic, and social impact on society. Still a relatively young subject, CSR Kim Kercher examined History, Research and Writings on CSR The concept of corporate social responsibility is a relatively young subject matter, mainly a product of the 20th century, especially the last 70 years. Its roots can be traced back centuries further, but formal writing on the subject has been a product of recent times. Archie B. Carroll traced the evolution of modern CSR back to 1950s (Carroll, 1999). Before the 1950s, CSR was referred to simply as social responsibility (SR), possibly because these periods preceded the era of corporate influence and dominance. The contemporary idea of CSR was established by Howard R. Bowen, known as the Father of CSR because of his early and influential work. In his landmark book Social Responsibilities of the Businessman, Bowen believed that the worlds largest businesses were vital centers of power and decision making and the activities of these specific firms affected the lives and aspects of many (Morrison Bridwell, 2011). In his 1953 publication, Bowen argued that corporate responsibility encom passes more than following the law and reaches beyond a legal scope. Bowens social responsibility doctrine explained the responsibilities businesses owners had and how they must protect humanity from the harmful side effects of certain business activities by implementing policies and rigorously following them. The 1960s were significant in the history of corporate social responsibility. The depth of CSR began to expand in the 1960s as one of its first and most influential writers, Keith Davis (1960), defined social responsibility as businessmens decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firms direct economic or technical interest and that being socially responsible would pay the company back in the long run, through an increase of economic gain. In his piece, the Iron Law of Responsibility, Davis observed that businessmen were more worried about profit and immediate economic interests than they were about other important subjects. He broadened the thought s of Bowens Social Responsibilities of the Businessman by stating that social responsibilities of businessmen need to commensurate with their social power. Davis argued social responsibility should consider the environment and other issues regarding public welfare issues and that the power of corporations must continuously be checked by social responsibility. The term CSR was first used in the 1970s and became widespread due to globalization. Core Characteristics and Benefits According to Sen and Korschun, CSR is driven by stakeholder relations, social obligations and marketing (Sen Korschun, 2006). Every firm is responsible and held accountable to its stakeholders. In spite of many efforts to create a clear and impartial definition of CSR, there is still no universally correct definition for the concept. While the fundamental features of CSR are visible in the practice and remain the core characteristics of the concept, hardly any definition includes them all. Aminu Ahmadu Hamidu, Harashid Md Haron, Azlan Amran (2015) state that corporate social responsibility has six characteristics: Voluntary, Internalizing or Managing Externalities, Multiple Stakeholder Orientation, Alignment of Social and Economic Responsibilities, Practices and Values, and Beyond Philanthropy. Strategic CSR Corporate social responsibility has become a standard business practice in the business environment, even more so for multinational corporations. CSR has been implemented into global branding and is the core of many business strategies in order to promote long term growth. Jevons and Polonsky (2009) believe that todays multinational corporations must view CSR from a strategic view within the global arena. With an advance of technology and faster communication channels, consumers are more aware on world and business events. Studies have shown that the ethical conduct of firms has a great influence on the purchasing decisions of consumers. In an investigation by Environics International, more than twenty percent of consumers stated their purchases were companies based solely on how they perceived the business (Mohanty, 2008). With increased interest from customers and other stakeholders (employees, suppliers, investors, communities, and activist groups), there is a growing demand for g reater disclosure. Because of this, organizations and the individuals within them must consider its complexity and explore it to better understand how it is related to branding strategies. Because these multinational firms operate in several business environments, they must be able to relate each set of responsibilities at numerous points, encompassing a variety of company activities (Valor, 2007). Strategic CSR is used to help firms achieve a positive impact on society while maximizing the shared value for all the organizations stakeholders. The notion of share value creation derived from Professor Michael Porters theory of competitive advantage (Porter, 2011). This theory suggests that firms need a structuralist view to create a strategic share value for competitive thinking. By implementing this strategy, firms are able to defend themselves against competitors. Firms use strategic CSR in the daily operations of the firm and is central to the activities of the firm value creation system. Werther and Chandler (2005) examined several multinational companies and found out that global brands are often central to competitive strategy and work by guaranteeing consumers are provided the best in quality, consistency, and security. By delivering customers guarantees, these brands can reduce costs while increasing profits. Studies have discovered the positive effect of CSR practices on profitability and other performance measures (Goyal et. al, 2013). The publics expectation of firms is that they will function in humanitys best interests. With the rise of technology and social media, the importance of CSR is intensified. David Woods studied the correlation of revenue and CSR and found out that CSR is not only ethical, but profitable, especially in regards to long term gains (Woods, 2011). Woods wrote that studies have shown that organisations that had a genuine commitment to CSR substantially outperformed those that did not, with an average return on assets 1 9 times higher. Kellie McElhaney (2007) believes that CSR is more of a strategy than a concept. McElhaney does not believe that CSR is a remedy to the problems that affect the planet, its inhabitants and the global business environment, but a practicable and essential element of overall business strategy. McEkhaney believes to be more effective, strategic CSR needs to be aligned with the core business objectives and core competencies of the organization. Matthews (1982) believes that corporations are not monolithic entities, but organizations administered and controlled by individuals and attached in the societies in which they operate. Because of this aspect, CSR must reflect the human element of firms and contribute to their communities and overall society. Impact of Globalization on CSR Professor Roland Robertson defines globalization as the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole (Robertson, 1992). Consumers are no longer restricted to their smaller-scaled home markets and now have access to a vast international market. Globalization, especially for multinational corporation, brings more opportunities and benefits, but also creates ethical issues and other problems when dealing in foreign countries. CSR covers a wide range of interests and the rapid rate of globalization has led certain corporations and developing countries to become significant players in the world economy. However, developing countries with emerging economies have critically encountered an abundant amount of issues (religious, governmental, social, cultural, environmental, etc.) Rhys Jenkins (2005) studied the effects of globalization on CSR and its influence on society. Jenkins notes that the present movement and concentration of global CSR today dates back to the early 1990s. This movement led to the international rise of CSR, global deregulation, the creation of development agencies, increased foreign investment, and the reduction of poverty, but played a major part in the shrinking role of national governments. With globalization and corporate responsibility intertwined in an increasingly competitive market, the influence and responsibility of business firms is increased while the control of governmental bodies is reduced. Historically, national governments depended on regulatory measures to bring societal and ecofriendly purposes to the business sector. Verma (2015) claims that dwindling government resources, combined with a suspicion of regulations created a search for voluntary and non-regulatory initiatives which reduced the power of governments. Scherer and Palazzo (2011) assert that it is crucial to shift towards a larger, politically-centric concept of CSR, especially in a globalized world. Because of globalizatio n, the authority of national governments is getting weaker when it comes to regulating the activities of global firms. Governments around the world are in a constant battle (and race to implosion) with other countries in order to win the competition. Corporations must practice morally and promote ethical decision making standards in order to avoid political conflict and the societal consequences. Global firms are not only responsible of their in-house activities, but also for the activities of their suppliers and partners. Due to an exploitation of child labor from its suppliers, Nike faced a global consumer boycott and had to make extensive enhancements in the working environments of its various supplier plants (Brause, Locke and Qin, 2007). While some activities and practices may reduce costs and legal in some parts of the world, partaking in these unethical business practices may be considered immoral and damage the publics perception of the company. The Future of CSR Bowen, H.R., 2013. Social responsibilities of the businessman, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. Hamidu, A.A., Haron, H.M. Amran, A., 2015. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review on Definitions, Core Characteristics and Theoretical Perspectives. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4). Jenkins, R., 2005. Globalization, Corporate Social Responsibility and poverty. International Affairs, 81(3), pp.525-540. Locke, R.M., Qin, F. and Brause, A., 2007. Does monitoring improve labor standards? Lessons from Nike. ILR Review, 61(1), pp.3-31. MacMillan, D. Demos, T., 2015. Uber Valued at More Than $50 Billion. The Wall Street Journal. Available at: [Accessed February 21, 2017]. Matthews, J.B., 1982. Can a corporation have a conscience?, Boston: Graduate School of Business, Harvard University. McElhaney, K., 2007. Strategic CSR. Sustainable Enterprise Quarterly, 4(1), pp.1-7. Morrison, E. and Bridwell, L., 2011, January. Consumer Social Responsibility-The True Corporate Social Responsibility. In Competition Forum (Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 144). American Society for Competitiveness. Mohanty, R.P., 2008. Quality management practices, New Delhi: Excel Books. Polonsky, M. and Jevons, C., 2009. Global branding and strategic CSR: an overview of three types of complexity. International Marketing Review, 26(3), pp.327-347. Porter, Michael E. Competitive advantage of nations: creating and sustaining superior performance. Simon and Schuster, 2011. Robertson, R., 2011. Globalization: social theory and global culture, London: Sage. Scherer, A.G. and Palazzo, G., 2011. The new political role of business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance, and democracy. Journal of management studies, 48(4), pp.899-931. Seidel, H.R. Marc-David, G.L., 2014. Being Early Beats Being Better. Harvard Business Review. Available at: [Accessed February 23, 2017]. Sen, S. Korschun, B., 2006. The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Strengthening Multiple Stakeholder Relationships: A Field Experiment. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(2), pp.158-166. The Economist, 2016. Uberworld. The Economist. Available at: [Accessed February 21, 2017]. Valor, C., 2007. A global strategic plan for corporate philanthropy. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12(3), pp.280-297. Verma, L., 2015. Impact of Corporate Social Responsibilities in Modern Business Environment. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, p.580.
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